07:44 ST
[UPDATE] Edit Queue & the Custom Pricing Guide!
Custom/Edit Queue Updates

Hi everyone! As we mentioned in our November news post, we’ve been working on some exciting changes in regards to the custom queue. Now that our Harvest event is finished, these changes are ready to be released. There’s a lot of info here, so we’ve tried to break it down by section! As always, if there are any questions, we’ll be more than happy to answer them. :)

Consolidation of the Queue Pages

Following this update, all of our queues will be consolidated onto the same page, and you will be able to toggle between them with tabs. This should help tremendously with any confusion regarding Custom Credit, which can be used for any of the three queues!

Please note: you can still only be waiting in any one queue at a time. If you’re in the edit queue and you’d like to jump into the custom or sprout queue instead, you’ll need to either wait until your order is completed or forfeit your current place in line.

New Custom Pricing System

To start things off, custom prices will be changing. In general, you may notice an increase of some edit prices with this update. Most notably, edits are now priced based on their relative size and complexity. Smaller, less complex edits are more affordable, whereas larger, more complex edits have scaled up in price. This is to better reflect the amount of work that our artists put into custom edits, some of which can take an extraordinary amount of time and work for a relatively inexpensive price tag.

Some notable changes:

  • The cat/dog/fox ineki base prices have all been evened out to $50.
  • Some simple edits (e.g. ineki tail mix-matching, basic closed-mouth edit, drasillis wing removal, and kelph fin removal) are now included in your base custom price as these do not require much additional work for an artist.
  • Ineki muzzles and ears may now be mixed and matched between types!

In order to give players a clearer idea of what different types of edits will now cost under this new pricing scheme, we’ve put together an official custom pricing guide, complete with image examples and explanations. As always, if you are looking for an exact price quote, you’ll need to echo either Myla or Plasma who will be happy to assist you!

Q: Okay, staff, but what if I’m already in the queue - am I going to have to pay more than I expected?!
Never fear! If you’re currently in the custom queue, we will honor the previous pricing system for the form you have submitted. Your current estimate will remain accurate, unless you make a change to the order. This won’t be something you can trigger accidentally! If you attempt to make a change to your existing order, you will be notified several times that the action taken will convert your order to the new system and prices to give you every opportunity to reconsider. We want to ensure that anyone currently in queue does not have the carpet torn from under them, so to speak, but also ensure that new customs and changes are held to the new standard!

Q: But what if I need to make a small change to my custom order that won’t affect the pricing (such as a small change to a ref, or changing the coat name)?
In this case, it’s best to contact Myla and ask her to make that change for you. She’s happy to make small adjustments for you, but if she feels that your change is major enough to push your custom into the new pricing scheme, she’ll let you know and let you decide whether you’d prefer to leave it as is or go ahead and switch over.

Introduction of Kelph Customs!

Kelphi are now able to be ordered as customs! Taking into account the complexity of their template, their base price will be set at $90. We’re excited to see more of our fishy friends popping up around the site!

Addition of the Edit Queue

Finally, the advent of the edit queue is upon us!

The purpose of the edit queue is to allow you to make reasonable edits to already existing customs without having to go all the way through the custom queue again. Please note, however, that the edit queue will only be operating under the new pricing scheme, and currently has a price limit of $30 or less (for reference, this would be equal to 1 complex, 2 medium, 3 simple, or 6 super simple edits). Anything over this price limit should still go through the custom queue.

Q: What if I’m already in the custom queue waiting for an edit?
glitch is more than happy to move any qualifying orders into the new queue for you! Just give him a shout through an echo! Please note, however, that by moving your order into the edit queue, it will switch over to the new pricing scheme, and you may end up having to pay more than you were expecting to. You may also choose to stay in the custom queue with your current form, which, if unchanged after this announcement has been posted, will remain at the former price estimate. We suggest consulting our pricing guide before making your decision!

Q: I’ve been in queue for a while now… If I move my order into the edit queue, will I lose my place in line?
You will not! Edit queue orders will be queued by the date on which they were placed — so if I were to place an order in the edit queue as soon as it opens up, but then over the next couple of hours, five other people who were already sitting in the custom queue have their orders moved over, I would become sixth in line. This way, folks who have been sitting in the custom queue just waiting for edits don’t lose their spot in line. :)

Posted 11/14/15, edited 11/14/15


Uhhhhh, holy crap. Um, I just set up MC and FR threads to arrange trades for CC (a few days ago and today respectively) based off the old estimate Myla gave me.

Posted 11/14/15
If you are currently in queue Lala, then the estimate Myla provided you will still be accurate. :) If not, the price estimate may differ slightly now. You can use the provided guide, or echo Myla or Plasma to determine a new estimate!
Posted 11/14/15


It’s not in the que. I think it was nearly impossible to submit anyways because of the number of overlapping edit categories. xD;;; I was trying to figure that out when the news announcement was posted. So um, yes. D:

Posted 11/14/15

“Two minor expression adjustments, or one significant expression adjustment (e.g. wide, toothy grin or long tongue).”

Hehe >V>.

Posted 11/14/15
So like, what if we didn’t have a price estimate? ;;  I wanted to give the artists free-range with my edits - will I still be getting as much as I would have before or will they be in the new pricing mind-set?
Posted 11/14/15

Hawkins have a look at your custom order. If there is a big yellow banner at the top that says This order is priced according to the old pricing system. Editing the order will make it fall under the new pricing guide. then your order will not be priced according to the new pricing system. It looks like this:

Even artist freedom customs that are already submitted fall under the old pricing (unless you modify your order).

Posted 11/14/15, edited 11/14/15

*wistfully sighs at the idea of possible Kelph customs* ;o;

*moths soar from wallet* Welp. Maybe one day!

Posted 11/14/15, edited 11/14/15

I’m sort of in the same boat as Dakota, in that I have no idea what the difference in pricing between the systems would be for my queued custom (because they’re an “artistic Freedom” one). Obviously I’d probably prefer the one that’s less dollars. Will I be given a choice of prices when it gets to the final estimate, or should I try to guess? :s

edit: I’m super happy with these changes! Sorry the first thing I said was a specific complaint/confusion. Overall I think this is great idea, and I love the clarity of the edit guide, with the examples.
(buttttt it would be nice to see the cooldown for a new sprout on the sprout page, even if we’re also in another queue.)

Posted 11/14/15, edited 11/14/15

Just want to say that I love the new pricing guide you guys have provided. Makes it so much easier to work out what category an edit falls under / how much a custom would cost~

I’m also veeery pleased to see that Kelphs are available now…though it’s probably going to be a whiiiile before I can afford to put my idea through (not that he’s all that high on the list oops) XD

Posted 11/14/15
Jacq:  Because you have to pay for the order before an artist starts working on it, the artist will give you an idea of what they’d like to do for the artistic freedom custom and price it out before working on it!  The artist can price it with the new/old or just tell you which would be less expensive and then you can just switch to the new form right before paying if that is the less expensive option. *^*
Posted 11/14/15
Myla Alright, thank you. I’m still a little nervous it will take away from the surprise, though. Hopefully the kinks will be worked out in the next month or so before my number comes up.
Posted 11/14/15, edited 11/14/15
buttttt it would be nice to see the cooldown for a new sprout on the sprout page, even if we’re also in another queuejacq

You can :) The text hasn’t changed from before, it’s in the last paragraph:

Sprouts cannot be traded for 60 days after being delivered. In addition, after purchasing and receiving a sprout, you will be unable to place another order in this shop for 4 months. This 4-month “timeout” applies only to sprouts purchased in this shop, and does not apply to sprouts acquired in other ways (such as in raffles).Sprout Shop

It’d probably be a lot clearer if I put that up in a grey boxy thing like the other shops have though… I’ll look into how to make the information more accessible.

Posted 11/14/15, edited 11/14/15

Ahh, sorry if I’m being confusing (it’s early here).

Before I entered the custom qqueue, I remember the sprout pages saying something like “You last ordered a sprout on X”, or “You are ineligible to enter the sprout queue until X date”

Now it just says “You currently have an open custom order. You cannot be in both queues at the same time.”

Posted 11/14/15
Jacq: Oh! Of course, that makes sense. And would also be good information to have. I’ll work on getting that in there :)
Posted 11/14/15
Jacq: Ooh, you want for it to be an artistic choice and complete surprise?  In that case, the artist would pick the edits they want to do, pick the lower price (old vs new form prices), set it, and then you’d just pay without knowing what you’re paying for.. haha. 8) <3
Posted 11/14/15
Hurrah! Lovely changes. I slammed into the edit queue as fast as I could to add to Astrid ehehe. I’m so glad it exists now. And the price changes are so much easier to handle.
Posted 11/14/15

Edit changes were a little overwhelming to read at first, but overall I’m happy with these changes (esp. the single price for ineki across the board!!). It’ll take some getting used to/remembering, haha, but I think these prices make a lot of sense.

I kinda wish the new edit thing on orders calculated for you like the old one did, though.. I’m… lazy and bad with numbers. oop.

Now I just have to decide if I want to splurge on edits now… or wait and save for the custom in the queue already. >3>;; *stares at bank account*

Posted 11/14/15
glitch & Myla Thanks for addressing my concerns and clarifying! I feel a lot better now about the changes. :D
Posted 11/14/15

Corvani It does I think? When I went in and edited my order, it calculated it up when I added the numbers of the edits I wanted in the side where there are counters for the numbers of edits. The total showed up on the right hand side.

On that note, I’m happy there are number counters now for the number of edits of each kind because I was previously having to add multiple small edits to my mental estimate, and now it looks much more accurate.

Posted 11/14/15, edited 11/14/15

No problem, Jacq!

And it still does, Corvani!  IT’s that big bold text that says “estimated price” below the blank of your form.  *wiggles* :D

Posted 11/14/15

raus Oh maybe it just does when you edit actual orders? I used to play in the order form and it would calculate there too, but it doesn’t seem to be? Like… the one where you put in new orders is what I mean. Even if you have a custom in the queue you could mess with that one and it would add things up for you, too.

edit: ninja’d by Myla too! haha. AH, when I edited my actual order I see what you guys are talking about. I just meant on the new order form it doesn’t seem to be adding up, buuut I suppose it’s just because I have an actual order in place? No worries!

Posted 11/14/15, edited 11/14/15

Corvani Oh, well, I have one in queue so I don’t think it would show it for me. I’m kind of assuming it would look different if I didn’t have one in queue. Sorry, I can’t help.

Maybe it won’t show you the estimate if you have one in queue because the box for typing in new orders is gone until the current order is filled?

Posted 11/14/15
raus That’s what I’m thinking, yeah. It’s not a huge problem. I can either just go into my order now and price things out or just add it up manually. I’m just laaaazy. :‘D;;;
Posted 11/14/15
Corvani Aha yeah me too. XD I’m just happy I know the prices for both my upcoming customs lol.
Posted 11/14/15
Man, that was kind of perfect timing, I was hoping to place an order today! Loving the edit guide, that was pretty much exactly what I needed to check prices against.
Posted 11/14/15
I’ve gotten a couple of questions about changing the coat name of a custom or sprout.  You can do this through the edit queue!  It’s a $5 alteration! I’ll add that to the pricing guide.
Posted 11/14/15
So, because of the number tally, does that mean edits are now priced per edit, or will it still be one price for all edits of the same type? Like, if I wanted a simple flower hair clip and a simple necklace, would it just be $5, or would it be $5 for the flower and $5 for the necklace?
Posted 11/14/15, edited 11/14/15
Roan:  It’s priced per edit, so a simple flower and a hair clip would be two super simple edits for a total of $10!
Posted 11/14/15

When I tried to edit my custom edit form I got an error saying “Invalid pet selected”. I wasn’t actually trying to change which pet I want to get edited, and as far as I can see there isn’t actually a way to change that on the form? ouo But regardless, it keeps throwing that error whenever I try to change anything on my form.

Posted 11/14/15, edited 11/14/15