23:43 ST

3/11/2017: Changing username from Globdra to Marbles (considering changing to Eclipse in the future, something space themed at least)

Hello to everyone who reads this!

I’m F2P over here at mycena cave so getting my hands on nuggets and the like is rather difficult (and I probably won’t have a whole horde of pets anytime soon) but I’m sticking around and perhaps I might be able to pick some currency and items up during events hmm?

Not much to read about me here, but if you see me around in the chat you might be able to piece together some facts!

Perhaps I’ll see you around? We’ll see.



“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.”

[12:31:14] Condor: Well, nice to meet you, Globdra :D
[12:31:20] frieza: Globdra is super cool
[12:31:23] frieza: they like puns iirc
[12:31:34] Globdra is being super cool
[12:31:36] Jigawatta: Glodbra nice to meet you toooooooooooo :3
[12:31:38] frieza: XD


Marbles status: offline

User ID 7033
Forum posts 49
Member since Feb 23rd, 2016
Last seen Jan 20th, 2022