04:27 ST
[Raffle drawn!] Celebration of Love!

glitch Yes it does.

Posted 02/14/16
Will there be the sprout ‘cool-down’ if you win a Sprout?
Posted 02/14/16


Your queue status does not affect this raffle — you can be in any queue and also win the raffle.  Similarly, there is no queue “cool-down” if you win a raffle sprout.  However, the 60-day trade lock will be placed on sprout/semi-customs produced from the raffle, meaning they will be attached to your account for 60 days before you can send them to anyone else, similar to customs and sprouts you receive from the queues!

Edit: [@Courier]

You may have to contend with Peent’s eternal love for Potato );

(by King)

Posted 02/14/16, edited 02/14/16
Ah, thank you Myla!
Posted 02/14/16

[@espurr] thanks for the heads up! The issue’s been fixed, so you can unselect your geness now :)

KingtalicinxkiisekiEmperordessieh: I see all of you tried to unselect your geness on the raffle page, with the same results as Espurr. If you’d like a semi-custom please unselect your geness one more time. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Posted 02/14/16
Thank you Myla and glitch for the answer and the assistance! c: Can’t wait to see the results of the raffle.
Posted 02/14/16
dreamy sigh Peent is so majestic
Posted 02/14/16

you can’t be quite sure because she is a bird but you think Peent might be blushing a little

Posted 02/14/16

I love the new items omg so cute! <3 <3 *buys lots*

And here’s a bit of an strange question that defies the odds completely: what if two users entered the same geness into the raffle and both had winning tickets drawn — would that result in one sprout for the geness or would there be two sprouts? :0

Posted 02/14/16, edited 02/14/16
[@toothless]: if two players both enter the same geness, and both players win, then this would result in two sprouts :)
Posted 02/14/16
glitch Ohhh interesting! Thank you!! ^-^
Posted 02/14/16

drifty rose petals…



its been almost twelve hours. i just got that.

(gorgeous stuff in the shop ;0; the gaze on mutb is so cuuuuuute)

Posted 02/14/16
Big fan of all the new items! <3 Especially love the drifting petals & heart gaze. Thank you guys~
Posted 02/14/16

Malis is right about the layering issue. I think it’s because to put the wings above the crystals necessitates also putting the wings above the frazil face layer. so the wings go over Frazil’s chin. The crystals themselves don’t do this, presumably because they have the appropriate bits cut out.

On Vanta I just ended up turning the back crystals off to make the wings work.

Posted 02/14/16
This is sooo cute omg… I need to hoard those items asap. ;w; Good luck to everyone in the raffle! ♥
Posted 02/14/16

All your petals are belong to Vixx!
The three petal equippable items actually match his colors perfectly. Imagine that :‘D

Posted 02/14/16, edited 02/14/16

Ahhhh! These Items! I am So very in love with them all!!!

mind you I still have to get him that wig but…

And oh gosh, Items that drift with your pet, how glorious and amazing is that? Those rose petals are truly perfect.
Although, I have to admit I find it both horrifying and extremely hilarious that when I stuck them to Lorem and drifted him to this eye burning colouration, the petals look like they’ve died. XD

The horror, the colour combo horror! *kills all plant life with his presence*

Posted 02/14/16, edited 02/14/16
Can we use a photo instead of a colour scheme as inspiration for the semi-custom?
Posted 02/15/16
Malis:  The format I’ll ask the winners for in regard to the colors are three hex color values or three spots of the actual color — no photo references since that will likely contain a lot more information/colors than we’re looking for!
Posted 02/15/16
Myla Ahh gotcha!
Posted 02/15/16

Well this fills me with confidence

Posted 02/15/16
LaraAelric Oh gosh I laughed way too hard at this XD
Posted 02/15/16

Boo, Spellstones. Very boo.

Posted 02/15/16
LaraAelric those are some choice odds lmao
Posted 02/16/16

I am… mildly intimidated.

Posted 02/16/16

I maxed out my tickets and now its time to watch my % go down… yesterday it was 9% today its 8%

but still not too bad since max tickets was only 12500!

good luck everyone!

Posted 02/16/16
LaraAelric aahaha that’s not very useful is it? ;) I’ve just pushed an update so that if your probability is less than 1%, it shows you tenths-of-a-percent.
Posted 02/16/16, edited 02/16/16
glitch Haha thanks! You’re right, I feel much better now XD
Posted 02/16/16
Nice items, nice raffle, just nice. :0 :0
Posted 02/16/16
Raffle Results!

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you everyone for playing :)

Posted 02/22/16, edited 02/22/16