08:56 ST



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Adult cat Ineki
She / her


Aliza is the detective responsible for solving some of Mycena Cave’s bigger mysteries. After her latest case, she struck up a friendship with Professor Sprocket, whose name is equally as well known as her own but for entirely different reasons.


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Adult cat Ineki
He / him


Ambrose is one of the characters in the Mycena Cave story. He’s a long-time resident of Ledore’s house, but he spends most of his time exploring, mapping newly-discovered caverns and finding out as much as he can about the Cave. He is good friends with Tamshir, whose level-headedness helps balance out his own tendency to go barreling into strange places in the name of exploration. He always has a notebook and writing implement handy.


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Adult cat Ineki
She / her


Cary is one of the Cave’s most prolific journalists and can usually be found on the scene when something interesting happens. She chases stories throughout the caverns and can be counted on to report anything remotely newsworthy.


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Adult dog Ineki
She / her


Darcy is Marcy’s sister and an accomplished baker. She spends most of her time in the kitchen, whipping up treats both sweet and savory for the Cave’s residents. She takes great pride in her craft and can be protective of her equipment, but she’s always happy to share her secrets with those who are willing to learn.


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Adult drasillis
He / him


Kerric is a spelunker extraordinaire who often leads the way to adventure. He has a keen eye for treasure and isn’t afraid to explore uncharted caverns if there might be something shiny inside. He chases rumors of lost ships, digs for buried hoards, and loves to share both his finds and the stories of how he acquired them.


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Adult fox Ineki
He / him


Marcy is Darcy’s brother and one of the Cave’s more enthusiastic farmers. Despite the many challenges of growing produce in a stone cavern, he seems to do well with his fields and orchards—enough so that he frequently needs help with his fall harvests. He opened his farm to the scholarcrows following Dr. Crow’s attempted takeover and now inexplicably shares a home with Dr. Crow.


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Young adult fox Ineki
He / him


Mont is one of the characters in the Mycena Cave story. He lives in Ledore’s house, helping newcomers feel welcome and keeping an eye on the younger Mycenians. He can frequently be found around the main settlement and often offers tips to those who are new to the Cave. Although he’s friends with just about everyone, he’s especially close to Seelby and is usually helping out at her shop if he’s not busy running errands for the house.


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Adult Drasillis
He / him


Rikur is known around the Cave as the Mycenian to see if you’re looking for something shiny. A consummate businessman, he keeps a close eye on market values and swears that no better deal can be found elsewhere.


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Adult Drasillis
He / him


Not much is known about Rutherford. He appeared one day at the site of a new dig and offered to trade his wares for shinies. Rumor has it that he’s sitting on an impressive hoard of gems.


Quick Facts

Young adult cat Ineki
She / her


Seelby is one of the characters in the Mycena Cave story. She spent some time in Ledore’s house before moving to the main settlement to open a gardening shop. She mostly keeps to herself, but despite her attempts to stay out of things, she often gets drawn into adventures throughout the Cave. Her perfect morning involves a hot cup of tea and a nice view of the glowshrooms.


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Adult sea Kelph
He / him


That’s Professor Sprocket, if you please. A self-declared genius, Sprocket can typically be found tinkering on one invention or another, though he’s happy to take time to educate the public as his projects allow. He has struck up what some might call an unlikely friendship with Aliza.


Quick Facts

Adult dog Ineki
She / her


Tamshir is one of the characters in the Mycena Cave story. Though she’s technically a resident of Ledore’s house, she spends most of her time exploring the caverns near the main settlement, finding newly-carved Mycenians and helping them settle in to their new lives. She likes to say that she’s a homebody, but she’s rarely actually at home these days. Instead, when she’s not checking on new Mycenians, she’s busy keeping Ambrose out of trouble or finding buyers for items they’ve found on their journeys.