04:35 ST
The tunnel was small and dimly lit by shroom lanterns protruding on either side every five feet or so. Despite it’s abandoned look, the way was quite clean and a soft layer of moss covered the floor silencing footsteps that usually echoed loudly throughout these small shafts. The path seems to wind deep within the mountain but eventually the tunnel ends at a quaint, little door flanked by some unusual flowers growing straight from the rock. The door opens to an unexpectedly spacious cavern with smaller chambers linked to it, and multiple tunnels leading off to who knows where. The rooms are unique but cozy and the whole place feels like a peaceful oasis. Welcome to my humble abode.

We can’t all, and some of us don’t.
That’s all there is to it.

Hello, I’m PyroLuna, I tend to be a lurker on this site, and in general, I am always
interested in whats going on around here but I never really have much to say, or type. I do
respond when contacted directly, so feel free to send me an echo if you ever want to talk.
I love animals and have a cat named Asa, he was born in 2012 and I have had him for two years now.
I also love chocolate, Disney and climbing trees. I like to read fantasy adventure genres and
am currently reading the Green Rider series. I would like to travel in my future and my goals
include backpacking through Europe, Hiking the rainforest’s of South America and visiting
all six Disney parks (California and Florida already done). One of my favorite things to do
is puzzles, all kinds, from jigsaw to riddles, but I am not all that great at word puzzles.
I also like to write but I am very slow and easily frustrated so I don’t always get around to it,
especially when I am busy. I hope to generate stories for all my characters but that’s a
work in progress, and will be for a long time… Well, feel free to take a look around, my
pets don’t bite at least most of them don’t, and don’t forget, always take a banana to a party.

Write Pet Bios
Get Art for Pet Bios
Make a Cavern
Build a Family (geness)
Other Stuff

Royal Crown
Shadow’s Sigil
Basket of Shrooms
Teal Pondshroom x2
Glowing Changingshroom
White Wind (male)


PyroLuna status: offline

User ID 96
Forum posts 252
Member since Jun 21st, 2013
Last seen May 12th, 2017