08:15 ST
Mycena Cave Formatting Guide








Table of Contents


Headings work similarly to HTML. We support four levels of headings, h1 through h4, h1 being the largest. In all cases, the Mycena Cave title font is applied to the heading.

[h1]Top level heading[/h1]
Normal text...
[h2]Second level heading[/h2]
Normal text...
[h3]Third level heading[/h3]
Normal text...
[h4]Fourth level heading[/h4]
Normal text...
Top level heading

Normal text…

Second level heading

Normal text…

Third level heading

Normal text…

Fourth level heading

Normal text…

Text Format
You can have [b]bold[/b], [i]itallics[/i] and [u]underlines[/u], as well as [sup]superscript[/sup], [sub]subscript[/sub] and [s]strikethrough[/s].
[center]You can also center text,
or any other element[/center]

You can have bold, itallics and underlines, as well as superscript, subscript and strikethrough.

You can also center text,
or any other element


You can insert images at their native resolution, or scale them by specifying a width and height. If you want to scale the image but maintain the aspect ratio, simply replace one of the dimensions with a zero and it will be computed automatically for you. Note that in almost all cases, image editors produce much higher quality image scaling than web browsers, so you should only use the width and height parameters if absolutely necessary.

[img]https://www.mycenacave.com/images/items/spring_event/flowers/Blue%20Mallow.png[/img] [img=50x120]https://www.mycenacave.com/images/items/spring_event/flowers/Blue%20Mallow.png[/img] [img=50x0]https://www.mycenacave.com/images/items/spring_event/flowers/Blue%20Mallow.png[/img]


There are two types of links on Mycena Cave — basic links and named links. Basic links simply consist of a clickable URL, while named links allow you to specify the contents of the link. Named links can use any non-structural BBCode (i, b, u, s, sub, sup and img) as part of the link content. Note that any named links which link off of Mycena Cave will require the user to click through an exit page displaying the URL.

Basic link:

Named link:
[url=https://www.mycenacave.com]Mycena Cave[/url]

Image link:

Basic link:

Named link:
Mycena Cave

Image link:

Forum Mentions (“Ping"s)

If you would like to get someone’s attention, you can mention them. The mention will be turned into a highlighted link to their profile, and they will be notified of your post. People will receive at most one notification per post, and editing to remove and re-add a mention will not re-notify the user. Deleting someone’s mention from your post will not remove the notification that they received.

Mentions only work in the forums: if you try to mention someone on your profile or in an echo, it will still result in a highlighted link to their profile, however they will not receive a notification.

Hey [@glitch], I need you to look at this!

Hey glitch, I need you to look at this!


You can insert quotes, and optionally attribute the author. You can also choose to mention the author if you like, by prefixing the username with an @ sign.

[quote]This is a regular (unattributed) quote[/quote]
[quote=glitch]This is an attributed quote[/quote]
[quote=@glitch]This is an attributed quote that will also notify glitch[/quote]
This is a regular (unattributed) quote
This is an attributed quoteglitch
This is an attributed quote that will also notify glitchglitch


Lists consist of the list tag and any number of list-item children. The list tags supported on Mycena Cave are ul (“unordered list” for bullets) and ol (“ordered list” for numbers).

[li]this is a[/li]
[li]bulleted list[/li]

[li]this is a[/li]
[li]numbered list[/li]
  • this is a
  • bulleted list
  1. this is a
  2. numbered list


Tables are made with very similar syntax as HTML, using “tr” to define a row and “th” or “td” to define a cell (for header and regular respectively). We have three kinds of table: “basic”, “invis” and “fancy” (the default is “basic”). You select which kind of table you want using the table tag. You can also set the percentage width of a column by specifying it in the “th” or “td” tags (you only need to do this once per column).

[table]   <- or [table=invis], [table=fancy]
[th]Another heading[/th]
[th]And a third[/th]
[td=50]Some content[/td]
[td]Another content[/td]
[td]OK I'm bored now[/td]
[td]So many table cells![/td]
[td]in this table[/td]
[td]wheee we're done[/td]
Heading Another heading And a third
Some content Another content OK I’m bored now
So many table cells! in this table wheee we’re done
Heading Another heading And a third
Some content Another content OK I’m bored now
So many table cells! in this table wheee we’re done
Heading Another heading And a third
Some content Another content OK I’m bored now
So many table cells! in this table wheee we’re done

Floated Elements

Sometimes when constructing the layout for your post, you need to float an element to the left or to the right. When you define a float, subsequent elements (including regular text) that you add to your post will flow around the floated element. If you want to make it so that the next thing you have is displayed below any existing floats, you can use the clearfloat tag.

A float element must have a direction (either “left” or “right”), and can optionally take an additional numeric parameter to indicate what percentage width of the page it should occupy.

This text will flow around the image contained in a float to the left. It will occupy any remaining space, and eventually flow around the image.
At this point we have two floats defined, so this text will flow around both of them, occupying whatever space is left over.
This is some other stuff that's beneath the floats.

The float to the left of this text occupies 75% of the available width, so this text is all scrunched up in what's left over, and will eventually flow around it if the text is long enough.

This text will flow around the image contained in a float to the left. It will occupy any remaining space, and eventually flow around the image.

At this point we have two floats defined, so this text will flow around both of them, occupying whatever space is left over.

This is some other stuff that’s beneath the floats.

The float to the left of this text occupies 75% of the available width, so this text is all scrunched up in what’s left over, and will eventually flow around it if the text is long enough.


You can use spoiler tags to conceal content until the viewer clicks a checkbox acknowledging that they want to see it. By default, the checkbox is accompanied by a “Show spoiler” label, but you can replace this with any other text of your choice. Images in spoiler tags will not load until the viewer clicks the checkbox, and so spoilers are often used in image-heavy posts.

[spoiler]zomgs this is so secret[/spoiler]

[spoiler=omg click for awesomeness]
ok maybe it wasn't that awesome...
zomgs this is so secret

ok maybe it wasn’t that awesome…


Are you trying to help someone with BBCode? Or maybe you just want what you type to be reproduced verbatim. In that case, the code tag comes to your rescue. BBCode is not interpreted inside code blocks. You can also have inline code tags by passing in the “inline” parameter. Note that in the example below, the closing code tag is replaced with [/code), because this page is actually written in BBCode, and using a real closing tag would close the code tag used to display the example.

Hello {
    some Code(yeah!);
    [b]bbcode not interpreted in here![/b]
    no mentions: [@glitch]

This is an [code=inline]inline [b]example[/b][/code) 
Hello {
    some Code(yeah!);
    [b]bbcode not interpreted in here![/b]
    no mentions: [@glitch]

This is a quick [b]example[/b] of an inline code block.


You can indent:

This is some text.
[t]This text is indented.

This is some text.
This text is indented.

You can add an audio element:

[audio]/images/audio/story/Chapter 1.mp3[/audio]

You can add youtube or facebook video by using their video IDs:


(example omitted, but feel free to try it out yourself)

You can roll dice, using standard D&D notation:

Roll a six-sided die: [roll=d6]
Roll two ten-sided dice: [roll=2d10]
I regain [roll=4d4+4] HP.

For more information and live examples, please see here.

You can draw a horizontal line across the page:
