18:30 ST
September News Discussion
Welcome to September!
September brings with it our new OotS, the Dappled Apple, along with the Drifting Petals and Silverwoods Circlet items! All of this month’s goodies were made by Eluii!
Stellar Spelunking feedback

All of your feedback on our Stellar Spelunking event has been processed and the results can be seen here. Thanks for all of your great responses; we will be keeping your comments and suggestions in mind for future events!

The Bone Monster has some company!

If you take a peek at the Bone Monster’s profile, you may notice a few familiar faces from around the Cave popping up! Canon characters have slowly been added to the Bone Monster’s account, from the shopkeepers that we interact with daily to some of the notable characters from the canon story. :)

Potions Master drops

After collecting some preliminary data on our new game Potions Master, we have added a 10 nugget prize payout for winning the game! We hope this will be a small incentive to continue playing and help us determine long term payout. In addition, we saw a preview of number of cute new potion items that will eventually drop randomly during gameplay. You can play around with these in the Magic Puddle!

In the meantime, thank you for playing and we hope you’re enjoying the game!

We implemented the mention system!

The much-requested mention system has finally been implemented! In order to mention another user, all you have to do is type [@username]. The previous method is still available, but will not send a notification to the other user. This can be done by typing [@userid].

For example: Crow will notify her that she’s been mentioned, whereas Crow will not.

We had a raffle!

Ten lucky users walked away from our Summer’s End Raffle with a brand new Glowing Changingshroom, and an eleventh received Tamako’s premade custom, the Sunshine Swirl! After the raffle, we hosted a discussion board to brainstorm ideas for the structure of future raffles and “gold-sink” options. That discussion is still going on here, and we encourage you all to share your ideas!

A handful of new items were added

Two new backgrounds were added to Lands Within, along with a slimy new friend joining the menagerie over at Leeetle Companions!

Stormy Sails was made by Tamako, while The Volcano and Bobtail Squid were made by feyers.

Waving goodbye to summer

With summertime drawing to a close, the Gerbera Daisy Mushroom will soon be cycling out of Fungimental Magic. This switch will occur at 00:01 on September 23rd, at which point our new autumn seasonal coat will be available!

Identify the Coat minigame!

Professor Mariel needs your help identifying coat samples! This mini-game will be running from August 31st through September 7th, so be sure to get your answers in before it’s too late! 

A new event is coming…

Our next event will fall in mid to late September! The structure of this event will be similar to last Halloween’s in that it involves solving puzzles and finding clues around the site, as well as some creative aspects. :) More details will be available as we get closer to release!

Posted 09/01/15


im so excited hhhf

Posted 09/01/15
I’m so happy, Dapple Apple is such a lovely Coat, I’ll have to get one for my Birthday pet!
Posted 09/01/15


and i definitely need me some lovely applies and tiaras!

Posted 09/01/15, edited 09/01/15

... Webbed footprints?


Seriously, I really wanted to remake my agwee custom from Digis here complete with her fishy tail but wasn’t allowed to. And no offense to customs with four legs and fish tails but… It’s not the same. Gwee’s were my favorite on Digis. I really hope we finally have an fishy equivalent

Posted 09/01/15
-rolls all over the footprints-
Posted 09/01/15

*Screeches like a mad person.*


Posted 09/01/15, edited 09/01/15
Hurray for the potion game update :D!! And of course always enjoy the events!
Posted 09/01/15
Wait—Lammergeier isn’t coming back for this fall?
Posted 09/01/15


From what I understand, the old seasonal will be back but at an increased price. However, there will also be a new seasonal available priced at the usual 72K. :D

Posted 09/01/15
Ooh yes!  I forgot this was our second fall seasonal.  Lammy will be back as well, but as [@Deddo] mentioned, at an increased price. <3
Posted 09/01/15
Ohhhh gotcha. Awesome. :D
Posted 09/01/15

This month’s items are perfect for my Flowering Fawn. Thanks Eluii! Up until today my poor deer has been naked xD; But I’m super pumped for the new seasonal coat and event and that’s really grabbing my attention in this announcement. Autumn is my favorite season and the Lammy is still one of my favorite coats thanks to its gorgeous fall colors and feathered tail <3 I hope I’ll have time to participate in the event!

Who am I kidding. I’ll make time, gosh darn it c:<

Posted 09/01/15
Auswren Ahh, Roscoe looks so good with those items!! My name is Eluii, and I approve of this style choice ;)
Posted 09/01/15

eeeeek this september event is super intriguing~!
and not only because it’s my first event on mycena -awkward laugh-

Posted 09/02/15

!!! Look what showed up on the Bone Monsters profile!

Is that the new event npc??

Posted 09/03/15

Oh, how beautiful! I adore the face markings and the little bag…
Hina, it’s Ambrose from The Sacred Tree chapter (and some other chapters too, I believe, but first introduced in that one)!

Posted 09/03/15, edited 09/03/15
Ohh he looks awesome! *v* I love his glowy eyes and the grey on his paws and ears.
Posted 09/03/15
Oh wow, I’m all kinds of jealous of that bag; it’s really nice looking. *“borrows” it* >u>
Posted 09/03/15

..... >_>
<_< ......

*caws at the Leetle Companion’s Shop*

Posted 09/06/15
CORVIDS. My people!
Posted 09/06/15
Crow Did you see this already?!
Posted 09/06/15
It’s a plot. Crow and Dove are trying to get their minions into all our accounts to spy on us, don’t buy them, it’s a trap!
Posted 09/06/15
But…. but they’re such cute minions!
Posted 09/06/15

*wakes up in the middle of the night and happens to see*

*immediately buys every single one*


(psst Myla, the crow doesn’t work on the upright catbase for some reason, just fyi~)

Posted 09/07/15, edited 09/07/15
(doragon feexed!  thanks :D)
Posted 09/07/15

rad :D y’all really know how to get me to spend my nuggets. -stares sadly at bank account and whispers WORTH IT-

Posted 09/07/15

Aaaaaaaaaaaaah magpies are my favourite bird! *o*

-Grabby hands-

So nice to see new things in the shops! :D

Posted 09/07/15

As several of our super observant members have already noticed, we have three cute new friends for sale in the Leetle Companions Store!

The Crow, Albino Crow, and Magpie are now available thanks to feyers!

Posted 09/07/15
Omg the bird army is growing XD
Posted 09/07/15