08:15 ST
Status: Still here~

☆ 24 | Introvert | Nightowl | Friendly ☆
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. - William Shakespeare

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Deleting double posts or other minor forum concerns - Can use Report feature or echo mods individually.

Questions relating to forum content, trading, or site rules - Echo a moderator (see above)
Questions related to new updates - Feel free to ask in the announcement’s thread, but if we miss your question, you’d like a more detailed response, or feel it is better fit to a private echo, contact Dove or Crow
Questions related to roleplaying - Echo Dove or Crow
Questions related to events or gameplay - Echo Dove or Crow
Typos/errors or questions about item descriptions or Mycena Cave story - Echo Prose
Art errors - Echo Myla
Price estimate on future customs* - Echo Mycenangelo!
(*you do not need an estimate before you submit a custom form; this is mostly used optionally by people who can’t get an accurate estimate using the form check boxes and want to know how much they need to save)
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Bugs, glitches, or payment issues - Echo glitch
General site questions - Echo Dove or Crow

If you have a question not covered by this list on what a particular staff member can assist you with, please feel free to echo Dove or Crow.

We hope this list will be useful to everyone. All staff is always happy to help! <3

(Like a comet pulled from orbit as it passes the sun…)


[23:53:38] Amaterasu: WHAT CAN I SAY ABOUT MYSELF, GUYS?
[23:53:51] Firkasa: Fanastic and likes cream puffs
[23:53:52] Dove: hi i am llama
[23:53:55] Firkasa: Tea is good too
[23:53:57] Dove: i am a strong worshiper of dove and plurd
[23:53:58] Firkasa: And llamas
[23:54:05] Dove: sometimes i enjoy the simple things in life
[23:54:08] Dove: like dove
[23:54:11] Dove: did i mention dove is great

(Like a stream that meets a boulder halfway through the wood…)


(Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better?)




(But because I knew you I have been changed for good.)

Custom Ideas:
Attendre pour le Printemps - 47 PP

Ineki base: 10 PP/$50
Hair: 5 PP/$25
Tail: 4 PP/$20
Expresion edits: 2 PP/$10
Crown edit: 1 PP/$5
Ribbon edits: 3 PP/$15
Flower edits: 3 PP/$15
Background (all painty style—similar to mock-up) 13PP/$65 [(frame MC style, the rest painterly): 14 PP/$70!]
Background (all MC style) 17PP/$85
40 PP - 44 PP/$205 - $225

Ode to Creation
Alice In Wonderland

Cat Base: $50
Simple Hair: $10
Headband: $15

Queen of Hearts

Misc Notes:

4 PP (given) - Chinchou (Mockup #3)
36k - Chinchou (White Wind Mushroom)

(“For Good” - Wicked)


Amaterasu status: offline

User ID 45
Forum posts 2544
Member since Jun 21st, 2013
Last seen Jan 3rd, 2025
Amaterasu is an official Mycena Cave moderator.