22:00 ST
[Event] The Great Spring Renewal [Sign-ups]

OregonCoast I’d be game for that. I’m sure that Sampion would be very interested in trying to scope out that mushroom to research into edible possibilities thereof. He likes looking into that sort of thing, if you want.

Elsewise, I might like to see if I might try to join another group perhaps, no more than two people (and I’d kind of prefer one on one RPs) though. I may end up kind of busy or distracted, though, so I would want to warn that it might sometimes be a day or two before I get a chance to reply, I have a full time job, three kids, and need to get the youngest enrolled into kindergarten in the next few weeks. Not to mention less happy events happening that remind me how much life sucks sometimes. So I’d prefer to avoid any doom-and-gloom or pessimistic characters or plotlines.

For other options if anyone is interested in poking about any of these, I have Doppler, who would LOVE to try to sneak out to be able to see the whole sky from horizon to horizon (at night because stars). I also have Kalindi, who would find it very interesting to try to sneak a peek at that fabled flower. Otherwise, Jasper and Hoshiko might maybe be convinced onto an adventure or something…

I dunno. Just throwing this out there. I wouldn’t currently want to try to do more than three one more RPs at once, but I am open to suggestions or something.

Edit: Got one for sure one-on-one group, Dracogryph and Insigne and going to see the outside! Edit2: And now that I’ve had a chance to check other stuff, looks like me and Ore are also gonna have something going down hunting mushrooms.

Posted 04/14/16, edited 04/15/16

I’d like to be put in a group! :)
Never really RP’ed seriously before, so someone might have to walk me through it.
One-to-one would be most comfortable for me, I guess…?

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Edit: Another group! [@TamariMizu] and yuriayana will be doing one together.

Posted 04/14/16, edited 04/15/16
I’m signing up with [@Shepherd] and Campi :D
Posted 04/14/16

Introducing Group Procrastination;
[@Lady Hawkwing]

Posted 04/14/16

I’m interested in a total of 5 short, one scenario RPs! Preferably I’d like to do one on one for ease of communication.
Message me if you are interested. I’m okay with any level RPer ^^

I found my homies 8’D

1. Pooka and Akira
2. Chibi Envy Chan and Akira
3. Hawkins and Akira
4. teatree and Akira
5. Myla and Akira

Posted 04/14/16, edited 04/15/16
Signing up for Ashlar and Arintol!
Posted 04/14/16
Singing up for the event with a group containing:Nanna Chibi Envy Chan and myself (Nephele.
Posted 04/14/16
Signing up with Dragon Lord Nyx!  For multiple RPs/scenarios.  :3
Posted 04/15/16
All solo participants up to this point should have received an invitation to a group. If you didn’t, or if you’d like to join an additional group, please post again here.
Posted 04/15/16

Hi there, I’m Eonis.
This looks like fun.
I am in need of a group.
Throw me a PM if you’re available
3 people would be preferred.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16

Single person: seeking other single persons. is okay with groups.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16

I wouldn’t mind joining another group… Preferably a group of 2 again, but 3 is fine too.
(Again, all of my character’s profiles are non-canon but I can adjust them to fit canon for the event)

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16
Signing up with Woracori.
Posted 04/15/16

Hi! I would like to join another group, any size is fine.

I’m in GMT+1 time, although usually online at weird hours.

Throw me an echo if you’re interested, otherwise I’ll just wait to be grouped.

I’m also fine with introducing somebody to the world of RP!

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16

Hey, I’m looking for a partner. I’d really prefer 1x1, but if a match can’t be found, a group is okay. Thanks in advance.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16

Signing up with mgrmgr for an attempt ^^

Given that I’m very inexperienced and mgr is very busy, this will only be a 2 person group.

Posted 04/15/16

I’m looking to sign up as an individual seeking a partner or group!

- Timezone is GMT-4
- Some serious RP experience, though I haven’t done any serious roleplaying in quite some time
- No size preference

Shoot me an echo if you’d like to join with me! Otherwise, I’ll just wait for grouping c:

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16
[@Astrophelix] signing up for another group with Insigne because we don’t know when to quit!
Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16
ClearBright here signing up with Insigne
Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16
malkav is signing up with Devon and Chi Sohma please and thank you!
Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16
Birds of Paradise returning with Zero and King, now with added [@Lorenzo]
Posted 04/15/16
Catbee and Arintol signing up!
Posted 04/15/16

I’d like to sign up for this! I’m looking for a group, any size is fine. I’m definitely not new to RP, I’ve been roleplaying for almost a decade, but I am new to this site.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16

I’m looking for group! I prefer to be in a group of 2, but I can accept a group of 3. I’m looking to enter at least 3 groups.
I’m going to be more active at GMT-3 night and in weekends!

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16

Solo player looking for one or many groups with no preference to size

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16

Jacq here, signing up with doragon and mgrmgr  as a group of three. :D

I’m also looking to sign up to a second group. I’d prefer 1-on-1 (ie a group of two). I’m a terrible casual RPer but I’m fairly active.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16
Hawkins and Pooka signing up as a daring duo!
Posted 04/15/16

Another solo RPer here.
Preferably just paired up with one or two other people.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16

Looking for a group as a solo newbie, preferred group size would have to be two or three members, please.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16
Team Arintol and radio reporting for duty!
Posted 04/15/16