07:24 ST
[UPDATE] Upcoming Changes to the Sprout Queue!
Sprout Queue: Upcoming Updates!

In November of last year, we updated the pricing guide for our custom and edit queue so that it better reflects the time our artists spend on custom edits. We know that this was a major adjustment for many of our players, and we appreciate your understanding and acceptance of these changes!

However, it has since become evident that in order to remain consistent, we also need to revisit our sprout pricing model.  Artists currently earn less for completing a sprout than for completing a custom, at least when comparing returns with the amount of effort that’s invested. Custom order pricing takes all edits into account, but sprouts are sold at a flat rate regardless of how simple or complex they may be.  This is not a sustainable system for the long term.               

In addition to making the sprout queue more sustainable on our end, we also wanted to give more options to our customers, as your feedback has indicated that many of you would like a bit more control with your sprouts. Staff has discussed these two objectives in depth over the past several weeks, and we’ve decided that the most effective way to ensure balance between custom and sprout costs is by introducing a tiered pricing system. This system will give players much more control over how edited their sprout will be, while also ensuring our artists are fairly compensated for their time. The types of edits will still be left up to the artist, but players will now be able to choose the overall edit level of their sprout based on the following tiers:

Edit Level Cost to Player Stage Price Breakdown Examples
No Edit 18 PP ($90) $63/$18/$9 x x x x x x 
Light 20 PP ($100) $70/$20/$10 x x x x x 
Medium 23 PP ($115) $80.50/$23/$11.50 x x x x x x x 
Heavy 28 PP ($140) $98/$28/$14 x x x x x x   
Ultra Heavy 34 PP ($170) $119/$34/$17 x x x x x x x x   
*Stage Price Breakdown refers to: Adult/Baby/Flower

As shown above, a sprout’s price will now directly correlate to the number of edits a player can expect to receive. We have provided a cost-by-stage breakdown to provide a visual representation of how we have calculated our new pricing model, as well as general examples of Mycenians that would fall into each tier. Players may choose any of the five tiers when ordering their sprout, regardless of the edit level of the parent geness.

This opens up several interesting options:

  • Under our previous system, a geness comprised of no-edit site coats would produce a no-edit sprout. With the introduction of edit tiers, a player may opt to receive a highly edited sprout even if the parent geness has none.
  • The ability to ensure that a sprout from a highly edited geness has a low edit level, which may be appealing to players who would prefer a greater level of control over their sprout’s edits by adding them through the edit queue.
  • With the new system, the price of an unedited sprout has decreased, which may make the sprout queue a bit more accessible for some players.

In addition to the changes covered above, we will be allowing limited artist selection on sprout orders to provide a greater level of reassurance that a customer will be satisfied with their final product. When placing a new sprout order, players will be able to deselect up to two artists. Please keep in mind, however, that order wait times may increase significantly depending on which artist(s) you deselect.

We expect to launch these updates approximately one week from today. All sprout orders that exist at the time of this change — whether currently in the queue or being held aside to collect PP — will be grandfathered into the old pricing system. If you wish to update an old order to the tiered system, send Myla an echo once we’ve pushed the update in a week.

While we understand that pricing changes can be intimidating, we feel that overall this is a much more balanced and structured system. As always, if you are confused by anything mentioned here or have any questions about these upcoming changes, please don’t hesitate to ask! We’re always happy to respond to inquiries. :)


Will raffle sprouts be affected by this?
No, raffle sprouts will continue to have approximately the average editedness of the submitted geness.

Do artists have some sort of edit boundaries for each category?
Indeed, we have internal standards/boundaries that artists must conform to for each category, and they are double checked by Myla!

Could I have the exact PP boundaries for each category?
We have found that individual players tend to price out things a bit differently from one another.  By using example pet images for the categories instead of releasing the internal PP boundaries, individual players can get a good idea of what they consider the PP boundaries to be using their methods of pricing (using the edit pricing guide can help you stay consistent!).

We’ll be adding to the FAQ if we notice multiple people asking the same question, or if someone asks something we didn’t cover clearly enough!

Posted 03/02/16, edited 03/04/16

Dove can it be written in approx how much pp each tier is worth
also does species factor into editness

also a suggestion for the future:
it would be really cool if depending on which tier you got to pick some of the edits. like for medium you could pick what 1 pp of the edits would be, heavy 3pp, ultra heavy 5pp (just a random example

Posted 03/02/16, edited 03/02/16

Do artists have some sort of edit boundaries for each category?
Indeed, we have internal standards/boundaries that artists must conform to for each category, and they are double checked by Myla!

We will not be providing more specific information about edit tiers, but rest assured that our internal edit standards are clear for artists! Sprouts are guaranteed to be within the boundaries of their tier’s price point. :) We will also be working to provide more examples for each price tier to give players a better idea of what they can expect.

Species does not factor into editedness- the only thing that will factor in will be which tier you have selected!

Posted 03/02/16
Is Light / Medium / Heavy / ultra Heavy supposed to correlate to Simple / Medium / Complex / Super Complex in the pricing guide? It’s a little confusing…
Posted 03/02/16
Jacq They are differently named because they are not directly comparable! The tiers for custom queue are different than those for the sprout queue. :) For further clarity, Simple / Medium / Complex / Super Complex are tiers for individual edits in the custom queue, whereas Light / Medium / Heavy / Ultra-Heavy refer to the overall editedness of a sprout!
Posted 03/02/16
Dove  what i meant about the species thing was that a dras costs more pp than a cat ineki so if you have a geness thats ineki + dras, does choosing a specific tier affect what species you get. like would a dras count as more edited cause it costs more and thus be a higher tier, or if you got a sprout as a baby would it be had less edits than if it had been an ineki
Posted 03/02/16

That’s really confusing. ._.
(edit: @this in general, not Fie’s post.)

Thankfully my order can be grandfathered in.

Posted 03/02/16, edited 03/02/16
Fie95 Similar to our current system, the species of the sprout is determined by the artist who accepts your order. The edit tier will be unaffected by the species. The level of editedness will remain the same whether the sprout turns out to be a drasilis or cat ineki.
Posted 03/02/16

So… will equipped items be taken into account now then? Because normally if a geness of unedited pets would normally make a basic sprout, what if they want a Heavy Edited Sprout? Where is the artist going to draw their ideas from? Because sprouts are supposed to be based off the parents so just adding random edits I feel would counter act that I think.

Also, if we get Sprouts edited now, is it possible to get the baby/flower stages edited to match as well?

Posted 03/02/16

Foxcat Equipped items can be taken into consideration by artists when determining how the final sprout will appear. They will not affect the quantity or complexity of edits, but they can be used as inspiration for the sprout’s theme! However, an artist is not obligated to use any particular equipped item for inspiration.

Overall editedness is only guaranteed at the adult stage. It is currently common for the flower stage to not have any edits and for the baby stage to display some, but not all of the edits that may appear in the adult stage. Since it can be difficult to heavily edit flower and baby stages, we cannot make any guarantee to the overall editedness of the first two stages!

Posted 03/02/16, edited 03/02/16

hi i was just wondering how long before we are able to form sprouts between our pets and other people’s pets in real life?

pls introduce this feature soon.  ;_;

Posted 03/02/16


Mishka is trying to make the letter “W” for “WOOF/YES PLEASE” :D

Posted 03/02/16, edited 03/02/16


Is there an estimate for when kelph sprouts are going to be available?

Posted 03/02/16


YES, there is.

*acts natural*


Posted 03/02/16

what is meant by “no edit” ?
if im trying to get a sprout from a geness of two inekis, neither of which are customs, does that mean we’re just gonna get another basic? like; a cave shadows and a cave painting, if they had a sprout, would it literally just be another cave painting? maybe like, one small change to a paw? and thats $90? what?

Posted 03/02/16
teaunicorn no edit doesn’t mean your sprout is a site coat. It just means it is a unique coloration with no changes to the standard pet lines for whichever pet you get. So no wings or hair or items. But the colors and markings will still be one of a kind
Posted 03/02/16

I guess… hmmm… so does the colouring not matter at all in terms of costs?
My first sprout (from two site coats) ended up being quite edited (heavy? Super heavy? i don’t know). I love her and Plasma did a great job, I wouldn’t change a single thing about her.
But I kind of… i don’t know, I kind of feel like her pallet:

Is a little bit simpler than, for example:

I guess my question is…. how does the complexity of the coat colouring interact with the new prices?

Posted 03/03/16, edited 03/03/16

Coloring has nothing to do with cost, Jacq. Just like you could get an unedited custom on fox lines with really complex markings for the base price of 10PP. The only thing that affects the cost is any lines and shading that the artists have to redraw, which they only have to do for edits

Posted 03/03/16

As Hina has said, a sprout from the ‘no edit’ tier would have a unique coloration, but no base edits. This means that the resulting pet would be on the standard Ineki, Drasilis, or Kelph lines, much like a site coat or unedited base-price custom. The higher price of a ‘no edit’ sprout vs an unedited custom stems from the additional work required to create a sprout; remember, when you order a sprout artists must create three pet stages, rather than just one, and sprout price is the same regardless of the pet species used.

Under the old system, a geness made up of two unedited pets (such as the Cave Shadows and Cave Painting used in your example) would always produce a uniquely coloured ‘no edit’ sprout. However, under this new system players now have the ability to choose between the tiers, which means that you could opt to purchase anything from a ‘no edit’ to an *‘ultra heavy’ tier sprout for your basic coat parents.

*Imagine the parents surprise!

The complexity of coat colouring is entirely up to the artist who creates the sprout, and is not impacted by price/tier. Instead, prices/tiers reflect edit level only. This goes for both the current system and the new system.

The edit level of your first sprout is explained by the site coats you included in the geness. Under the old system edit level was based on the average editness of the geness members, which is why your first sprout is heavily edited; both the Monster Under the Bed and Peacock Spider coats are considered edited pets, and were treated much like edited customs would have been, as they don’t use the standard base lines.

Posted 03/03/16

ok, thank you for the clarification. I understood how the editing process worked under the old system, but I admit that I kind of assumed Margl got more than the average edits because her pallette was simpler. (Monster has 2 edits, Peacock spider has 4 edits, margl has 4+ edits even though the average of the parents would be 2). Maybe I didn’t understand how the old system worked either. :/

I guess I’d just be a little sad if I paid for a no edit sprout and received a sprout with a 1- or 2-colour pallet (ie - Margl without edits?) But that’s always been the nature of the sprout queue, so maybe it’s better people can pay extra for more control over edits even if they can’t control the colouring.

Posted 03/03/16, edited 03/03/16

The ‘average editness’ of a geness is generally based on the prices of the parent’s edits, rather than the number. Although I can’t tell you what that average would be for a Monster and Peacock geness (prices are the domain of our artists), I can tell you that it would be considerably higher than 2 - hence the higher edit level of Margl.

Posted 03/03/16

Kelph Sproots *_*
I cant wait to see the flower and baby form!!

Also would it be ok to contact an artist for an estimate of what a current sprouts level of editness is?
Mine isnt grown up yet, but I’d like to know when she is :)

Posted 03/03/16
Vysal With the upcoming update to the sprout queue, the general level of editedness won’t have an effect anywhere but during raffles. Different artists may calculate an edit slightly differently than others, but all sprouts are checked and verified through Myla that they are being made to the internal standards required of artists for Sprouts. Unfortunately that means that we cannot give out estimates on the general level of editedness of sprouts.
Posted 03/03/16
While I prefer the surprise/less control with the old system, I always thought the artists deserved more for sprouts so I’m glad to see you guys have addressed that.
Posted 03/03/16
So the way this stands my assumption is that my geness of what I think is three unedited monthly pets with my order already in would produce 1)a non edited sprout being grandfathered into the old system, but if I bumped it into the new system for the same price would go into the 2) light edited category…
Posted 03/03/16

That’s correct! The new system would benefit your current order, assuming edits are something that you’re interested in.

Posted 03/03/16

I am not sure who can answer this question, but I am currently in the sprout queue with This geness. My question is, under the old system- would this geness yield a more edited sprout in comparison to the new ‘light’ edit price? Since the fog pet has an edit itself plus the edits on the Dawn Flower (which was $15). And if I updated my order to ‘medium’ , would that give my sprout more edits than it would have under the old system? Sorry for being confusing. >>;; I’m just getting closer to being accepted.

Posted 03/03/16, edited 03/03/16

Miku  Using average editedness of the geness (old system), that couple would produce something in the “light” edit category of the new system (this is a bit of a confusing way to put it since I’m speaking in terms of both systems but I hope that makes sense)!  If you bumped it to medium, your sprout would be more heavily edited than either of their parents. :D Let me know if I need to clarify anything!

Posted 03/03/16, edited 03/03/16

Myla Thank you for the fast reply! I edited my original post but I’ll post it in here,  I guess roughly I see the edits on The dawn flower + the fog as worth $20. And looking at the light sprout order, it seems they yield edits worth $5-$10. And looking at the medium example edits, it looks like the value is roughly $30-$35. So the edits for my geness seems to fit in the middle of the light and medium.

So my next question is, it wouldn’t matter if we were under the old system or the new $100 (light) system, because the sprout would yield the same amount of edits? So I don’t have to change anything if I don’t want to? Unless I want to add $15 more to get a medium edit sprout? :‘D sorry for being confusing.

Posted 03/03/16
Miku  For you, paying 20PP under both systems would result in roughly the same edit level sprout.  But that’s correct; if you add 3 PP more to your order under the new system, you would get a sprout with more edits, whereas under the old system, there is not that added flexibility! :)
Posted 03/03/16