 It’s said that every Halloween, the spirits of the Lost trek across the veil to briefly linger throughout the Cave once more. Most spend this short window of time watching over their still-breathing kin or visiting their favorite old haunts, while some instead prefer a bit of a livelier vacation from the afterlife.
The so-called Spectral Shindig is the most spirited monster mash this side of the graveyard gates. A stately, long-abandoned manor plays venue to the yearly gathering, spending the quiet months in between aging gracefully; every moth-eaten curtain, overgrown hedge, and rotten floorboard adding its own bit of flavor to the atmosphere.
The manor and its grounds belong to one Gatsby Graves, a strange and reclusive ineki who only seems to show any sign of still inhabiting the place each autumn. This fiendish fete is his pride and joy, after all—he’s hosted it since its inception, and every year has sought to make it grander and more memorable for his ghostly guests.
This year, though, there have been problems.
As if sensing the incoming influx of spirits, Pestergeists have set upon the manor and begun wreaking havoc. A pestilence most foul, these little imps (un?)live up to their name. Gatsby typically doesn’t invite the living into his home—and certainly would never invite them to one of his gatherings—but it’s not as though he has a full staff of ghost butlers to take care of this infestation for him (he’d once tried to write the ‘forever more’ clause into their contracts, but for some reason, none of his house staff would agree to the terms).
So, begrudgingly, he’s hired you to don your most ghoulish costume to 1. purgate these pestergeists from the premises, and 2. play house staff throughout the party. Do your job well, and he will reward you handsomely!
- This event runs, in its entirety, from Oct 30th through the end of Nov 17th.
- The forum activity portion of the event begins on October 30th and runs through November 17th
- The collecting & hunting portion of the event will begin November 3rd at 12 noon ST and end after 23:59 ST on November 17th
- Random encounters will go live sometime in between the two start times
- This event is similar in style to previous Fall events, in that you will be collecting and combining components, and then using those components to play a game similar to Battleship.
- This year, you will be collecting tricks and treats from other pets through Trick-or-Treating and crafting them into lures. You will then use those lures to catch Pestergeists throughout the grounds of Gatsby’s manor and the surrounding area. Trapped pestergeists can be traded for (potions?) potions, which have various effects on the event mechanics.
- Players will have a self-selected and editable neighborhood of other players’ pets.
- Players can set their own pets’ probabilities of giving out a trick vs. a treat between 20 - 80%, and their pet will auto-respond to anyone who knocks (note: tricks and treats aren’t bad vs. good, they are just different types of ingredients).
- The event prize shop will open on November 7th at noon ST and close after 23:59 ST on November 24th. Players will once again be able to purchase event points with gems.
- Unused ingredients and lures will crumble into points 24 hours after the event ends. Within 24 hours of the shop closing, any unused boons you’ve received will convert to 50 nuggets apiece and any leftover points will be used to buy prize bottles as efficiently as possible. Any remaining points thereafter will be converted into 100 nuggets apiece.
- There are several event-specific random encounters, including two which give out new item recolors as a gift.
- Each submission in each Spectral Shindig forum activity will earn you a Bag of Halloweens Past (up to 2 per player)!
- Participation in at least 1 of the Spectral Shindig forum activities will also earn you a Manor Hallway avatar background!
- Participation in at least 2 of the forum activities will also earn you a Spirit Manor Hallway avatar background!
- And participation in at least 3 of the forum activities will also earn you a Manor Maze avatar background!
Posted 10/30/24, edited 11/05/24
And we’re live!
Some notes and adjustments we made from last year’s feedback:
- Your neighborhood is no longer modified by way of trick or treating, adding Mycenians to your neighborhood is always manual now
- One neighborhood slot is occupied by a “random” door — go visit someone new!
- If you set trick/treat ratios on your Mycenians last year, those persisted to this year
I hope you all enjoy :)
Posted 11/03/24
- Each submission in each Spectral Shindig forum activity will earn you a Bag of Halloweens Past (up to 2 per player)!
- Participation in at least 1 of the Spectral Shindig forum activities will also earn you a Manor Hallway avatar background!
- Participation in at least 2 of the forum activities will also earn you a Spirit Manor Hallway avatar background!
- And participation in at least 3 of the forum activities will also earn you a Manor Maze avatar background!
Posted 11/05/24
Hey, is there a guide somewhere for what each boon (potion) does? I can’t find the descriptions anywhere and don’t want to use any of them without knowing what effect they’ll have.
Posted 11/13/24
The descriptions show up as hover text over the boon icons, but if you’re on mobile I’m unsure if you’ll be able to see them. I’ve listed them below for you!
Luck: Choose your scavenged next component
Fortitude: Take up to four lures for an excursion
Joy: 2 minutes off your timer
Swiftness: 1 minute off your timer
Intellect: highlights a mouse during an excursion (mouse should be pestergeist, hang over from last year probably)
I don’t have an intellect boon right now so I can’t directly quote it, but it will highlight one of the spaces where a pestergeist is on your next excursion.
Edit: friend gave me the direct quote, so i’ve updated my list above
Posted 11/13/24, edited 11/13/24
Oxton Thank you! I am on mobile, so the hover text is unavailable.
Posted 11/13/24
The event banner says the event ends on the 16th but this post says 17th - I’m assuming it’s the banner that’s off?
Posted 11/15/24
Crow you gave me a second Manor Hallway instead of a Spirit Manor Hallway, could we swap them somehow?
Posted 11/17/24
I’ve sent you the Spirit Manor Hallway - you can send your extra Manor Hallway to Bone Monster. Sorry about the mix-up!
Posted 11/19/24
Please let me know if you didn’t receive something you should have!
Posted 11/19/24
Hi Crow! I received 3 bags in total but I think I had 5 unmarked entries (2 for pumpkin carving, 2 for horrors d’ouvres and 1 for memento mori) if my math isn’t wrong!
Posted 11/19/24, edited 11/19/24
I have you marked as having 1 Memento Mori, 2 Pumpkin Carving (both marked today), and 2 Dressed to the Nines (which was marked on the 14th) - you should have received 2 of the bags (+ manor hallway) on the 14th when I marked those entries, and 3 today (+ spirit manor hallway & manor maze).
Posted 11/19/24
Crow On top of those 5, I also did 2 Horrors D’ouevres: here and here, unless they don’t qualify!
1 Memento Mori (marked today)
2 Pumpkin Carving (marked today)
2 Dressed to the Nines (which was marked on the 14th)
2 Horrors D’ouevres (not marked)
Posted 11/19/24, edited 11/19/24
Oh, looks like you’re correct - I didn’t notice there was a second page when I was marking. I’ll get those prizes out to you in just a bit!
Posted 11/20/24