21:28 ST
Hello yes I swear I’m alive I’m just lurking atm

A void opens up out of thin air, and a large, metal-plated creature steps out. Its baleful red eyes search your face, though whether it is happy, or sad, or anything, is obscured by the large mask it wears. It’s mask opens.

“Hmm? I see you have spotted me. Now leave.”

You walk back the way you arrived, only looking back to see the large… dragon? shrink into a more humanoid form. For a second or two, shadows seem to swirl around, forming… wings?
Wait, what? Wings of shadow? Rubbing your eyes for a second, you glance again, to see that there is nothing. The figure has disappeared as well.
Chortling slightly, you head back. Wings of shadow. How ludicrous. Must’ve been a bad dream or something. What a great story this’ll make.

Red eyes watch you go.


So hi! I’m Gira, also known as Noya or Kea, and I reaaaally like dragons.

Feel free to Echo me anytime about anything! Despite my muse being a chaos dragon I’m very friendly! ^.^
Fandoms: Hetalia, Haikyuu, Makai Ouji, Ace Attorney, Kuroshitsuji, Pokemon

Bloody arm bandages
Winter Dragon mushroom
Torch mushroom
Or just anything because I am such an excitable little kea you have no idea I will literally spazz out in joy if I receive anything

Also: I have two computers at home and a phone that I will use to go on MC! Sometimes one may be on, but I forget to close the browser, or something.

“FOOLISH CREATURE, WHAT ARE YOU DOIN- oh, I nearly forgot. Prehaps I shall leave my contacts for you mortals. Dimension-hopping is tiring work, after all.

Flight Rising | Tumblr (Warning: Lot of Haikyuu and rubbish.)


Giratina status: offline

User ID 3135
Forum posts 30
Member since Mar 15th, 2015
Last seen Oct 8th, 2015