07:55 ST
[EVENT] Letters from the Lost Wrap-Up and Feedback Survey
Anyone know if Mabel is drift-compatible? (Plus if it’s just a shifted hue or if it matches the rest of the drift?)
Posted 11/22/17, edited 11/22/17

Mabel is permanently hue-shifted - she won’t drift with your pets, and will retain her color even if you swap her for someone else’s Mabel (or, you know, sell her or what have you). :D

Posted 11/22/17, edited 11/22/17

Crow Whaaaat? ;o this this… is little… unfair ;c

Why i’m that so unlucky and have green color… worse color ever…

Posted 11/22/17

Mabel and Satin are BFFs now! :)

Posted 11/22/17, edited 11/22/17
Psst, Niya check the trading forums, or offer to trade for another color there? :D
Posted 11/22/17
Tsaiah but she/he say i the color is pinned to the account not pet ;-;
Posted 11/22/17, edited 11/22/17


Crow said the item itself retained its colour. You can trade different colours, I traded for a green one today.

Posted 11/22/17


It’s to the pet, you can trade for different colors :D

Posted 11/22/17

Maura and Matteo love their new companion! Well, Maura does. Matteo is still a little unsure.

Posted 11/22/17
Oxton Tsaiah oh ;-; my bad english…
Posted 11/22/17, edited 11/22/17

My heart hurts I’m literally so in love with Mabel ;O;
I think Cinders would be happy to take in another creature to love <3 !

Posted 11/22/17
Posted 11/22/17, edited 11/22/17

Kendra and Mabel are so adorable together oh my goodness
Thank you for such a wonderful end to the event! I loved the storyline.

Posted 11/23/17
aaa idk who to ping but i accidentally inputted my username as my old one, not my new one (old one was Faith) >~< do i have to submit another response?
Posted 11/23/17
Alpaca  Nope!  I’ll fix the error. :D Thanks for letting me know.
Posted 11/23/17
Posted 11/24/17, edited 11/24/17

Feedback on the feedback: Would it be possible (in the future maybe) to give an N/A option in addition to the Likert scales? Or more neutral options in general? I felt some of the questions on the form this time around were leading - meant to push responses in a certain direction.

Since the pets were beyond my reach, it doesn’t make sense to ask me how useful/inspiring they are. At first I thought the “not applicable” answer was meant to include “because I couldn’t buy them” as well as general feelings about the coats, but then I wasn’t sure. It’s like asking someone who can’t read which font is better - If you mean just aesthetically, that’s one set of answers, but if you mean which one causes the least eyestrain, the answers are moot.
(nb: I edited the above paragraph for clarification a few hours after posting!)

Likewise, the question about the relative probabilities of the bags doesn’t have a neutral option. For me, it depends on so many other mitigating factors like price/effort, aesthetics, etc that I don’t have an opinion on the question as it stands, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I “liked” the current set up.

Also, there’s a question where the options are
1 The pet should have been more expensive than the mushroom
2 I liked that they were the same price
3 The mushroom should have been more expensive than the pet

These options don’t reflect the event accurately. Since there were no pets in toad bags, the mushroom (one of them at least) was guaranteed to be cheaper than the pet, so saying “I like that they were the same price” is false. Likewise, saying “the pet should have been more expensive than the mushroom” is odd because the pet (or at least, one of them) was already more expensive than the mushroom.

More accurate options should have been
1 I liked that the pet was more expensive than the mushrooms
2 They should have been the same price
3 The mushroom should have been more expensive than the pet

Or possibly making it more clear that you are asking people to imagine their feelings as if there were no toad bags in the shop at all.

I’d also be interested to see how many people actually bought the pets (and mushrooms) from the shop, if there are plans to do any kind of post-event data breakdown.

Posted 11/24/17, edited 11/24/17

Wow! Thank you)

Posted 11/24/17, edited 11/24/17
eee thank you, I never win things, how exciting, my pouch had a Tattered Cowl, fancy *w*
Posted 11/25/17

Loved the event ending! This whole event made me wish I was more inclined to write lore and stories for my pets here because speaking with the Lost just screams a good story centered around my Lina! Maybe one day…but for now I can at least fawn in my head.

Lina hears the voices of the Lost all day, every day, to the point where she worries that she’s going insane. During the Cave Chronicles event I had a great time coming up with and expanding her story. =D Her twin brother is one of the Lost and this event would be a wonderful way for her to have a conversation with him!

And yaaay for Mabel! Mabel can go right here with Lina…

Posted 11/25/17

Eeeeeek little babbu Mabel ;~~~~;

Survey all filled out… Through my tears~

Posted 11/27/17
Feedback Survey Results

In total, we had 211 responses to our feedback survey for this event.

  • The majority of participants (80%) rated their enjoyment of the event as a 4 or 5, with the rest of participants (20%) rating their enjoyment as a 2 or 3.
  • Most respondents (64%) felt that the event’s duration was appropriate, with a majority of the remaining responses (26%) indicating that they felt as though it was a bit too short.
  • 68% felt that the amount of effort required to achieve the maximum number of prizes was appropriate, with a majority of the remaining responses indicating that it required too much effort.
  • Overall, 46% of respondents felt as though this event’s difficulty was just right (rated as a 3), while the majority, 51%, thought the amount of effort required was too high (rated as a 4 or 5).
  • 30.5% of respondents got all the prizes they wanted from the event, 30.5% got only the prizes that were most important to them, and 39% did not get all of the prizes they wanted from the event.
  • 66% of respondents found the items to be useful to them and their characters (rated 4 or 5).  66% of respondents found the coats to be applicable to existing characters or inspiring them to create new characters.
  • 67% of those who provided feedback think it is important to have the individual prizes available in the event shop.
  • 76% of respondents think it is important that event pets are made available (in addition to event coat mushrooms) in the event shop.
  • 39% of respondents liked the relative probabilities of items found in containers, and 54% would rather have even or more even relative probabilities of items.
  • 78% of respondents liked that the coat mushrooms and individual pets were the same price, with the majority of the remaining responses (17%) wanting the pet to be more expensive than the mushroom.
Common Comments

Having two dichotomous coats made the event feel too hard.
This was the most common critique of the event. Many of you wanted to get one of each pose (4 coats total) since each pose was different, whereas the event was calibrated toward one of each coat (2 coats total), making the event in general too tough because of the high prices.  You generally liked that they were dichotomous, but really didn’t like that they were hard to collect.  We will keep this in mind when creating coats and calibrating in the future!

You liked that you could buy the pet directly.
We implemented this change based on feedback from past events, and it was well received, with comments saying as much.  There were also many comments telling us that making them the same price as the mushroom was a good move.

You liked the wrap-up/lore aspect.
We got some really cute comments about Mabel and how the lore was integrated into the events.  We’re glad you like the story aspect we included! :)

Love/hate with click-style events.
A few of you expressed that our Scrabble event is your favorite event that we host, while a few of you expressed that you much prefer other styles of events!  We do hear these types of comments with every event we host, and work on diversifying the types of events we host to hit a sweet spot for everyone — thanks for sticking with us! <3

That dras coat, though!
You really liked how the dras coat had so many toggle options.. omnomnomnom.  Toggles are great!

Please expand the dictionary!
A sentiment expressed by some of you.. we will be adding many of your suggested words to our dictionary, and will continue to ask for input after our word-creating events. :)

Thank you all for taking time to give us feedback! It’s very helpful to see the event’s strengths and weaknesses so that we can make even better events for you! <3

We will pull the raffle tonight utilizing the code that we use for normal raffles, so keep an eye out!

Posted 01/04/18, edited 01/05/18
Feedback survey raffle will be held here at 9 pm Server Time tonight!

A total of 11 names will be drawn!

Posted 01/04/18
Thanks for the feedback write-up! I look forward to it every time.
Posted 01/05/18

Congratulations to the winners! Prizes will be distributed shortly :) have been distributed!

Posted 01/07/18, edited 01/07/18

;o i win, epic suprise

like ping xD i dont expect anything after all this time

Posted 01/07/18
Thanks for the raffle prize :)
Posted 01/08/18
Oh cool, thanks! :0
Posted 01/08/18