The first ticket drawn is… ticket 47! Congratulations Hush!
Your Duprass with Soma and Aniel will receive babies!
The second ticket drawn is… ticket 76! Congratulations Alice!
Your Duprass of Alori and Lore will receive one baby!
The third ticket drawn is… ticket 134! Congratulations to HamsterQueen!
Your Duprass of colbolt and Glimer will receive one baby!
Which means we draw a fourth ticket!!
The fourth ticket drawn is… ticket 941! Congratulations to Kali!
Your Duprass of Enya and Firestorm will receive one baby!
Aaaaand a fifth ticket!
The fifth ticket drawn is… ticket 230! Congratulations to Akira!
Your Duprass of Lian and Calypso will receive babies!
Thanks for playing everyone :)))
Posted 03/10/14, edited 03/10/14
Congratulations, everyone! I can’t wait to see the babies :D
Posted 03/10/14
Congrats winners! Can’t wait to see the babies. :D
Posted 03/10/14
Big congrats to all the winners and can’t wait to see future babies c:
Posted 03/10/14
*freaks out and considers calling Hush to wake her up and tell her*
Ok I’m holding off on the call. But good luck/congrats whatever happens
Posted 03/10/14, edited 03/10/14
Don’t do that yet, Hina. There was a little glitch in the system.
EDIT: Okay, I guess you weren’t the glitched bit :3 Yay :D
Posted 03/10/14, edited 03/10/14
Congradulations on babies guysss~ :D
I can’t wait to see what they look like :3
Posted 03/10/14
There we go, sorry about that — I typo’d one of the user IDs (the ticket numbers were all correct though). Is fixed now :)
Posted 03/10/14
Congrats to the winners. :3
Posted 03/10/14
Congratulations to all those that won~ looking forward to seeing all these bbs.
Posted 03/10/14
I can’t wait for the BABIES. 8D Is there going to be baby lineart that grows like on Digis? I never even thought about that until now; sorry if it’s already been answered elsewhere. :0
Posted 03/10/14
I can’t wait to see the babies, either!
Ahhhh, this was exciting x3
Congratulations, everyone!
Posted 03/10/14, edited 03/10/14
Pooka Yes! There will be a baby stage and a pre-baby stage. :)
Posted 03/10/14
Awesome! I can’t wait to see the lineart as well, then. ^^
Posted 03/10/14
I pick the Calypso x Lian Duprass :D
Oh here, I’ll toss this on here too:

A sketch I drew in our Spanish class of the two early this week. Though I totally wasn’t anticipating this to be a reality. Ohhh gosh. I can’t sleep. (More art for the two to come :D)
Posted 03/10/14, edited 03/10/14
@Myla will one artist be doing the babies or other artists too? Cause I kind of want to watch my baby get made xD
Posted 03/10/14
Several artists will be working on the babies.
Posted 03/10/14
Does that mean I’ll have a chance at watching them if they don’t mind? D:
Posted 03/10/14
@ Alice Sadly you don’t get to watch the offspring get made, since their various forms are a surprise for when they reach the respective developmental stages (there are three stages of growth).
Posted 03/10/14
It’s suppose to be a surprise though, Alice! Half of the charm is the anticipationnn c:
Ack, I’m so excited I can hardly contain myself.
I’m just so happy and thankful for whatever the artists have in store for us <3
Posted 03/10/14, edited 03/10/14
This is terribly exciting. And Hush is still asleep. I haven’t the heart to risk waking her husband up to squeal over babies xD But im terribly curious how this will play out. If there is going to be a lair to stalk that the first stages will appear in like the feathers would show up on the swans account on Digis. It’s really kind of neat to watch how this all is going to play out
Posted 03/10/14
Yes I know but it would be my first custom that I would kind of like to enjoy watching.
Posted 03/10/14
For regular customs, whether or not to stream is a choice we leave up to the artists (some artists are comfortable streaming their work, others aren’t). But yeah, for breedings unfortunately that isn’t an option.
Posted 03/10/14
Are breedings going to be? If breedings are going to be common, it seems a little taxing to make every breeding have unique babies.
Posted 03/10/14