06:41 ST
[RAFFLE] Finally, the Sprout Raffle!
This raffle has now been drawn! See the results here.

The Sprout Raffle Cometh!

As is tradition this time of year, we are once again holding a Sprout/Semi-Custom raffle! We will be drawing eight winners total. You will be able to purchase raffle tickets starting on February 14th at 12:00 ST, and the raffle will be pulled on February 21st at 12:00 ST.

Your first ticket will cost 100 nuggets, and after that, the price will increase by 10% for each subsequent ticket. Each player may purchase a maximum of 35 tickets for this raffle.

If a winning player selects a sprout:
  • The player must have one of their own genesses selected at the the time of the raffle drawing
  • The winning ticket will produce one sprout, regardless of how many players are represented in their geness
  • The resulting sprout will be a light edit sprout. Some examples of lightly edited sprouts are: here, here, and here
If a winning player selects a semi-custom:
A semi-custom is a type of artistic freedom custom that we sometimes raffle off as an alternative to sprouts. They allow very little player input compared to normal customs - typically not much more than a color palette or theme. This option may be preferable to newer players without genesses or to players who want more color input, but is of course open to any player desiring a semi-custom Mycenian over a sprout!
  • The resulting semi-custom will be an ineki with edits of approximate equivalence to a light-edit sprout.

  • The player must echo Myla within 24 hours of winning, confirming their selection of a semi-custom. They may also include the following optional information:
    • Type of ineki (cat, dog, or fox)
    • Pose (active or upright)
    • Mouth style (open or closed)
    • Color palette - must be sourced from a palette maker such as Design Seeds
    • Coat name

All raffle semi-customs and sprouts will be uploaded together. An approximate arrival date for them will be announced after the raffle is drawn. Good luck, everyone!

So many possibilities!

Posted 02/09/17, edited 02/21/17
ahhhhhhhh so excited hehe
Posted 02/09/17
Super exciting!
Posted 02/09/17
Ohhh, I can’t wait! Time to set aside some nuggos ouo
Posted 02/09/17

Crow Dove
Just curious, but will we ever see the legacy sprout edit system making a return in raffles? o:

Posted 02/09/17
Posted 02/09/17
Dumping 100% of my funds into this.
Posted 02/09/17
YEEEEESSSSS!!!!  This year I am at the ready to dump all my nuggos into this =D I’d no clue what was happening last year. 
Posted 02/09/17
Crow Dove Is the resulting sprout going to be influenced by the geness entered at all? Or will the sprout be just based on the colour pallet?
Posted 02/09/17

[@Shinkai] It is unlikely that the legacy sprout system will return in the foreseeable future.

Malis As with sprouts obtained from the sprout queue, the artist will draw influence from the geness image submitted by the winning player!

Posted 02/09/17, edited 02/09/17
Ahhhhhh I’m so ready!!
Posted 02/09/17

Single parent genesses are fair game for these raffles right? I’m trying to decide what I would want if I win

I anyone has anyone they wanna toss in with Rowan, Small Pupper, or Becky for a for fun raffle geness, let me know. We can discuss splitting the cost of a loneshroom!
For reference: Rowan, Small Pupper, and Becky (in order)

Posted 02/09/17
Yay!! I’m really excited to enter this time \o/
Posted 02/09/17

Crow Dove
Sorry to bother you guys again! ; o ; But a friend of mine pointed out that the FAQ in the Upcoming Changes to the Sprout Queue announcement has this written:

Will raffle sprouts be affected by this?
No, raffle sprouts will continue to have approximately the average editedness of the submitted geness.

Why was this changed (and not announced), if it’s alright to ask?

Posted 02/09/17

Dove Crow Alright my brain ran in some crazy jigsaw so I’m not sure if this is actually on-topic, but I keep wondering this and I was sitting here answering all my relevant questions and just typing them and deleting and…okay I’m asking just—I am very curious about Custom Edit feature—that is to say, I was wondering if you could get edits done to a non-custom pet. Is that a thing? For some reason I thought it was.

I’m sorry this is off-topic because I misread the prizes I just—I have no excuses I’m just being off-topic but it’s because I’d initially wondered if you could get a custom edit if you won and—yeah. It feels less off topic to me than I know it is. I’m sorry. Gah.

To be relevant—ah!! My first sprout raffle! I’ve been looking forward to this so much! (I just finally figured out how to make a geness, too. And then mocked myself for having such a hard time figuring out TREE.)

Posted 02/09/17


We had several reasons for choosing to remove the legacy sprout raffle option!

For one thing, it makes planning raffles like this a lot easier for our artists in terms of time commitment. 8 sprouts outside of queue is a lot to add to our artist workload. By setting a predetermined edit limit, the artists are aware of exactly what time and effort they are committing before signing up and can plan their schedules and other work accordingly. This also makes it easier on the back end to budget expected artist payment for the work they provide.

Further, the legacy system required more time and work for artists to calculate the editedness of sprouts, which involved counting the value of all edits on the geness parents and finding an average.

Lastly, we feel that the current method encourages players to put in their favorite or well developed genesses, rather than just selecting their most heavily edited in the hopes of receiving the most value from resulting sprout. We don’t want to penalize or discourage players who have and would be interested in submitting genesses consisting of site coats!

Chicken Unfortunately, we do not currently have a mechanic in place for editing non custom pets or sprouts. :(

Posted 02/09/17
Hooray! long I wanted to order a germ, but it was not for this gemstone. such luck! I will put all my nuggets! I hope for winnings ineki! :3
Posted 02/09/17

Dove I’m curious… would it be possible the edit limit could be bumped up to maybe medium tier in the future depending on how this one goes? That seems like a bit more of a fair compromise since that could mean a bit more edit variety without being as overwhelming as higher tiers?

I figured with the addition of new artists since the last raffle that would’ve… prevented a change like this happening? I dunno. I gotta admit I’m a bit surprised over this change. I get it, I guess. It’s not a ~huge~ deal and I don’t mean to sound ungrateful or anything… I’m just genuinely a bit taken aback? Because, for instance, the last raffle mostly turned out sprouts in the light to medium tier so I didn’t think the chance of too many heavy/ultra heavy sprouts would really occur? Especially this time with the advent of semi-customs which are less work than sprouts anyway since they’re a single stage vs three.

Posted 02/09/17
Hoooray! doragon shall we try for a robobaby? OwO?
Posted 02/09/17, edited 02/09/17
Corvani We’re always happy to experiment with other ideas! Generally speaking, there’s several constraints we operate in, but provided an idea is within these constraints we’re happy to give it a try. We work under three main constraints in sprout raffles:
  • Queue cuts: raffle prizes interject themselves at the front of our order queues (essentially “cutting in line”), we need to ensure that these sprouts don’t use up an unfair amount of “artist time” to be fair to players patiently waiting in the queues.
  • Cost: with more sprout artists we can of course produce more sprouts in the same amount of time, but when you’re getting a sprout for nuggets, we are still paying for it, so cost of artist work we can give out for free does not scale with the number of artists we have at our disposal.
  • Scheduling: although we have a lot of artists, they have to balance all of their MC work with their jobs. The number of unique Mycenians we give raffle off in Valentines Day raffles is heavily dependent on current schedules and workloads. This is another reason from moving away from our “legacy edit” method in raffles: artists are generally unable to commit to taking a fixed number of sprouts in advance when they don’t know how edited they will be.

So for this raffle, we opted for more winners with a lighter edit tier, as opposed to fewer winners with heavier edit tiers. Experimenting with fewer winners and heavier edit tiers (or some from each as Miranda pointed out below) is something we can absolutely do if players want to see it.

We have offered the option of a semi-custom instead of a sprout in raffles involving sprouts for over a year now, including the sprout raffle last year. It’s generally not a popular option and is rarely selected, but it’s there to account for newer players who may not have a geness yet, or for any player whose genesses already have as many sprouts as they intend. While there aren’t many players who don’t want a sprout, we don’t want you to feel excluded from the raffle if you happen to feel that way!

Posted 02/10/17, edited 02/10/17

i can see why legacy sprouts would be such heavy work on your end, so much is left up in the air until the pulling! (edit; plus all those reasons Myla said literally a minute before me haha oh gosh!!)

light edit sprouts are awesome and great, but i think it’s fun to also be able to win more heavily edited ones too! (plus it makes them a little bit more accessible for us financially challenged folx haha) maybe, for a possible compromise, a mixture? like offering a few sprouts that are more heavily edited, and a few less so? ( plus more flexibility for artists and what kind of time they can commit to each raffle?) or more sprout raffles!! (u can never have too many bebes? yes???) and say have one no-edit sprout raffle, a heavy edit sprout raffled, a medium sprout raffle, etc? (edit; which i guess myla just said was a possible future option? sounds fun!!)


ALSO;  jumping on the bandwagon and saying if anyone wants to use Tageliet or Mei Mei for a geness partner, feel free to ask!

Posted 02/10/17, edited 02/10/17

Myla Thanks for the in-depth reply! That’s all very understandable. I’m always glad to see you guys are open to feedback too. <3

I like the idea you and Miranda put out of varying amounts per bracket or just mixing things up each raffle in general. I really like the idea of like x amount for light, x amount for heavy, etc per raffle especially. Sounds very cool! o: (and also like Miranda said is very nice for those low on funds!)

I also totally forgot semi-customs were a thing last raffle, huh? I was just referring to the sprout pages to double-check results aha.

Either way, I’m still excited because I always love seeing more sprouts/customs about! Good luck everyone! c:

Posted 02/10/17, edited 02/10/17

Dove Crow I have one more question (‘cause I’m dumb/tired) The semi-custom is ineki-only while if we pick the geness option the sprout can be any breed (matching the parents) right?  For some reason I read them as being the same thing the first time around.

I lied, one more. If the pets in the geness are unedited, the sprout will still be light edited right?

Myla Thank you for the clarification! I do like the idea of mixing it up a little, (sometimes not as many winners but hugher tiers, other times many winners at a lower tier) but I totally understand keeping it all under the same tier to make it work with the artists.

Posted 02/10/17, edited 02/10/17
*Rolls in.* Sprouts! My love! I was waiting for this raffle with bated breath!!! I cannot wait to see some pretty new babs! * U *
Posted 02/10/17
Spoots! I’d love to win a spoot raffle just once. ; wwww ; <3 <3 <3
Posted 02/10/17

You are correct on both accounts. :) The sprout process is the same for this raffle as it is through the queue in the sense that a geness containing a Drasillis or Kelph could produce a sprout of those species, and the edit-level of the raffle sprout would be ‘light’ regardless of how heavily or unedited the Mycenians in the geness are.

Posted 02/10/17
Phew, 35 tickets, that’s a LOT of nuggets! Like, 27k or something like that.
Posted 02/10/17

*highfives Coronae* I always love it when someone does the math!

It is of course totally up to you if you want to go that high, and bear in mind that more than a third of that 27k is in just the last 5 tickets.

  • 5 tix will cost you about 610 nuggets
  • 10 tix will cost you about 1594 nuggets
  • 15 tix will cost you about 3177 nuggets
  • 20 tix will cost you about 5727 nuggets
  • 25 tix will cost you about 9835 nuggets
  • 30 tix will cost you about 16449 nuggets
  • 35 tix will cost you about 27192 nuggets

Recall that your tickets 31-35 (costing just over 10k by themselves) are no more “powerful” than the first 5 (that cost 610). The geometric price increase helps us allow the more nugget-rich players to increase their odds if they want to, while keeping a more level playing field for players with fewer nuggets :)

We have a cap at all to stop things getting toooo crazy, and for this raffle we place it at approximately the cost of a forever pet from the Out of the Shadows shop!

Posted 02/10/17, edited 02/10/17

I had a few questions. I have no precious stones and PP. What to do then?
And geness only your pets, or just a couple having fulfilled geness can have children?

Posted 02/11/17

Daria Our raffles rarely to never use gems as a method for purchasing tickets. You do not need any to be able to take part. You’ll be able to purchase tickets with nuggets, which can be won playing our games, and so I would not worry about not having PP or gems.

Secondly, any geness can have sprouts. It is only pets that aren’t in a geness that cannot. It does not matter if the geness is just your own pets or if you have a geness with another player. Both are eligible; however, our rules do require that you ask any other players in the geness if they are alright with the pairing having a sprout before you enter them into a raffle or queue.

Posted 02/11/17