18:22 ST
Winter settles on Mycena Cave...

Winter crept slowly into Mycena Cave. The ineki living at the lowest parts of the cave were the first to notice the cold slither around their paws. Mixing currents soon caused the whole population to shiver, and finally, on a calm night, snow drifted down from above in the places that rock had not bothered to cover.

The coolness had brought in a particularly fruitful Blushroom crop. The heat from their roaring blushes was quelled and, no longer overheated, the Blushrooms thrived and there were plenty to go around. Although the cave insulated the creatures from the harshest of weather, it was a darker time in the cave when many preferred to cuddle up in the comfort of their homes, using dried moss to start a roaring fire in their hearths. The warmth of the fires in the darkness of the cave brought happiness to the creatures, and a feeling of camraderie shared by all.

Nonetheless, it came as a surprise when everyone found presents waiting for them in the middle of the night. Mostly finished ineki with a unusual blue coats and bright burning eyes waited for them, as well as a blushroom each… just in case.

Posted 12/18/13, edited 12/18/13

sdkjajdlsdjk Words can’t even.

Thanks you staff and happy holidays!

Posted 12/18/13, edited 12/18/13

Wow! What a delightful surprise! They’re so pretty and blue. <3

Thank you!

Posted 12/18/13
Oh, they’re beautiful!  Thank you! ^^ *cuddles pretty new pet*
Posted 12/18/13
What a stunning surprise! Thank you so much! -snuggles her lovely-
Posted 12/18/13
Wow! Thank you! So beautiful! <3
Posted 12/18/13

I was definitely not expecting a surprise like this.
Thank you guys so much!!!

Posted 12/18/13

Ahh. Pretties~
Thank you <3

Posted 12/18/13
Oh my gosh, they’re beautiful!!! <3 I was expecting an event to get them, but this is just… Eiii! :D
Posted 12/18/13
Aaaaah goodness, thank you so much! ;v;
Posted 12/18/13
Whoa goodness these are pretty, thank you so much!
Posted 12/18/13
Omg omg omg aaaahhhhhhh These are so pretty thank you! ;v; *snuggles him* I literally had a squee flail session when I saw this and now Mom thinks I’m crazy.
Posted 12/18/13

*peeks into thread* Hm, an announcement… What is everyone so excited abo— *looks at her pets* !!!!!!!

Thank you so much!! This is such a lovely gift. The colouration is gorgeous! I wonder what I should name my new Ineki…

Posted 12/18/13
That’s a wonderful surprise to wake up to! Thanks, guys!
Posted 12/18/13
Oh wow, Wren and I were just saying the other night how much we wanted one of these!!  Thank you SO much ;w;
Posted 12/18/13
So legit! :D Many thanks, staff. ^_____^
Posted 12/18/13

Oh, gosh. Owo

When you guys said there was a surprise coming, I kind of figured it’d be some little event thing, like a raffle or something, mayyyybe an item given out. I was definitely NOT expecting a pet. Especially a pet that’s so prettyyyy!

I honestly think this is my favourite coat so far! :‘D Thanks a bunch!

Posted 12/18/13
Homigosh, what a nice surprise to wake up to! Thank you so much, staff! They’re so pretty. ;u;
Posted 12/18/13
;o; Thank you ever so much!
Posted 12/18/13

Aww thanks glitch!

This has been the best winter ever, literally as my county currently has the most snow in the country as of this winter season. You have no idea how excited we all are for winter to be here. If we’re going to get a crapton of snow, we might as well win doing it.

Posted 12/18/13
Thank you so much! This is a fantastic surprise!~~ *high five*
Posted 12/18/13
Just…wow! So lovely and perfect! You guys rock!
Posted 12/18/13
Aw :3 Cute way to do Christmas.
Posted 12/18/13
Oh my gosh thank you so much guys!!! They’re so gorgeous!! :)
Posted 12/18/13
Glitch oh my gosh thank you so much ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! :‘D
Posted 12/18/13

Wow!! Thanks are definitely in order.

Happy Holidays to everyone here!

Posted 12/18/13
Woah, thank you!! I thought it was a nice little story and then noticed all the replies. Turned out to be more than a story :D
Posted 12/18/13
Thank you for the cute little story c:
Posted 12/18/13
Thank you, Glitch! Wow, this is awesome. Not only does the story set a great mood, it also paints a vivid image within a short span of words. I’m not that good at writing, but I hope to achieve what this story can within a small amount of words. Also, thanks for the awesome gifts! My smile just keeps getting bigger.
Posted 12/18/13, edited 12/18/13
Soooo awesome! <3 Thanks so much~ I love them. :D
Posted 12/18/13