22:17 ST
[RAFFLE] Sittin' in the Spotlight Raffle (drawn!)

oooh how exciting! i can never decide whether to open capsules or not, but it is a good kind of indecision ^^

thanks for holding another raffle, team!

Posted 02/05/16

Didn’t win anything for the raffle for my birth month ;w; RIP.
Congrats to the winners though~

Posted 02/05/16
*screaming* BLOWING ALL MY NUGGIES PAID OFFFF!!!! SQUEE!!! First ever win!!!! YAY! Thanks a bunch so excited~ Glad to participate!
Posted 02/05/16


Wait… is there something wrong with the drawn list? o.o I just went through some of the names and one of the people that won (Buffamoo) has been banned for multi accounting? Did you perhaps tag somebody wrong?

Posted 02/05/16
Congratulations to the winners! Can’t wait to see the new shiny things.
Posted 02/05/16
Espoir: Indeed they were, but their ticket still got drawn. In future raffles I’ll make sure that tickets belonging to accounts that get closed get removed from the bowl before drawing, thanks for catching that!
Posted 02/05/16

I’m going to cry….
New active is thanks to my changey

Posted 02/05/16


Ahhh… okay then, i see o.o So that’s what happened, and haha no worries i was just curious. I hope multi accounting isn’t something that’s happening with the raffles, or much less at all.. that’d be kinda worrying :\

Posted 02/05/16

Thanks for another raffle!
I really like these with all the prizes, so many winners!

Posted 02/05/16
Did the banned account prize get re-rolled or does it just stay on that account now? I’m curious haha.
Posted 02/05/16

I was one off once again! *shakes her fist at Lady Luck*

Grats to all the winners!!

Posted 02/05/16
Congratulations to all the winners! I ended up getting a double for an item I had one of, so I’m very pleased! I was debating on holding onto the capsule, but I like items too much :p.
Posted 02/05/16

Aaaaa, gosh, and I was drawn third, too! Thank you so much for the raffle!

Now to save up for a new pet to use this changey on… What a good way to end the day!

Posted 02/05/16
This is the best day :) It’s the very first item I’ve ever won in a raffle. Congrats to everyone else who participated <3
Posted 02/05/16
[@deddo]: It did not get re-rolled for logistical reasons — our raffles aren’t designed to be easily “re-rollable” or to continue drawing tickets after a drawing has been completed (because in theory this should never need to happen). We don’t need to close accounts very often so it didn’t occur to me to check before drawing.
Posted 02/05/16
I’m laughing so hard right now at the impossible deja vu. The last time I won a capsule from a raffle I got Flappy Mushies and this time I got… Flappy Mushies! 8D Haha, thanks for putting together another raffle for us! ^^
Posted 02/05/16
Thank you for the capsule, and congratulations to all of the other winners! :)
Posted 02/05/16

You opened a Cave Capsule 2013 to find a Kheper Mushroom!

Hooray! Thank you based glitch for the raffle <3

Posted 02/05/16, edited 02/05/16

I’m pretty sure that raffle just used up all my luck for the year .__.

Congrats to the other winners!

Posted 02/05/16

Ooh, first raffle win of my time on Mycena, and my ticket was even the first one drawn! Only used about a day’s worth of nuggets entering, too :0 Now to save up some money to buy a fodder pet to use the Changey on without completely destroying my savings like I did for last month’s OotS pet, haha.

Congrats to all the other winners as well, and good luck to everyone in future raffles! <3

Posted 02/05/16
yesssssssssssssssssssssssss I’m so happy
Posted 02/05/16
Sweet!  :D Now I have two of the things and I need to actually get some fodder to use them on, lol.
Posted 02/05/16

xD and my disastrous luck strikes again.  Congratulations to the winners, and Whooohoooo ~ Congratulations @Mosh for your wonderful changey luck!  And @Jacq for getting a Kheper mushie ^.^ 

That’s interesting about the banned account getting a something from the raffle, but I’m glad it will be something looked into for future raffles c=  thank you for the fun!

Posted 02/05/16
Congratulations to all the winners! :D Excited to see what your capsules and changingshrooms give you!
Posted 02/05/16

Yay! I won something! :D

You opened a Cave Capsule 2014 to find a Inky Paws!

Neat 8)

I dont need it so I’ll probably sell… its always fun opening these things though

Posted 02/05/16

Oh! I won something?? :3

I opened the Cave Capsule 2014 and got Origami Cranes! Awesome :D

Posted 02/05/16
AYYYY I GOT AN OBI *parades about*
Posted 02/05/16
Tfw your fiancee wins and you roll over in bed to tell her HEY YOU BUTT YOU HAD BETTER LUCK THAN ME Raja :U
Posted 02/05/16, edited 02/05/16
Congrats winners. ^^
Posted 02/05/16
First time winning & I got a birdcage lantern!
Posted 02/05/16