02:09 ST
[Forum Game] Mycena Cave Cuisine Competition - Homey Edition [DISCUSSION TOPIC]

Congrats to the winners!

Aand, a liiittle belated, but thanks to Jacq and Malis for giving the cookies a go. It’s super interesting to see how you got on~

Jaqc, I think you may have just needed to do a little more stirring at the egg-adding and flour-adding stages. It’s a bit of an odd one, I guess, but the more you work the ingredients together, the better they bind / smoother it all becomes (the crumbly phase, in particular, tends to last quite a while |: ). I’m also interested to hear that they didn’t spread much when you started cooking them (but ended up super thick instead) – perhaps that’s linked to the chilling process / air bubbles? Or maybe just a difference between using baking soda vs using self-rising flour? I may have to try baking soda / chilling the dough for myself; see if I can actually get small cookies for once XD
They are pretty sweet, yeah. That’s the main thing the chocolate brings to them, really, and I quite like the idea of subbing in dark chocolate instead of white. I may try that in future!

Malis: I’m glad the beginner’s notes helped! Like I noted in my post, there were a lot of things that had me worried the first time round, so I’m glad those notes were useful :) Your variation on the fillings / suggestions for other additions also sound super interesting, so I suspect I’m going to be trying those out sometime, too!~

Posted 12/28/15, edited 12/28/15

I’m a little speechless right now ;n;. Thank you guys so much! As I told Juney; I can’t wait until I can call my mother & tell her the news, she’ll be just as happy as I am. Darcy was a lot of fun, & I enjoyed reading through everyone’s recipes. Life’s always busy around the holidays, but I definitely plan on trying a lot of the dishes when I have time.

Congratulations to Ruori & Essi! I really enjoyed both of your creative parts, they were so cute. ♥

Posted 12/28/15
Grats to the winners! I’ll definitely be bookmarking some of those recipes to try again later!
Posted 12/28/15

AHHH congrats to Jacq and Ally!!! eee i loved both your creativity <3

Ally, your Darcy is amazing! like wowEEE such crafty hands and eye for details * Q *!! i really liked reading about your creative process and making your delicious dish myself n Q n

Jacq, your cooking documentation was super enjoyable! your pretty drawings and little funny commentary made it so entertaining to read and follow along~ (uuu baby is so cute <3)

thank you both for sharing your talents and recipes! ^ Q ^

Posted 12/28/15
Congrats to the winners! I totally still want to try at least one or two of these recipes when I have more free time, myself! (I also kinda almost feel bad because my being a picky eater did kind of make my voting probably lower than some things deserved, but well, I can’t like what I don’t like. XD) Everything looked like it’d be delicious to anyone that liked that sort of thing, for sure, and I enjoyed seeing all the work done! I hope people continue to enjoy my cookies in the future, too…I like that this has given me some new ideas on how to make them that might be fun to try, too!!
Posted 12/28/15

XD You know for the longest time, I wondered why I received a gem and not from a nonny or someone. I thought it was for high scores since I’m currently in third.. or last time I checked. Then I realized oh wait, it’s not the end of the month. So what can it bbeeeee?

I completely forgot about it. Oops? XDDD LOL!

Welp, congrats to everyone. I’m just glad I was able to enter it this time around. o3o Next time, I’m gonna have to find a different recipe. Not dessert though.

Posted 12/29/15

Wahhhhh, congrats to the winners! *_*

There were a bunch of lovely recipes this time around and I’m sad that I didn’t have time to try a lot of them out! I have a few recipes that I’ve put to the side for the time being that I plan to make sometime in the future. <3

Thank you to everyone who submitted such tasty foodz and nom noms. :D

Posted 12/29/15
Congratulations to the winners! There were a lot of really tempting recipes this time around, and I definitely plan on trying a few more when I have a bit more time. Thank you all for sharing your recipes :D
Posted 12/30/15
Miranda‘s Apple Crisp inside puff pastry dough

+ A little bit of Juney Edition

I already wanted to make this, but various staff indicated an interest and then someone else already nominated, so I decided to prioritise elsewhere — but, I did have to try eventually! So then, when my mom asked me if I wanted to try & make appelflappen for New Year’s, I decided to put Miranda’s Apple Crisp in them BD!

...And they were so heavenly delishus that I made them again and took pics! Fff. Added walnuts to these, because holysmoly omnomnom @_@

Posted 01/08/16