20:20 ST

Female || 21 || should probably be studying right now || trying hard to be funny

I’ve always wondered how people know what to put in here?!
Very new to the site, but I’m enjoying it here. Love the pet art, I’ll probably be a bit of a collector. Really want to get into writing and character development, if anyone wants to offer tips or advice ~

White Tiger Mushroom
+ Fodder pet (?): 7g OR Moveshroom (5,000ng) on current fodder pet if I want Upright

Reminder to Self: Check Rikur’s Rarities for price of Three Wishes Mushroom

So these are not too expensive on the bazaar right now (or at least their mushrooms aren’t) and I’m making a list of future ones I’d maybe like to own here, so I don’t have to look them up every time.

- Golden Thread Cordyceps (70k) (Active?)
- Red Tufted Squirrel (70k) (Upright)
- Monarch Butterfly (41k) (Upright)
- Dead of the Night (22k) (Active)
- Blue Banded Bee (15k) (Upright)
- Haunted Hound? (7,5k) (?)
- Wishing Star (19k) (Upright)
- Equilibrium (28k) (Upright)
- Cloud Nine (10k) (Active)
- Herbal Hex (7,5k) (Upright?)
- White Wind (72k) (Upright)
- III Omen (20k) (Upright)
- Frazil (72k) (Active)

This list got longer than expected, whoops ... These are just maybe-s that spark my interest as characters (or are just way too pretty).


Venalli status: offline

User ID 17565
Forum posts 111
Member since Nov 2nd, 2018
Last seen Jan 7th, 2020