09:37 ST

hello hello hello! I am madeofstars but you can call me vbaby!
you may have seen me @ kaylune or goatlings! I’ve also played on FR & neopets, among a bunch of other sites a long time ago! I’m always on the lookout for fun new petsites, so if you have one that you think I’d like please feel free to send it!

about the vbabs:
she/her; colorado
chat nicknames: stars, v, vbabs, vbaby
(these are also nicknames you can call me!)

I play a lot of video games! I write a lot of fanfic! I like to draw & knit sometimes too!
I play SW:TOR!! if you play TOR too or you’d like to, hmu! I always love a new raiding buddy :D

random hellos & chats are always welcome. =w=
you can always ask for my twitter, tumblr, ao3, ravelry or my sn on other petsites!
you can always ask for my skype, xbox live account, 3ds friend code, wii u friend code, & steam name!
(jsyk, I may not give it out these accounts if I’ve never seen/spoken to you before!)


madeofstars status: offline

User ID 7037
Forum posts 30
Member since Feb 23rd, 2016
Last seen Jun 27th, 2016