18:51 ST
January news discussion thread

Happy new year!!

We managed to get a couple things done this month, probably the most exciting of which was search and then revamping the pet listings by using it :) Next on the menu will be a revamping of the inventory, because as we’re starting to notice, anything but the smallest inventories become pretty painful with the current layout. Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten the layering issue on some items!

Besides that, I have two other announcements to make:

Server-time will be changing soon by one hour
We made the decision several months ago not to observe Daylight Savings Time, so that every day would have 24 hours. This seemed like a good idea at the time, but has proven to be confusing more than anything else. So, we will be switching to regular US Central time (and thus will “go back in time” by one hour). I’ll try to get that finished up in the next few days :)

On use of Digis images
I’ve noticed that many people who have custom recreations have chosen to include the Digis artwork in your pet’s profile. You are of course more than welcome to do so, but do bear in mind that these images are owned by YayDigis. As such, they should have attribution (this can be as simple as a link).

Thanks! And I hope you all have a wonderful month :) Thank you so much for such a lovely 2013 <3

Other updates:
- (2014-01-06) nugget payouts for Canon and Semi-Canon RPs are doubled as of today :)
- (2014-01-09) chat nicknames have been implemented! Check out Chat Settings in your user menu
- (2014-01-10) added items to the OotS shop, made it possible to mix genders and lines for customs
- (2014-01-15) GIANT update to the inventory system :) Check it out!
- (2014-01-??) some updates i forgot to update the thread for edit: oh yeah pondshrooms :)
- (2014-01-25) BBCode has been expanded to let you wrap text around images. Use [img-l] and [img-r] respectively

Oops I forget the dates to these other things but:
- added crafting :D
- restructured the menus
- added bazaar search

Posted 01/01/14, edited 01/29/14

Happy for the inventory updates to come!
And VERY happy for the search! Such a small thing but it really is a necessity on a site like this!

I can’t wait to see even more updates. I know I’m. Or part of the team, but I’d you guys need help with anything, just let me know. :)

Keep up the amazing work guys!

Posted 01/01/14

Happy new year! Thanks for the update. XD

I suppose it’s a good thing I don’t hoard items here… *shifty eyes*

Posted 01/01/14
Ah, I was eagerly awaiting a search function! Now I can look at all the pets in a much more efficient way ^^
Posted 01/01/14

I would have hoped people would know by now to credit artwork where it’s due.

I think some pictures you can click on to lead to the profile on yaydigis. Unless I was just thinking that.

I would love it for a layering item thing and maybe when you want to sell them will it just be more than one at a time in the future? Cause doing multiples ones at a time is annoying to say the least.

Sometimes when I press on a slot in my inventory it shows the previous inventory I was at just because I click the current one and it’s empty. I find this confusing.

Posted 01/01/14

Hooray for updates!
Really digging the search feature! :) And I also can’t wait for the inventories to be fixed up.

Did the penguins poke out one of Malachi’s eyes? O8

Posted 01/03/14, edited 01/03/14

I just popped in the magic puddle to play around pointlessly and… Basket of shrooms?

Searched around and found them in the clothing shop. And I must say that I love them! X3

Posted 01/04/14

Pooka that link doesn’t work but I popped over to the Magic puddle and they are cute!
A little disappointed that the eyepatches don’t cover up opposite eyes but.. Still cute.

(This is totally the month for going broke OTL)

Posted 01/04/14

Hi everyone!

We’ve decided to up the forum payouts on the RP boards, doubling them :) You now make twice as many nuggets per post.

Posted 01/07/14

That’s great news!
The payout was pretty terrible before (no offense).
Maybe I should try it out again when I find the time ;;

Posted 01/07/14
You can also now set other nicknames to be highlighted in chat ^^ You know how when someone says your username the line is colored red? Now you can set your nicknames as well! Check out “chat settings” in your user menu (clicking your username at the top right)
Posted 01/09/14

A lot of you have asked about having a pet have opposite gender lines for their customs, i.e. have a male pet use the female lines and vice versa. I’m happy to announce that while it will cost you a blushroom, this is now possible for customs! Simply feed your custom a blushroom: its gender will change, but the lines will not.

As for how to get blushrooms, they’re now in the Out of the Shadows shop, along with the petrified mushroom and the mushrooms for the three forever coats :)

Posted 01/10/14, edited 01/10/14

That custom-gender thing is absolutely brilliant. :o
Also, yay! :D Blushrooms and petrified mushrooms! How exciting!

Posted 01/10/14

That’s a good thing to keep in mind for future customs.
Though I suppose it technically doesn’t matter for which lines you choose and the gender match-up, it makes me feel like I’m not restricted to the information on the pet profile now. I just don’t think I could have had a male pet with female line art and the information saying female without it bothering me xD

Posted 01/11/14
We just pushed the new inventory system! Check it out and let us know what you think :)
Posted 01/15/14

I just noticed that when I went to sell my fish.
It looks a lot better! :D

Posted 01/15/14

Oohh! Love the new inventory look.

Although I got item errors by:
Trying to remove an item two pets were wearing(whiskers).
And for some reason the Blue Espíritita I own is being held by a pet named Caprice (#491). Who is a pet I do not own. ono

Posted 01/15/14

...Caprice is mine…actually. XDD

Also it wasn’t detecting when I expanded that I own 2 of some items, but would display that I do. n_n;

edit: A way to shrink how many items displayed (when people start getting kinda insane inventories etc.) would be a neat feature for the future but this is much better than the previous one. =)

Posted 01/15/14, edited 01/15/14

*meanders to the inventory*

Oooooh. I definitely like this one. X.x So much easier to sell my fishing stuff. X.x One. at. a. single. time. ARGH!!! It doesn’t help I tend to forget about selling them until I have so many.

Posted 01/15/14

I like that idea, Sapphy. Like… a lot. Maybe it’s because I spend a lot of time on Gaiaonline, but I really do like smaller item icons. XD BUT! That’s just a personal preference. c’: The new inventory is much tidier looking now, and that makes me very happy.~ n u n

Perhaps a drag’n'drop feature like the pets could be implemented at some point? I like to organize things. XD Hmmm.. but that might interfere with the box openy-uppy thing that happens when you click an item.

Aaanyway, yeah! Happy happy Tammy Tammy~ n u n *gives glitch a cracker*

Posted 01/15/14
I was meaning more in the organizational sense like.. “Equips” and maybe beyond that how they were obtained on-site (ie, Clothing Shop, Event, Spirit Shop, OotS) Just incase we get a ton of items. xD
Posted 01/15/14

Because some of us aren’t hoarders…

*eyes Ll-ama and Firky*

Posted 01/15/14
Cool beans…much better than having to switch the inventory tab every time I wanna sell a fish.
Posted 01/16/14

whoops, clearly something needs fixing, i’ll sort it out right away :) Although interestingly enough, both of those conditions appear to have existed before the new inventory… *puts on his sherlock holmes hat and investigates* I’ll keep you updated here.

Update: fixed. items weren’t getting correctly unequipped when you transferred an item that was equipped to one of your pets. It’s all sorted out now though!

Ishy and Sapphy: I’m not sure I quite understand what you’re saying is wrong on your end? poke me on aim or something when you get the chance ^^

Posted 01/16/14, edited 01/16/14

Although it’s nice to not have to keep switching tabs to sell fish, I don’t like this look as much. :c

I’m a bit of a folder freak (my computer files are organised in so many folders it’s ridiculous), so I like having everything sorted away. It’s making my eye twitch seeing everything laid out in front of me xD.

EDIT (19/01): Now I’m not sure if I missed them before. But there are tabs now o3o. I think they are new. -Squees- (Or I’m just dumb).

Yesss, now it is functional and serves my ridiculous need to sort! xD It’s perfect! c:

Posted 01/16/14, edited 01/19/14
*drools all over this new inventory like there’s no tomorrow*
Posted 01/16/14
Oxton: hehehe I added those after your comment :D
Posted 01/19/14

Thank you glitch! c:

I felt pretty guilty being the only one nitpicking xD. As I said, it’s now perfect! I really appreciate it! :D

(Yes Mycena has best staff, it is now official!)

Posted 01/19/14
I have a quick question. How are the items organized now? o: Before it was alphabetical but now it seems to be kind of maybe grouped by what area on the Ineki the item gets equipped to? But then not really… I dunno. xD What determines the order?
Posted 01/19/14, edited 01/19/14
Dulcette: Good question! With a slightly complicated answer. They’re sorted by a secondary “sort-name” which we’ve assigned to them, with its general category of the item listed first. The specifics can be a bit of a judgement call, but we try to make it make as much sense as possible — basically, the property we’re trying to maintain is that when you think of the item, the first thing you think of is what its sort-name’s category should be. So for example, the sort-name of the “Yellow Espiritita” is “Espiritita, Yellow”, but the sort-name of the “Candy Corn Ring” is “Candy Corn, Ring” because it’s more associated with candy corn than with rings.
Posted 01/19/14, edited 01/19/14