18:04 ST
Fixing the bank issues

Hi everyone!

So the bank was being… you know, weird. I’ve just closed all of the bank accounts and restored everyone’s nugget counts to what it should have been. I hope to get the bank up and running again soon as well — I’ll update this post when the bank is functional again :)

Posted 06/23/13
I’m no longer in debt! 8D; HUZZAH.
Posted 06/23/13

Great news!
I can’t wait to start collecting interest.
Thanks for keeping us updated :]
I’m glad to see I’m not in the negatives anymore as well, haah.

Posted 06/24/13
Baw, I’d thought I’d had at least 100 nuggets legitimately, I guess not XD Thanks for the work!
Posted 06/24/13

Thank you for working on this, glitch!

However, am I the only one who noticed they don’t have what they had before?  I’m pretty sure that I had ~170 or 180 nuggets in there and now I mysteriously have 0! o:  Not a big deal at all, but wondering if anyone else has had this problem.  Unless I’m just delusional, though I’m pretty sure they were there. xD

Thank you very much regardless; this really isn’t a big deal! (:

Posted 06/24/13

Thanks so much for fixing the bank! :D

Posted 06/24/13
Thanks for everything, glitch ^-^ Glad I chose not to store anything in the bank yet.
Posted 06/24/13
@Breathless; Looks like the nuggets were taken out of the bank and added to your on-hand total. No one has any in the bank right now.
Posted 06/24/13

Couldn’t be that either; I maxed out Cave In! yesterday and had ~3.5k nuggets on hand, and when I logged in again I still had 3.5k.  I now have 3.6k after playing a bit more today, after I had already seen this announcement.  Only thing I can think of is that the nuggets were replaced while I was playing yesterday, but I was playing about 24 hours ago.  Not a big deal but figured that if there was a glitch I should let glitch (mehehe) know!

Edited for extra detail.

Posted 06/24/13, edited 06/24/13

Nuggets were removed from your bank and put into your on-hand amount, and all bank accounts were closed. The amount of nuggets that you have on hand is the exact number of nuggets that you made and received through transfers or trades. Any nuggets you “lost” were nuggets that appeared into your account from the bank bug :)

(edit: this was done when i posted the thread, and has not been modified since. @Breathless, your balance / numbers are correct, and you did not make / earn any more nuggets than you have. I’m echoing you the details in case you’re interested)

Posted 06/25/13, edited 06/25/13
Ah, thank you very much for clearing all that up and sorry again to trouble you with a problem that wasn’t actually a problem!
Posted 06/25/13
And the bank is up and running again :)
Posted 07/02/13

Wow, I just happened to check it and it was just put up.
Good timing on my part xD
Thanks a bunch, glitch!

Posted 07/02/13
Yessssss. [Shoves her nuggets into the bank.] Thank you, glitch! :D
Posted 07/02/13

Bank? BANK!


Posted 07/02/13
Thank you Loomy! :D
Posted 07/02/13
Thank you Glitch!
Posted 07/02/13
Aaaaahhhh!!!! Thanks Glitch!!!
Posted 07/02/13