03:26 ST
Some updates with the forums!

Hi everyone! There’s been several forum updates:

The Non-Canon RP forum is now a paid forum

Posting in the Non-Canon RP forum will now incur the same nugget rewards as the Semi-Canon forum did :D

Merging of Semi-Canon and Non-Canon RP forums

Since its inception in October, the Semi-Canon forum has had a total of two users post in it. As such, we’re closing it down and threads from the Semi-Canon forum have been moved over to Non-Canon. You are encouraged to have a pet representation of your characters in your Non-Canon stories, but this is not required.

Nugget rewards for the Canon RP forum have increased

The nugget reward for Canon RPs has increased by 50%, so that you now earn about 15 nuggets per average 100 words.

Off-site trade forum added

We’ve created a forum for off-site trades, and will be moving have moved off-site trade threads over.

(oh and viewing an announcement post will finally clear its notification, because that was really annoying)

Posted 01/21/14, edited 01/21/14

tbqh, I’m not thrilled with this update. The Non-Canon board being paid is great, I think that’s cool. But getting rid of the Semi-canon board is disappointing. Yes, I was one of the two users who posted in it, and since it was released I’ve pretty much quit RP and am unlikely to do that anymore, so maybe my opinion doesn’t much matter. I sorta feel like the money I spent getting representation so I could RP them was a bit of a waste. Wanting the board wasn’t entirely about the currency, that was a pittance anyway, it was about receiving credit for that work if this site handled breedings and such like digis did with an RP requirement, or anything that had RP requirement would consider them. I’m afraid they won’t be considered for anything like that now because there’s no reason to have pet representation anymore. Maybe they wouldn’t have counted anyway, I don’t know. I just know that others I have talked to were looking forward to getting pets to RP in the semi-canon board and just haven’t really been able to afford any pets yet and haven’t had the opportunity.

This post is a bit of a mess but I need to get to class. Hopefully it’s not too hard to understand.

Posted 01/21/14

I’m also a little sad about the Semi-Canon board being deleted. ^-^’ I hadn’t posted there at all, so I guess it’s no big deal. But I also haven’t done many roleplays here yet. I probably would have done a number of roleplays there over time. I liked that it kept a really clear distinction between the three types of roleplays. I feel like it will be more muddled this way.
Anyway, nice updates! :3 Looove the off-site trade board! It’ll make trading on Mycena so much easier now that the board won’t be flooded!

Posted 01/21/14

I’m glad the non-canon forum is paid now. It’s a little bit of incentive to begin roleplaying characters I know a pet could never represent in the first place. I don’t roleplay animals and not all the characters I rp could be properly anthropomorphized into a furry critter from a cave. I still like the pets and I still want to get more, but I feel less pressure to acquire pets I need for roleplaying rather than…just pets that I like. If a pet shows up that maybe looks like my character though, I’ll probably get one too. But the pets are less of a nuggetmaking factor and more what they are, pets.

It’s a little late to be wondering about this, but I’m unsure what the semi-canon rp was really all about in the first place, since I figured “canon” rps took liberties with the site canon anyway and wouldn’t automatically be considered canon to the story…if that makes any sense. Like, there was no reason to differentiate between the two? idk. So this seems to confirm that the difference wasn’t much at all. Or I suppose…that the difference between semi-canon and non-canon was? I’m still confused on what the purpose of that forum was.

It’s good to have non-canon roleplays encouraged here, though. One might think it is superficial to encourage that with nuggets, but it’s really not. I think of it like, what is the difference between rping here and another site? I might have a larger selection of people to rp with somewhere else(which has its ups and downs, I’ll admit) without the arbitrary limitation of needing a pet for roleplay. I consider any kind of roleplay to be a creative endeavor that takes a lot of thought put into what words are used, whether it’s a rp about animals in a cave or a rp about…idk, surviving in a zombie apocalypse where the zombies can fly. It’s now no less valuable to spend time contributing to our own stories rather than one the site has provided. And I think that’s really cool.

Not sure how this factors into breeding, though, that is a good point. I never expected to have a chance at breeding(if it works the way digis breedings do…I don’t put my characters into permanent relationships like that), so it doesn’t matter to me, but it certainly could matter for someone else.

Posted 01/21/14

@Phage-The canon board is supposed to take place in the cave, and only in the cave. Pet representation requirements as well as taking into account any backstory that has been posted (obviously we’re not psychic..soo..)
From what I understood The semi canon board essentially was Pet representation (had to be named/born), but without the other stipulations. (so..sorta like the rules on digis) I figured the pet representation was tied to the board paying out Nuggets to prevent people from just going nuts because of the nugget payout.  x_x; But I’m glad the non-canon is paid now as a trade off for the semi-canon being deleted. Kinda curious if it’s the same payout as the semi-canon was?
I’m kinda sad to see it go still, it was a nice in-between. As it’s been mentioned it’s lack of use might’ve just been to people just.. not having the pets/characters. That and the concern about any RP requirements for the future I think is a legitimate one. Because not everyone RPs quad/anthro and that’s what the canon is for Ineki/Drasilia.

I’m overall just not sure what I think of the RP thread update, very mixed feelings and probably some questions that I can’t quite manage to put into words.

On the trade threads:
I love the separate off-site trade board. Will definitely make things easier n_n;

Posted 01/21/14, edited 01/21/14

Glitch, I am super thrilled with this. I always thought that non-canon should have a reward, as people are writing good words that are producing useful content that improves the rest of the site. As such, I’m glad those contributions to the site are being recognized. I also love how you maintained a distinction between canon and non-canon, as I do think those authors willing to conform to canon should be rewarded more highly, since it is a little more difficult to work with writing restraints.

AND THANK YOU FOR THE OFF SITE TRADE BOARD. As you know, I’m a bit of a digis fiend still, and it’s nice to have a place where I can trade things for gcc without cluttering up the local trades in the trade forum. I actually felt kinda bad about that, really. Also, I think that having a separate board will encourage users to look at mycena as part of a network of sites, which I think is important if you want to have a good web community outside the site.

Posted 01/21/14, edited 01/21/14

@blacksapphire- ooh, I see. So it was really more of a non-canon with a pet requirement. The name there was a little misleading, then. Idk what’s canon about not requiring any adherence to canon elements. Anyway, with so little of a distinction, I can see why it didn’t get as much use. I could see why people might want it brought back, though? I mean, purely from an organizational standpoint. Perhaps there will be a demand for it again as the site grows and people have more character-pets.

I also forgot to comment about the offsite trade board. It’s a very good addition. It’ll save people a lot of searching!

Posted 01/21/14

:D Thanks for separating the two for trading. While I do a lot of FR/MC trading, it’s nice to not see the forum flooded with FR stuff. Sometimes I want to buy MC items, and yeah… it makes the forum a lot cleaner. o3o

As for the semi-canon, it’s sad to see that one go. I didn’t have much of a chance to post in it since I either didn’t have enough pets or couldn’t find someone to RP with. I’m trying to be more active with the site and get back into the swing of things with role playing. However, I’m glad to see the non-canon receive some nuggets. There are many people who prefer not to write quad.

Maybe in the future, it can be brought back… like the others said. When there are more pets available and players willing to RP. :D

Posted 01/21/14
Very happy to see a separate trading forum for off-site stuff; thanks! :D
Posted 01/21/14
Insigne, Chibi Envy Chan: If at some point it looks like it’d make sense to have a semi-canon RP board, we can definitely look at opening it up again. For now, though, three months with two threads involving two users, it doesn’t make much sense to keep open. Insigne in particular I’m sorry you feel like your money was wasted getting pet representations :[ I’ll be in touch.
Posted 01/21/14
Is there a cap amount of nuggets that can be earned per post? Not sure if that’s already been asked… :o
Posted 01/22/14
Foxcat technically yes, but other than the welcome forum where the cap is 20 nuggets, you’ll almost certainly never see it. It’s mostly just in place to prevent a situation where someone makes an arbitrarily long spam generating arbitrarily large amounts of nuggets, then spending / using them before a mod has the chance to notice it and take action.
Posted 01/22/14, edited 01/22/14
glitch Would have posted there, but finding RP partners is hard. Right now I have only one. I’m hoping for more though activity in the classifieds isn’t high. :C *attempts to lure RPers*
Posted 01/22/14

First thing: Yay! Having payout for the Non-Canon RP forums is AWESOME, I just want to be perfectly clear that I LOVE this change!!! But secondly… I’m a little disappointed that it will pay less than Canon RP… :/ It’s not like any less work or creativity goes into canon vs non-canon RP. It’s all creative work done for fun, and in my opinion should all be rewarded the same for that creative effort. Though I suppose I see the idea of why, more support for playing in the current world ‘sandbox’ than out of it, I guess, sticking to characters purely based on ones you have characters for represented by pets, limiting yourself to established lore, etc…

I will add my 0.02$ into being a little sad the semi-canon is gone. v.v I wanted to play in that, it sounded really cool! I’ve just been SO crazy busy lately with a bajillion doctors appointments, stresses, and some changes in life that I hadn’t gotten around to pouncing it yet. :< Sad. Just an excuse, I know, I shoulda tried all the same. Aah, well. XD

But! Now that non-canon has a reward, maybe we’ll see more RPers wanting to get their toes wet, test out RPing, and build up to more interest in canon/semi-canon RP this way. :D Rewards are GREAT… >.>;; And to be honest, the lacking of reward is why I’ve personally been a bit… Lax… In my RP attempts on here outside of the event. With no reward, I have other places that yield no reward to RP in… Add a reward like this, and it’s incentive to do so here. :D

Though fully canon is -rough-. Too much conflicting personal interpretation and trying to push the edges sometimes gets people flack. (I got some over the last event here and there.) And that tends to kill the mood and drive of some people. Sometimes playing in the sand creates huge awesome sand castles epic enough to look real, and sometimes playing in sand just yields someone rolling around to make “Sand angels”. You’re still playing with the sand you were given, but some people will always say one is “Proper” art representation of the medium and one isn’t… Even though both are. Sadly not sure there’s any way to avoid that while still building on the world though… Even VERY ‘complete’ worlds have this problem if you try to play with ideas much. For example, to be honest, I don’t actually think my own characters “Fit” in canon, even making them anthro as I have. v.v I’d like to think they do, but canon RP is kinda at a tricky spot for characters like mine (high fantasy/magic using origin types), considering we’re still establishing lore and key “Yes” and “No” points.

Posted 01/22/14

HA! I already found the max on the Other Stories Forum. OTZ

Chibi: *steals you*.... again

Posted 01/22/14

Foxcat ......

O.o I’ve been stolen before?

Why didn’t I receive a memo on this?

Posted 01/22/14, edited 01/22/14


I am an oval, thank you. :P

Posted 01/22/14


So we’re not derailing, what’s the max nuggets earned for a post?

I’m a circle. o3o It’s much more fun that way, and I go faster downhill.

Posted 01/22/14, edited 01/22/14

Chibi Envy Chan: The caps are currently at 100 and 200 nuggets respectively

Skye: The canon is deliberately left fairly open-ended, so that people can RP in multiple ways: canon RP characters can be quad, anthro, or portrayed in any way of your choosing so long as they conform to what is “defined” within the cave and maintain their basic essence, e.g. a fox ineki, whether quad or anthro or whatever, will always have foxlike features, etc. Your RPs do not need to be consistent with other player’s RPs, only with the backstory and evolving storyline (chapter 1 will be up in the next couple days, yayy ^^). As the storyline evolves, it will continue to be intentionally left ambiguous in the same ways, to allow you to RP in your own style. As such, unless there’s something important we’ve accidentally overlooked, I don’t think we’ll be establishing much else in terms of “Yes” and “No” points that isn’t already defined. If there’s something that needs defining before you can know if your characters would fit, and we’ve neglected to put it into the guide, please reach out to a mod and they should be able to clear it up :)

That said, I agree that Canon RPing is significantly more challenging than the Semi-Canon — you need to be prepared to take cues from the chapters as they’re published, for one — which is why it’s rewarded with more nuggets.

And to allay any worries, we do not currently have any “RP requirement” plans for breeding. We may get into this someday when our RP culture is more established, it’s still a little early for that kind of thing.

Posted 01/22/14

Another forum update:

Character Caverns forum added

If you’d like to organize, display, and give more information on your RP characters, we’ve created a forum just for that purpose!  Qualified Musings threads will be moved over to the new forum. :)

Posted 01/23/14, edited 01/23/14
oooh, the character caverns is interesting for sure! :D
Posted 01/24/14
If anyone wants a thread moved over to Character Caverns (I think a number of people made those threads in the Musings forum) please send me an echo and I’ll move it over :)
Posted 01/24/14
The forum cap for other stories seems to be under 10,837 characters at least >3> -hides-
Posted 01/28/14, edited 01/28/14