Call me Runa! | She/her | 20+ | ST+1 | Discord Runarite#5214
You make your way through a long, twisting path through a maze of tunnels. After one final turn, the way ahead suddenly opens up into a cavern lit by a large, glowing crystal structure. A river pours from one of the cave’s walls, winding its way through the space and settling in a deep pond, the water feeding a large patch of moss. There are a couple small tents pitched in the area, the warm colors standing out starkly against the dark stone. While mostly empty, the cave feels like it has some potential.
Please feel free to stick around and get to know everyone!
Items I’m looking to sell/trade:
Sunshower Background for Kalei
Sundisk Choker for Haunting
Everything in the spoilers are coats that I’m looking for and trying to get.
Current dream coat:
Divine Caster (upright)
on desktop the indented section right of the pet is 460 pixels, and the wider section underneath is 960! if you have an image that isnt quite the right size you can do some finagling with the image tags - sometimes i have 500px images that ill post like
[img=460x0]link[/img]and that will resize the image when its displayed so its 460 pixels wide but maintains a proportional height. also if you need to post something only in the 460px section you can drop a
under whatever needs to stay small!
testing has found that ~350px is a good size to take into account the squishing of the bio when browser is resized
-me lol
awesome pet bio example
[center] [img][/img] [h3]Profession Title ------[/h3] [table=invis] [tr] [td][b]Strength[/b][/td] [td]★★★★★★★★☆☆[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Dexterity[/b][/td] [td]★★★★★★☆☆☆☆[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Constitution[/b][/td] [td]★★★★★★★★★☆[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Intelligence[/b][/td] [td]★★★★★★☆☆☆☆[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Wisdom[/b][/td] [td]★★★★★★★☆☆☆[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Charisma[/b][/td] [td]★★★★★★☆☆☆☆[/td] [/tr] [/table] [img][/img] [/center] [clearfloat] [float=right]||insert img here, dimensions tbd||[/float] [h3]First Meeting[/h3] Description of how you would first meet them [clearfloat] [hr] [h3]About X[/h3] [h4]Background[/h4] description of history [h4]Appearance[/h4] description of appearance [table=invis] [tr] [td][img][/img] Primordial Swamp Background[/td] [td][img][/img] Clothing 1[/td] [td][img][/img] Clothing 2[/td] [td][img][/img] Clothing 3[/td] [td][img][/img] Clothing 4[/td] [/tr] [/table] [h4]Personality[/h4] self explanatory [hr] [h3]Profession[/h3] [h4]Insert Job/Craft Here[/h4] esplain [h4]Abilities and Stats[/h4] don't forget to update the stars to properly reflect it [hr] [h3]Relationships[/h3] [h4]Pets[/h4] Writing bout pets [h4]Myceneans[/h4] Describe how they react to/treat other people, and also describe any important relationships [hr] [h3]Art[/h3] [h4]Drawings[/h4] picture here [h4]Writing[/h4]
User ID | 22674 |
Forum posts | 93 |
Stickers |
Member since | Jul 13th, 2022 |
Last seen | Feb 12th, 2025 |