08:12 ST
[UPDATE] Rules Revamp & New Forum Features

Hi everyone! :) A few months back, we discussed several upcoming changes to Mycena Cave’s rules, as well as some new forum features. We’re excited to announce that it’s finally time for these changes to go live!

Updated Site Rules

Our updated rules were laid out in this thread back in September. While we have tweaked the wording on some of them, these changes are now in place. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with them if you have not already! As always, you can find our rules by clicking on ’Rules and Guidelines’ at the bottom of every page. :)

Forum Updates
  • Expanded tagging:
    With our newly expanded tagging system, you’ll be able to more thoroughly tag your mature threads. Instead of one catch-all [M] tag, you will now be able to apply the following:

    • Language
    • Violence
    • Gore
    • Sexual content
    • Substance abuse

    You can select your tags by clicking on ‘advanced thread controls’ when you create or edit the first post of a thread. From there, you will be able to add any combination of the above tags as they apply, as well as a more descriptive content note, if you so choose. You’re able to select which forum tags you’d like to see under your community settings.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be sure to go through and correctly tag any of your threads marked with [M]! While this tag will continue to function normally for the time being, on December 1st, any thread that still has [M] in the title will have all five new content tags applied. If you are uncertain what threads you will need to review, you will be able to see a list of all of your threads that have [M] in the title under community settings until December 1st. Until then, you will still have the ability to filter [M]-labeled threads out of recent posts.

  • Hiding threads from recent posts:
    This feature comes in two parts. The first allows you to hide your own threads from appearing in Recent Posts, preventing others from seeing them. The second allows you to hide specific threads from appearing in your Recent Posts, preventing you from seeing them.

    • Hiding your threads:
      Hiding threads you create from appearing in the Recent Posts feed can only be done in certain forums, specifically any of the sub-forums under the Roleplaying section, as well as the Hangouts forum. This is to grant players more privacy in some areas while balancing the need to keep Recent Posts updated with the latest forum activity.  Please keep in mind that hiding your threads from Recent Posts is entirely optional, and that by choosing to hide them, all posts in that thread will also be hidden. You can enable this feature under ‘advanced thread controls’ when you create or edit the first post of a thread. Your threads will still be visible if a player navigates directly to the forum they are posted under.

    • Hiding other threads:
      If you’d like to hide a specific thread from Recent Posts without hiding an entire sub-forum, you will now have the ability to filter individual threads.  There is no limit to the number of threads you may filter from recent posts.

We hope you enjoy our new forum features, and as always, we welcome your questions or comments!

Posted 11/19/15

the thread permalinks are absolutely not working for me at all :D;;;;

cool that this stuff is finally being implemented.

Posted 11/19/15

Haha, I just noticed the same thing. Should be fixed now!

Posted 11/19/15
doragon: Whoops! Yep, the links to your [M] threads in the community settings page were pointing basically at random posts o_O Fixed though! :)
Posted 11/19/15

thank you for the prompt fix! *goes to edit stuffs*

Posted 11/19/15

glitch Nice to see everything updated! I like the option to hide threads. c:

One problem, though… whenever I tweak my community settings now it defaults my ID choice to display next to usernames? Even if I manually set it display in a tooltip it still reverts it to show by usernames.

Posted 11/19/15

yessssss…being able to block certain threads without blocking all in a forum will be nice!

edit: how does one filter out a particular thread? does it have to currently be in the recent posts for me to block it?

Posted 11/19/15, edited 11/19/15

glitch Crow

Am I just reading everything wrong or are parts of the rules that refer to sections referring to the wrong sections? @@;;;

Posted 11/19/15

We’re working on getting that fixed. :) Thanks for pointing it out!

Posted 11/19/15

Phage: yep! You click that weird eyeball with the “nope” symbol in it, over to the right of the thread title.

Corvani: thanks for the heads up! It’s been fixed :)

Posted 11/19/15, edited 11/19/15
omg…i just noticed the eyeball…it’s watching me
Posted 11/19/15
glitch That was quick. Thanks so much! <3 I find the IDs always distract my eyes. heh.
Posted 11/19/15
wait, the eyeball only shows up in the forum history and not the actual threads :o
Posted 11/19/15
Phage  that is correct: my previous post was answering “yes” to your question of “does it have to currently be in the recent posts for me to block it?”
Posted 11/19/15, edited 11/19/15

Haha, I feel like a dork, but is there any way to unblock posts that you’ve hidden from recents? I clicked the without realizing it would hide the thread. Not a big deal if I can’t, just wondering if there is a way that I didn’t see.

Edit - nevermind! I figured out how to ;o;

Posted 11/19/15, edited 11/19/15

radio - At the top of the recent posts page in the filtering options sections, if you expand it there’s an option to unblock threads you’ve hidden. :)

Or you can find it on your own 8D;;

Posted 11/19/15, edited 11/19/15
ohhh…totally misread that lol. would be nice to block things before i have to see them again but this is understandable.
Posted 11/19/15
Yay! I was just thinking about the new rules a few days ago and wondering when they would go into effect.
Posted 11/19/15
Awesome! Now I can fill my Cavern with placeholders without feeling guilty about anyone that has it on their recent posts 8’D
Posted 11/19/15

*plays around with*
this seems needlessly complex : -/

Posted 11/20/15
Are we welcome to just put all the mature tags on anything, to leave the option for any of that to come up?
Posted 11/20/15
Jingles: content descriptors are primarily for the use of other people to decide if they want to view your thread or not, so they should reflect the present content of the thread, or the direction in which you intend the thread to go. If you find at a later date you find that you need to add a tag to your thread, just edit the first post in the thread and apply whatever extra tags you need :)
Posted 11/20/15, edited 11/20/15

Just for clarification, we no longer have to tag a thread with [M], we just have to add the advanced settings tags and description?

Also, what would topics like sexuality, gender identity, etc fit in with the “no controversial topics” rule? We have had some members express opinions at LGBTQ+ members for discussing it, which by the diversity of opinions on that topic in the world places it as controversial. But I don’t think it should be considered controversial or mature here.

Also, I’m a little confused about whether or not discussing sexual schools of thought is considered “sexual content” if nothing graphic is mentioned, especially since Mycena is now age 16+. As you might recall, BDSM was brought up a couple of times in some discussions, but it doesn’t feel right tagging it as “Sexual Content” (I have temporarily) since it’s not always sexual in nature or inherently violent.

Edit: Also, I don’t think Spoilers are working right now. One of my threads won’t expand when I click the spoiler and it worked fine before.

Posted 11/20/15, edited 11/21/15

Roan: The tags which apply should describe the content. If the BDSM is fetishized or sexual in nature then apply the sexual content tag, if it’s violent in nature then apply the violence tag, etc.

These tags are just content descriptors, and adding them to your thread shouldn’t be seen as something stigmatic. With respect to LGBTQ+ it would depend on how things are being discussed — if you feel that what’s being discussed would have previously needed to be under an [M] label, then it should have the sexual content tag applied to it. Mycena Cave signup age is 16+, but we have decided that untagged content should fall under a “PG-13” rating.

Edit: could you link me via echo to the post in which the spoiler isn’t working so I can have a look?

Posted 11/20/15, edited 11/20/15
Thanks for the heads up! :D I changed my couple threads with [M] in the title over. :3
Posted 11/21/15
Thank you glitch, I couldn’t remember what all the moderators had said about those topics while we were actively discussing the rule changes. I’ll echo you the post.
Posted 11/21/15