19:00 ST
April News Discussion
Welcome to April!

Goodness, we had another busy month :D Lets see…

Well, Mycena Cage (April 1) happened

I… have nothing to add. Other than that it’s daemon‘s fault.

Chapter 2 has been released

And it’s awesome — find it in the Story menu or just click here. A huuuge thank you to Prose for her amazing work, and we look forward to narrating it soon :D


The first flowers were delivered, and as of last night the first babies were born! How exciting! We also had another raffle in which yet another pair of flowers were won, so keep your eyes peeled for more.

We released a new game, Echolocation!

And you guys have been playing it a lot :D To the point where we’re almost ready to take it out of playtesting mode! I like this game a lot: mindless clicking won’t help you here, and it doesn’t take forever to finish. And psst, we also have another game that’s almost ready for playtesting :)) Stay tuned!

Karass pages

We pushed an update giving every karass their own page, a great place to put artwork, shared information, RP links and so on. That and they’re adorable ^^.

Bank interest

We fixed an issue with the bank interest, where it would go down to literally zero if you had enough nuggets. That was kind of silly. Anyway now depositing more nuggets is always in your best…. interest.

Thanks everyone for such a great month! :)

Posted 04/01/14, edited 04/02/14

Best April Fools ever omfg

Edit; holy good God Bacchus with Nic’s face is killin’ me over here

Posted 04/01/14, edited 04/01/14
Way to go with Mycena Cage :P
Posted 04/01/14
i am amused by this and so excited to see a new game (echolocation is nice and all…but i never win XD) yay karasses…i still need to save up and get my second pet so i can try making a duprass… XD
Posted 04/01/14

Wait, Glitch didn’t do the Mycena Cage thing? My whole life is a lie! D:

Seriously though, you were uninvolved? Wow… Then I guess I should apologize for my first thought upon seeing it right after turnover being ‘oh, Glitch must have gotten bored again’. Then I remembered it was April Fools day and realized I should have expected it. XD Still, a great April Fools day thing even if it’s not a Glitch prank… *is totally not looking over my shoulder for what Glitch has up his sleeve now*

Posted 04/01/14


I thought I’d pop on to fish really quick during a lull in class and now I’m really REALLY struggling to keep from snorting with laughter in the middle of class.  XD!!!

I love you guys.  <3

Posted 04/01/14
If it’s any consolation, Nephy, glitch did the farts, I believe.
Posted 04/01/14
I spent a good ten minutes trying to figure out what was going on with the farts xD
Posted 04/01/14

Oh god it’s getting Cagey in here D:
Very funny Glitch >w>
I knew something was up >8C

Posted 04/01/14
It’s glitch’s fault for listening to me…
Posted 04/01/14
I suddenly have the powerful urge to steal the Declaration of Independence
Posted 04/01/14
Really? Because I feel like my head’s on fire and that I need to drive a motorcycle.
Posted 04/01/14, edited 04/01/14
Best April Fools yet, absolutely perfect. Tripp looks amazing with his Drasillis hair.
Posted 04/01/14
:DD Cageicorn.
Posted 04/01/14

Nekoda is drifted (it doesn’t show up on icons) But people should check it out.
It drifts Nick’s face too.

Posted 04/01/14
This is the best thing ever. Accessories cause weird things to happen lol
Posted 04/01/14
Omg Sapphy, Nekoda looks amazing! XD Ahaha. This is literally the best April fools I’ve ever seen.
Posted 04/01/14

Only Nicholas would be able to fight his way past the bone monster to get in here.
Is Mushroom Meals going to be off play-testing mode soon?

Posted 04/01/14

I just can’t.

What the heck are you doing, Cage? |: What are you snorting out of your nostrils?!

Also, PyroLuna. What about Chuck Norris?! D:

Posted 04/01/14, edited 04/01/14
I’m scared for next years April Fools day D:
Posted 04/01/14
I was really surprised and giggled quite a bit about the whole MycenaCage thing but the fart sounds…I can’t listen to music so I’m staying away from mycena for a bit. Is there anyway to turn it off?
Posted 04/01/14

“I suddenly have the powerful urge to steal the Declaration of Independence”

“Really? Because I feel like my heads on fire and that I need to drive a motorcycle.”


Posted 04/01/14
-stares at the Draccko- It’s taunting me. >.<
Posted 04/03/14
Loved the new chapter, actually gave me some answers I was looking for. Have a much better understanding of the cave now because of it.
Posted 04/11/14

I spy more wing items :D

Posted 04/17/14, edited 04/17/14
Ooh I love the brown wings! They look really good on my new custom.
Posted 04/17/14

*gasp* Brown wings?? My prayers have been answered!!

Posted 04/17/14

The brown and red wings look awesome on my Schrodinger’s Cat and Monster Under the Bed :D

Posted 04/17/14, edited 04/17/14

The new wings are pretty!
Wishing I kept my Brown Wood Owl now x3

Posted 04/17/14