Salem i dont think that would equalize it as there are likely not an even amount of users with/without customs, so it would give higher chances to one raffle (probably the raffle for those with one already? im not sure what the numbers) so it would somewhat defeat the purpose by giving older users even more of an advantage lol xD
Posted 02/25/17
Fie95 Hmmmmm thats a fair point, didnt think of that Hmmm, well it would still make it so there’s winners from each. Idk though back to the drawing board haha
Posted 02/26/17, edited 02/26/17
I kind of skimmed but I do have a suggestion. Someone previously had mentioned that we could do “those who haven’t won a grand prize” vs those who haven’t. I think if we split it like that, it would be a bit more even? I also think “those with customs” vs “those without customs” would favor those without. I’ve never won a custom but I do have one. It would make it a bit “unfair” for older players but it would also give new players something to stay around and grind for, maybe even get into the game instead of freaking out at first glance and then leaving. I’m personally more for the “those who haven’t won a grand prize” (as in a GCS or a Sprout/Custom) since I’ve won raffles but only the capsule or the 3 gems rewards. Having two running at once would be fun but maybe have one for “all players” and the second for “those who have never won the grand prize”. The “no grand prize one” could be full of “grand prize items” like GCS/Sprouts/Customs and the “all players” one would have capsules, event shrooms, etc. I like to think people who have been grand prize winners wouldn’t be too upset giving others a chance at it considering they’ve already won but I’d be curious to see actual statistics for these things :o
Posted 02/26/17
Madara Oh yeah, that’s a good idea :) I know they said they do keep track of it, so would be useful. The winners pool might be somewhat smaller though. I dunno, still I def agree it would be interesting to see the data. I believe I won a raffle… once? I’ve maxed out in all the raffles since I joined (with the exception of this sprout raffle) what I won was a Cave Capsule, from which I received Midnight’s Horns
Posted 02/26/17
Madara hmm really? i guess it’s hard to come up with stuff without knowing the exact numbers XD im just used to seeing two extremes of people with a bunch of unique pets or none so i thought there were more active users without
Posted 02/26/17
Fie95 But that’s also why I suggested the grand prize take on it. Since it would be unfair for users who paid hundreds of dollars for their customs to be excluded from a free one. Staff wins (if this were to happen) should not be counted I think. If there are 4 winners and 2 are staff, 2 more should be drawn. I understand that staff should be able to participate in raffles but I do feel like they have an easier time and buy many customs/sprouts very often. It seems like they get in-game compensation (I’m not sure if it’s true but it seems that way based on a few cases). I like to think I have a good paying job but some of the customs I see on staff (and non-staff too of course) are SUPER impressive :O
Posted 02/26/17
I’m with you up til a certain point. I think that a raffle of e.g. A semi-custom for people currently without a unique pet would be fun and encourage people to stay! However, I don’t like the idea of excluding people who have older accounts without unique pets who may have come back recently. How would you govern that? Would it be on a case by case basis? How could you say for certain that they’ve only come back to exploit the raffle? I also don’t really understand why you feel that it’s unfair for staff to receive some compensation for the hours of extra work they do. I don’t know if they do or don’t, however I’d personally be happy for them to receive that acknowledgement for the work they do improving the site for our benefit. Having altered rules for staff on the basis that they tend to have several unique pets, but not any other very active user with the same, strikes me as being unfair rather than fair. I think that the way it is currently done (I. E. The way that happened in the last raffle) is more than fair. In addition, the way you’re currently phrasing it unfortunately makes it seem like you’re in favour of a ‘grand prize’ system only because you haven’t personally won a grand prize. I understand this is very unlikely to be your intention, so I would be interested in hearing more about why you would favour excluding grand prize winners only rather than E. G. Somebody who has won several medium tier prizes.
Posted 02/26/17
Chickpea In regards to the old users that may have recently come back, I literally meant they logged in JUST for the raffle. I know there is a rule for users who needed to make their accounts before a certain time to participate (as in you can’t participate in this raffle unless your account is x days old). It would just take into account that you needed to have been active prior to this raffle (if my last log in was say…September 2016, I would be excluded for “not being active in the last 4 months” for example). I’m sure there are statistics for that in the database. I don’t think it’s unfair for staff but I also work for a game company where I receive compensation in game and we are not allowed to use it in a way that effects the other players (cannot participate in raffles, events, like and share stuff, etc). I’m not saying to exclude them from everything :o In fact, I think it’s great if they get payment + compensation, I’m not against it at all. But for all people who don’t work at MC, they do not get compensation here so staff has a bit of an advantage in that case. I also didn’t mean they wouldn’t participate. In my example, I meant that the 2 staff would get their prizes but 2 additional tickets should be drawn as well (for a total of 6 winners instead of 4). I am in favor of the “grand prize” system for the sake of older players (which in the previous posts seemed to worry that it would be unfair to pool older players vs newer players but I skimmed as I said and may have misunderstood that?). It pretty much comes down to my mention about the hundreds of dollars. To get even the lowest tier sprout, it’s 90USD and just because a user has purchased one with their own money or selling that value, they shouldn’t be excluded. When I say “grand prize” I literally mean sprouts/customs and GCS since the discussion seemed to come about from an amount of unlucky older players that never had them. So anyone who has won these items (even if it were the semi-custom and not a sprout) would be excluded. But if someone just scraped by and managed last place in a raffle of 60 winners where being drawn first was a cave capsule 2013 and the lowest prize was 3 gems, we shouldn’t exclude those users for putting their money in. Also, lets say someone bought their GCS coat with PP? I’m not sure if there is data on that so owning it would excluded them. That wouldn’t be fair since I’ve seen GCS coats go upwards 20PP (100USD). I more mentioned that I had won before to give my view point as an older player who has spent a lot of money and who always participates in the raffles. I would feel a bit sad to be excluded from a raffle like this just because I bought my custom or got lucky from maxing out on tickets for small raffles all year. I’m sure there are others who would feel the same? To compare, if we went with the “no custom/sprout” version, generally ALL old players who have been active would be excluded (again, I have no proof of this but everyone I’ve seen around since I’ve started have customs/sprouts) In the check I did yesterday, I’ve seen 2-3 year old accounts with one pet, no pets, <5 pets, etc. This may sound rude but compared to other 2-3 year old players, if they were actively participating they would have had more so I would still vote to excluded them since it would take away from old players who have actually played the game in an attempt to get something. It’s more to shrink the pool in favor of users who actually tried to play this game and didn’t just leave. I’m at work right now but I hope I clarified everything. If you have another questions or something sounds strange, feel free to poke me :)
Posted 02/27/17
It’s okay, thank you for taking the time to respond to me. As I said, I doubted that the way I was reading into it was your intention so I appreciate you clarifying for me. In regards to excluding people who have logged back in just to participate in the raffle, I just don’t believe that this can be done unfortunately. There is no way to differentiate between somebody who has logged in to exploit the raffle and somebody who has arbitrarily remembered about the site after a number of months. I don’t think we should be doing anything that would exclude or alienate returning members, if we are looking to get more people to stay on site. Again, I am okay with staff who work at Mycena gaining benefits related to Mycena. You say that those of us who work elsewhere don’t receive compensation here, which is true, but likewise Mycena staff don’t get any benefits to where we ourselves work? (I mean, it’s not like I personally get any from my job, but that’s a personal gripe, haha) I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make there. Conversely, in terms of rewards that don’t affect other players, I can see where you’re coming from. However, I’m not really sure what could be given to staff here that wouldn’t affect other plays in some way - pets, currency, items etc. would all be out in that sense. What would you suggest? Something I am not sure on again, are you saying that, for example, in a raffle for a GCS all accounts who have ever owned one? Or are you pointing out that that would be unfair? Finally, I strongly disagree with excluding players with older accounts who haven’t amassed much wealth here on Mycena. There is no cutoff point for that in my mind that wouldn’t be completely arbitrary. Perhaps you could make a case for very old accounts which still only have a single starter pet, but again, I am unsure of why we would want to penalise them for returning to the game after a period of absence if we are attempting to increase player retention rates. In that sense to me, I’m afraid your last point about them ‘taking away from older players’ does sound rude and not really in the spirit of fairness. Okay, I am also at work (lunch!), so that’s me done for now. I find a little back and forth like this can also help solidify ideas, so hopefully this is helpful in some way.
Posted 02/27/17
Chickpea Excluding certain users: Staff: Glowing Shrooms: For older accounts with not much wealth: I keep mentioning the older players because I was trying to make a solution for this post in particular. I’m not trying to be pro older players but I have participated on sites where new users would start playing because of an event and then leave immediately after (whether they won something or not) which I don’t think was the purpose of the original idea. I am wondering, however, if there will ever be a raffle where some slots are saved specifically for people who have never gotten a sprout and/or custom before? I forget if we’ve done this before (sorry if we have and I’ve forgotten- I have a terrible memory) so my apologies if it’s a moot point. It’s just something I think I’d like to see more. Not sure if anyone else feels that way, but I figured there’s no harm in asking ^^ Honestly, if I were to base my opinion on just this post in the spoiler I feel like paid sprouts/customs shouldn’t count as “getting one”. I really do think going the “never won a GCS/Sprout/Custom” route would be the fairest in general. For newer players, I feel like a few MC events had a cut-off (I think the Halloween one had it?) so maybe we could just use that? “Your account must be at least 3 months old” or something in order to be eligible. That would allow users with older accounts to participate but super new users couldn’t just slide in the day of. I do think I sounded quite forceful in the other posts. In my mind I’m thinking this is going to be a one-time thing so I’m hoping to make suggestions that give everyone a fair chance. By everyone I’m meaning more current players (both new and old), not really players that made an account just to dump it into FR or players that made an account 3 years ago and never came back. That could be why my suggestions don’t make sense for fairness in some cases but technically if they don’t play the game, they won’t be able to properly participate in the raffle. I would also be impossible to find out who these people are based on log in data so I don’t think there a good or logical reason/way to exclude them so I will retract that bit. I also hope that this discussion can result in some solid ideas :) I’m honestly open to all suggestions
Posted 02/27/17
Madara I wanted to quickly interject here about the drawing of tickets! For most raffles where the grand prizes are from ‘limitless’ resources (for example the item raffles), our general standpoint is to draw extra tickets when a staff ticket is drawn! However, since sprout/semi-custom raffles are dependent on limited resources (the artists), drawing extra tickets for each staff ticket drawn is much harder to do! This is why we decided that an extra ticket would be drawn if two staff tickets were drawn, rather than if one was drawn.
(Entering an apology here, I just saw you posted but haven’t had a hance to read through since I’ve just ended my lunch break!) I’d also like to note that your suggestion that, for instance, I might have easier access to enter raffles due to compensation from work I have completed for Mycena Cave could also be applied to anyone who invests money they earn elsewhere into the site. There is a huge trade in PP (which is bought with USD) on the forums. A lot of sellers of PP look for nuggets which can then be used to purchase raffle tickets. Would users not already have an advantage/disadvantage depending on how they utilize trades and their own money? Those who can purchase PP and gems and trade/sell for nuggets already are more at an advantage than players who only grind games and fish as obtaining in-game currency, for their investment is often more fruitful immediately and in the long run when they invest money. But in all cases and in the end product, Player A, who bought gems and sold for nuggets to purchase their 35 tickets, and Player B, who ground games for a month to purchase their 35 tickets, have an equal opportunity of having a ticket drawn in the raffle! That being said, how else would you propose we adjust things to make them more advantageous to all players regardless of how they earn nuggets? I, personally, see some good ideas and discussions in regards to people who have customs/sprouts/have won grand prizes previously, and would certainly like to see more discussions that make raffles more even and inclusive for everyone!
Posted 02/27/17, edited 02/27/17
How about a raffle where players earn tickets by being active in discussions on site? Like we’ve had a few events where you’re entered in a raffle for participating in some way (a day in the life, profile drives etc). What if there was a raffle where a few discussion topics were posted and tickets were earned by having solid/constructive posts on them? :) I know what a ‘solid’ post is would be kinda subjective but I’m sure some sort of guidelines can be put forth. I had a board a while ago that was answer the question above and I thought it was a fun way for the community to get to know each other, so perhaps something similar? Or a board like this even ‘what are your thoughts/ideas for a raffle’ could be a good way to get feedback and have on site activity rewarded?
Posted 02/27/17
Plasma For the staff in raffles, I actually based my example on paying players vs staff. I do think there is a bit of a tier system (but that’s normal for all games so it’s nothing that can really be fixed); free players, paying players, staff. I don’t mean to single you guys out, it was just something that had come to mind while reading through these posts. As I said, I do like how there is a ticket cap in place :) If this raffle becomes a regular occurrence, eventually everyone would have won a custom/sprout/GCS anyway (and then we’d potentially have to think of something else haha). In general though, I really don’t mind if staff participates (even if it’s compensation, you still worked for it) but maybe there could be a little bit of non-monetary participation as well? Like the writing I mentioned in my last post? This would also benefit newer players and non-paying ones that just don’t have the funds to max out on tickets. I also really liked the event with the forum games that resulted in tickets. In the case of shy players, maybe some puzzles like in the events?
Posted 02/27/17
I really like that idea! It would be nice if the discussion threads were a bit more active. I realise most people use live chat for this, but for those of us with limited access to the Internet it would be nice to have a chatting medium where I can respond when convenient rather than live. I think I can understand where you’re coming from a little better now. At the heart of it, I think I disagree with several points because I believe that it is the prerogative of the raffle winner to do as they wish with their prize. It doesn’t make me sad when a GCS is sold for offsite trades. It doesn’t make me sad when a raffle custom is sold on (I might add here, and the vendor is getting an informed and fair price for it). The winner got what they wanted (currency, items etc.) and the buyer got what they wanted. It doesn’t make me any more upset than any custom being sold, really. It doesn’t matter to me if that player never appears on site again. At worst, it’s the same outcome as any custom on a dead account. At best, the site benefits from the sale of PP/clicks from enough games to fund the nuggets to buy the custom from that player. What I would object to is your second point regarding staff. That’s purely conjecture. We have no idea what benefits staff may or may not receive, and so on that basis we must assume that they have no more benefits that any other player with access to a disposable income. I also don’t think having it as a one time event would really so much in the ways of fixing anything, in any sense. One person who didn’t currently have a custom now has one. Then everything else remains the same. I do really like the idea of a non-monetary option for tickets, though!
Posted 02/27/17
Just a note to say I realllly dislike the “being active in discussions” ticket idea. I, and a lot of other players, don’t really like or enjoy participating in discussions. My posts on discussions are usually very brief because I find it incredibly anxiety inducing to write huge paragraphs of personal thoughts. Usually someone else will write some of the thoughts I have because we happen to have similar opinions, and that’s enough for me. Concerning the idea, you also have the issue that there is only so much to say on certain discussions. You’d have a lot of people just reiterating what other people have written, because all they want is to get their ticket. Trying to arbitrarily get people involved in discussion by giving them raffle tickets to motivate them is just going to result in undue stress for many players who really want a chance at prizes. People should get involved in discussion simply because they want to do that. Some people are just happy in their own corner, and that shouldn’t be punished. That’s why we usually have the anonymous surveys alongside discussion threads, so the silent majority can have their opinion heard too. Creative events are fine because they pull away from a lot of the interacting with other users. When I post my creative entries, I don’t even think of people looking at them, just the staff member who happens to judge them etc. Discussions are so much more personal, and involve a much higher level of interaction many people here do not want to deal with.
Posted 02/27/17
Chickpea I’m not saying I want the raffle to be one time just as I think about it I’m like “omg, what if this is the only chance” so I want to make it the perfect one :3 But I do hope it will be available maybe a few times a year during holidays or regularly scheduled raffles ^^ If it will be considered for a few times a year, I think very simply having it as “if you won a custom/sprout/GCS in a previous raffle you will be unable to buy tickets for this one. Please join the other one” but having the prizes split between two raffles so no one is left out. 3 sprouts in one and 3 sprouts in another. Maybe some other complementary things here and there. What do you think? Of course once “everyone” has won, we could reset the “win counter” or something.
Posted 02/27/17
Ah, that’s also true Oxton. I hadn’t thought about it like. Discussion isn’t really discussion if it’s just spam for tickets. Ah, well :( I was referring to ‘... say I make $10 per day and staff makes $10 per day. That would allow each of us to buy 2PP a day. But since they’re staff, they may get a daily bonus of 20k nuggets, allowing them to buy another PP. As a player, I can only make $10 + 3k nuggets per day so staff will always have an advantage of being able to have max $10 + 23k nuggets (if they do get compensation). So they are already much better off than a normal player.’ I found it a poor way to support the point that staff have an advantage in raffles over any other player with access to real dollars, just because it’s completely baseless. It made it difficult to tell what the point you were trying to make actually was. Your further post much better clarified, thank you for taking the time to do so. I do hope that if a new way of raffling that’s fun and successful is found, it would happen more than once! Edit: oops, I forgot to add, I wouldn’t mind if several different new approaches were tried such as splitting it over two raffles. It would be interesting to see what happens and how people respond to it.
Posted 02/27/17, edited 02/27/17
I think it’s worth pointing out that, even without considering possible remuneration, staff have obvious advantages already, both tangible (special unique customs) and intangible. By intangible advantage I mean that their customs are almost guaranteed to be more in line with personal tastes/desires (for the same reasons you’re better at getting a gift for a friend than a stranger - you know their tastes better). This isn’t something you can (or should) do anything about, but it contributes to the idea that staff somehow get “more”, I think? Even if staff don’t have a specific advantage over other players “in raffles” there are a lot of other small contextual things that, taken together, separate them from the rest of the userbase and make the “they’re just like us in this one case!” seem a bit harder to process. edit: I think it’s also worth thinking about the role of “staff” as a monolithic entity representing the site, and “staff” as a single user who also happens to have a job on site. It can be really difficult to articulate your feelings about one while excluding the other. Likewise, it’s really hard to interpret whether someone’s post reflects their own opinions or the collective decision of “Mycena Cave”. I really like Madara’s idea of having a limit on grand prizes, though there are disadvantages. If winning a grand prize bars me from the next raffle (or the next year’s worth of raffles), then I think I might intentionally not enter GCS raffles “just in case” there’s a custom raffle next. However, since GCS raffles generally draw extra tickets if staff win, maybe it would make more sense to exclude them from any consideration of “time limits” and have those kinds of impositions be on custom/sprout raffles only? I agree with Tracer about the discussions, though actually I enjoyed the mini “curated” discussion on the cave event a while back - where you had to answer a question to the person above and ask a question to the person below. Finally, for the (broken) record I’m also pretty against anything that disadvantages newbies unfairly. This site is already pretty brutal to newcomers and, as Plasma said, even a newbie winner can still trade/sell a custom to someone who wants it. I still remember how shitty it felt watching other people’s EOLs grow, and feeling like I was being treated like a cheater because my account was a few hours too new. I understand that there should be consideration for multi-accounting and cheating, but there has to be a better way. Besides, daily nugget limits mean newbies aren’t really able to swoop in and max out on raffle nuggets without a pretty big time commitment.
Posted 02/27/17, edited 02/27/17
has anyone suggested, rather than raffles ONLY for have-not-wons side by side raffles ONLY for have-wons, how about side-by-side raffles for have-not-wons and everybody? i totally understand not wanting to feel left out of a raffle just because you’ve won before!! i think that would be the best compromise? or perhaps say, in a raffle with a grand prize going to 8 people, 3 or 4 are guaranteed to be people who have never won a “grand prize” ? (of course this bears the question… what counts as this? my intuition says customs, sprouts, and gcs, but lmk how y’all feel about that) but i think this could be a compromise! it doesn’t take away the chance to win for lucky ones like myself, just gives a bit more opportunities to spread the good luck! i actually think a raffle specifically for have-wons is a bit counter-intuitive? it seems like something that people who are have-not-wons would really grow to resent, since it’s a bit of a rubbing-your-nose-in-your-bad-luck type of thing. if i lost a raffle and then had to watch people who did win get to participate in another raffle JUST because they won, i think it’d make my bad luck more sour! also i like the idea of potentially offering tickets for participation! not exclusively in discussions because, like Tracer mentioned, i agree these can be very stressful! maybe tickets for things like… welcoming someone? starting a roleplay? buying x nuggets worth from the shops? random events like refreshers? things that are more general gameplay rewards! could be a fun way to offer tickets and opportunities to those who cant sink USD into game worth!
Posted 02/27/17, edited 02/27/17
Do you mean to allow “not have won” users participate in both raffles? Based on the previous conversation, I do think we’ve agreed that grand prizes are sprouts, customs, and GCS and I do like your idea of having all 8 prizes in one raffle. However, that would make drawing for it very difficult since what if the drawing yields all previous winners? Do the first 2 get replaced, the last 2, or the middle 2? Technically they would have to draw twice anyway (one for non-winners and one for “everyone”) which would be confusing if everyone was just in the same raffle I think. If both players are already separated, it would be easier to see who exactly was drawn for the prize but I would be interested to hear about how this could work? I’m not sure how staff keeps track of these things but I suppose it could be possible :o?
Posted 02/28/17
Madara yess, exactly! like, say it’s 6 winners, the first two would be from the smaller pool of players’ tickets, and then all of their tickets will be removed from the bowl as normal, and then the rest of the populace joins the pot for the last 4 drawings. that way there’s no retroactively taking away from anyone! just for the first 2 drawings you pick from a subset of tickets, and for the final 4 you pick from the whole pot. (these numbers of course are arbitrary, just an example!) does that make sense? i’ve been chewing on this idea for a few days now so idw sound confusing haha i’m not totally sure how it could be achieved with our current raffle set up of rollings an n-sided die. i think you’d have to run a random-number generating script with the applicable tickets as the set to choose from? i’m no comp sci major though haha so i can’t say for sure! maybe an option on each account that is staff toggle-able only that automatically puts have-not-wons into the subset? again, NOT a comp sci major, just making guesses haha (maybe if each ticket was entered into a spreadsheet with a column for “big winnings status” or something? then you run from only those with “no” there? is that feasible?) (or each ticket from a have-not-win takes on two numbers? one for each type of drawing? that way sounds the most automated but also the most convoluted)
Posted 02/28/17
Dogjeeling Tea [@Giacometti] A light-footed dog ineki prances deftly up terraformed slopes. They are at home surrounded by the lush green of shrubs lining the hills, darting from plant to plant and checking the tea leaves to see if they are ready for harvest. As they go by, a musky spiciness wafts in their wake, reminiscent of the scent that fills your nose before delving into a hot cup of tea. Your semi-custom, Dogjeeling Tea was created by Rhyme and has been delivered to your account. Congratulations! Purple Spark
talicinx Sparks of bright light race through the cave’s halls, their loud crackles echoing as they ricochet through darkened catacombs and out of sight. They appear drawn to a single point, fizzling out at the feet of a strange silhouetted figure. Bright fox-like eyes pierce through the darkness as they meet your gaze, and the Ineki steps out of the shadows to investigate you. Tiny sparks fly from the corners of their eyes as their mouth curls into a curious smile… Legendary Inari blackfoxette A tattered book falls from a crooked shelf and lands upon its spine; the tarnished pages flutter in a nonexistent breeze until they fall still upon a worn picture. Grey and red ink pulls from the pages and begin to swirl in the air, joining together and growing larger until all colors are washed from existence in a burst of light. As the shining orb fades a marvelous Ineki is stood in its place, their ancient eyes filled with curiosity of a new world… Your semi-custom, Legendary Inari, was created by Hush and delivered to your account. Congratulations! Petite Rose Nephele Gentle sunlight warms the fragrant air in the rose garden at tea time. A little, wrought-iron table and two chairs occupy a small corner of the garden. Two steaming cups of tea rest on delicate gilded saucers, and the roses nod in the breeze. A petite rose seems to crane over toward the tea and begins to glow. After the light subsides, an ineki adorned in flowers sits in one of the chairs, sipping the tea and taking in the beauty of the garden… Your semi-custom, Petite Rose, was created by Chou and delivered to your account. Congratulations! Moondrop Fie95 Beneath a full moon, an albino crow glides up near the stalactites of the Cave, a light in their eyes as they scan for treasure. Caw, ca—caw, caw they cry, a musical tinge added to the usual raspiness of a crow’s call. They swoop down in a field of soft, glowing fungus, spotting a lone flower blooming in the night. The crow studies the purple flower, fluffing its feathers and stroking a delicate petal with their beak. With this touch, the flower seems to perk up as golden, wispy threads emerge to surround the flower. The crow lifts itself into the night and disappears. Moondrop was created by Myla and delivered to your account. Congratulations! Sweet Succubus Dove Music blasts, echoing off the walls of the Cave and filling the party-goers with the deep rhythms of the bass. Thick walls of smoked are sliced by dancing bodies, creating winding patterns in the air. The hot and heavy atmosphere only grows stuffier as the night wears on, unnoticed by those consumed by the music and the effects of the smoke. In the middle of the fray, a flower unfurls beneath the crush of feet, swaying to the music and unafraid. Sweet Succubus was created by priz and delivered to your account. Congratulations! Beautiful Dreamer Kippie As daylight wanes and mushrooms glow heads are lowered to rest, bringing forth bright, chaotic images that may not make much sense. In this sleeping state a vision begins to form, unfurling its magnificent petals to reveal its delicate markings. The flower fills the mind of those it touches and brings a sense of calm and hope to all who can see it… Your sprout, Beautiful Dreamer, was created by Plasma and has been delivered to your account! Congratulations! Glass Heart Riaa Amidst ash and smoke, a lone blossom is brought to life. Its petals are tender and soft, sure to crumble at the slightest of touches. Still, it persists in its fight against fate; after all, not all that begins in tragedy must end in sadness. Perhaps, with enough time and love, something beautiful can be born amongst the ruins. Your sprout, Glass Heart, was created by Morgan and has been delivered to your account! Congratulations!
Posted 03/06/17, edited 03/06/17