Jacq All NPC replies will be posted from this account, so you’ll just need to check this post history for their appearances :)
Posted 04/19/16
Insigne A post with a scene change would still count as a single post, though it’s up to you which scene you’d like it to count towards.
Posted 04/21/16
The Great Spring Renewal is now over!
Though the season continues on, with days growing warmer and plants blooming more beautifully everywhere, the renewal has come to an end. Magic in the Cave is stronger than ever, and the Bone Monster seems fully refreshed and ready to resume its duties as guardian and sentry. Please do not continue to post in the event subforum. You’re welcome to continue your RP in the regular RP forums, however! If you contact Firkasa or one of our other moderators, they’ll be able to move your thread into the appropriate subforum. The RP submission form is now available to fill out. This is the form you’ll need to submit your RP threads and scene changes for prizes, as well as to list your prize preferences. You can also include any comments or feedback you have about this event at the end. Submission forms must be completed by 23:59 ST on May 8. Random spot checks will be done, and prizes will be distributed shortly afterwards. Thank you for joining us for this event! We’ve loved following along with your characters’ adventures over the past two weeks, even if the Bone Monster is a bit grumbly about the sheer amount of Mycenians who have snuck out right under his nose. After you’ve taken a breather, we hope we’ll see you giving Darcy a hand in the kitchen!
Posted 05/02/16
firewyrm2018 Pinging all my RP buddies to let them know about the post above! You probably already know we have to submit a form for RP, but I just found out today, so here’s the info, just in case!
Posted 05/02/16, edited 05/02/16
[@courier], TypicallyUsual, Miranda once we get the prizes and the raffle is drawn, I will report the thread to have it moved to the canon RP thread so we can resume the RP there with the same time stamps and the comment from the bone monster intact. :)
Posted 05/02/16
Dracogryph Malis Losty just in case any of you didn’t see this, because I didn’t c= I’ve just sent in my form, and I look forwards to the prizes and raffle.
Posted 05/03/16
Quick question: my partner and I are wondering if one of the posts in our RP counts as a scene break. Who should we direct the question to, so that we can determine whether or not that post is eligible for a raffle ticket? I echoed Crow and Dove asking about it, but I have no idea if they were the right people to ask, so I guess I should ask here to be safe :‘D
Posted 05/03/16
OregonCoast And here I thought right before going to bed last night, ‘I wonder if everyone else knew…but, I’ll ask in the morning because sleepy…’ XD Thanks for making sure, though, much appreciated!’
Posted 05/03/16
Bone Monster last night I messed up when I was doing my order of preferences and I wanted to replace my second choice of GCS to Lily of the Valley shroom. When I tried to go back just now to edit it, it didn’t log me in, but started another document (I think that’s what it was doing?). So I closed the page. Now I fear I may have actually closed my ticket =O is there any way you can check that my filled out ticket from last night still remains please?
Posted 05/03/16
Azurrys Go ahead and echo me a permalink to the post, and I’ll take a look at it for you :)
Posted 05/03/16
Posted 05/03/16, edited 05/03/16
holly5555 Echo the Bone Monster with the edits you’d like to make, and we’ll make sure to hang on to it for reference :)
Posted 05/04/16