09:55 ST

Woah hey guys what’s up. I doodle things often and live on a strict diet of procrastination, caffeine, and webcomics. I’m only in highschool but I think I can say that this year is definitely better than last year and it’s almost purely because I now have an art class(finally).

I might take a bit to reply to things, especially roleplays, during the week, so I apologize now for that.

I use random generators way too much.

I am pretty much always open to conversation and I love to world-build and speculate. I’m also always open to comic and show suggestions because I am a complete child at heart.

If you happen to have a WindRose or a Digis account, I’m on these as well, although I haven’t been able to get involved in Digis so if anyone there is willing to partner up for a roleplay I’d be really happy about that.


Moth status: offline

User ID 3639
Forum posts 36
Member since May 2nd, 2015
Last seen Apr 2nd, 2018