18:36 ST
[Event] Timer Error - All Fixed!

Hello everyone,

So as some of you have noticed, when Daylight Savings occurred, it also messed with the intrinsic timer of Marcy’s Harvest Festival, allowing you to endlessly combat Scholarcrows. As of the moment we currently cannot fix this glitch as our administrators are unavailable.

We urge you to pause with the event until further notice as a data rollback is highly likely.

We’re very sorry for the inconvenience!

This bug has been fixed! :D

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

Sorry everyone, glitch is working on fixing the error right now.  It was indeed due to DST. If you played out multiple scholarcrow battles within a half hour block, all but the first will be removed.  Unfortunately, any Halloween bags during this error period will be rolled back too.  For now, we’ve disabled the opening of Halloween Bags while we’re sorting through the data; please to not trade them in the interim!

Thank you for your patience while we get this sorted out!

Posted 11/01/15

Everything’s been sorted! Please carry on :)

(details here)

Posted 11/01/15