21:13 ST
How crafty...
Whoaa we have a BIIIIG update for you today:

no we’re not renaming the website to MycenaCraft.

You can find it as a tab in your inventory, and the way it works is this: there are a number of “common” recipes (well, one for now, but more to come!) that anybody can craft at any time. There are also secret recipes floating around. In order to use a secret recipe, simply have it in your inventory, and new crafting options will appear in the crafting tab. Crafting from a recipe does not destroy the recipe. Recipes are items, so they can be freely traded or sold, but they are seeeeekret so they won’t show up in the “all items” listing.

Currently the only common recipe is for the CanCan (which can no longer be fished out of the pond). So, save your cans! Because crafting a CanCan out of an Old Can and a New Can will get you a higher sellback price than just selling the old and new cans. Recycling at its finest :)

Posted 01/27/14, edited 01/27/14


I can’t begin to explain how amazing this is. o:

So many secrets floating around Mycena right now! We’ll have to hire our own detective team! :|

Posted 01/27/14
@#4 So how do we get recipes?
Posted 01/27/14, edited 01/27/14
How to get recipes?? O:
Posted 01/27/14
That is SO COOL! I hope I can fish out some cans soon. Oh also, I am sooooo intrigued by the “secret” recipes… I need to find some!
Posted 01/27/14

Nice addition.
I will definitely be saving some cans :D

Posted 01/27/14
Oh gosh, I hope we can make some mushrooms. That would be fabulous<3
Posted 01/27/14

I bet we can make boots… HMMM
-suspicious eyes at glitch-

(Maybe? Ahaha but this sounds neat X3)

Posted 01/27/14

*superexcited squee*


Posted 01/27/14
I was totally looking forward to something like this! It’s a good thing I started saving up my fishies again~ ^^  I’m super excited to see how this unfolds~ n__n
Posted 01/27/14
Oh, this is exciting :D Time to never sell anything ever again, haha.
Posted 01/28/14

Ohohohohooo yeeeessss

Thank you for this wonderful update.

Posted 01/28/14


Assuming left boot + right boot = boots. (Neeeed)

Anyone else notice the driftshroom under ‘consumable’ an there is a driftwood under misc.
Wonder if those are tied together.
And what the heck the driftshroom does o_o
Maybe that’s the unpondshroom??

In any case FREAKING AWESOME UPDATE and I want a million recipes >w<

Posted 01/28/14, edited 01/28/14
OHYMGOSH GLITCH WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE!!!! I love it. This is like all the best of Webkinz come to Mycena! The recipes were literally the only reason I played webkinz until I was 12. They were just so fun! AND NOW THE FUN IS BACK!
Posted 01/28/14

I’m also very curious about the driftshroom… O.o
And oh my gosh the boots look so fun! Ahaha! I have so many right boots I hope I fish up a left one soon…

It looks an awful lot like you crush up the slime fish to make the shoddy hammer… ;-;

Posted 01/28/14, edited 01/30/14