08:15 ST
[ACTIVITY] Mycena Cave Secret Santa!
Doesn’t each Santa’ee also have to contact their Santa, lest the Santa get reassigned? I thought you had to check in with both.
Posted 12/07/17
Myla Hi Myla, I contacted my santee a while ago, but I haven’t heard from them at all o: Should I just wait for now?
Posted 12/07/17

Mori A player who doesn’t respond tends to not respond to their Santa or Santa’ee, so we usually just need to look into the unresponsive Santas to deal with both cases (in this instance, we usually need to resolve the issue by removing the player from the event, since it’s usually because they haven’t logged in since the sign-up). 

Glitch and I do take a look to see if anyone is responding as a Santa but not as a Santa-ee though, and try to resolve the issue through an echo rather than removing them from SS—I think this has only happened once ever though so it is quite rare.

In short, Santa-ees should respond to their Santas!  It’s not fun for this to be a one-way conversation, and in many instances, the Santa wants ideas of what to get their Santa-ees, so it is only polite to respond.

cross  The response deadline hasn’t passed yet, so yes, wait for now. :)

Posted 12/07/17

I always assumed the Santa goes first and the Santa-ee replies. This exchange should happen before the 8th. I guess I just find it a bit weird to initiate a conversation with someone who is supposed to give a gift? “Hi, what did you get me :‘D?”

As a Santa, I try to message first :) This is my third SS and I’ve never had to initiate with my Santa before…

Posted 12/08/17
Today is the last day to make contact with your Santa’ees!

And please also be good Santa’ees and write a response to your Santa when they contact you!  Don’t leave them hanging in the chimney. ):

Posted 12/08/17

I got a message saying this;
“1 hour ago: Your Santaee has been removed for inactivity, so you’ve been assigned a new one. Please say hi to your new Santaee ASAP!”

But my Santa-ee Messaged me? And it also looks like they are still there. Should I ignore this?

Posted 12/09/17
Miku I’m not positive and Myla will need to chime in to confirm, but what I suspect may have happened is that your Santa-ee may not have reached out as a Santa to their own Santa-ee! In the interest of fairness, you need to be an active participant Santa in order to be eligible to remain in the activity. :)
Posted 12/09/17


Ooh I see, However the same user is still listed as my Santa-ee, nothing has changed yet. I wasn’t sure if I have to do something or not. Thanks!

Posted 12/09/17
Miku It seems there was a delay in getting the santa reassignments to go through. You should be all set now :)
Posted 12/09/17

Um, am I still a Santa? My Santa-ee contacted me and I was trying to write back to them yesterday (been busy with RL stuff since my Mom had surgery a few days ago) but my my power went out due to a snowstorm and didn’t come back until this afternoon. I have an alert saying that I was removed from the event but I can still access it and everything to contact the same Santa-ee so, I don’t know what exactly happened?

glitch Myla

Posted 12/09/17

Hi Nephele,

I’m sorry to hear about the circumstances, they sound unfortunate :( You are no longer a santa, but the access control didn’t go through properly earlier today when the santas were reassigned (I apologize for the confusion, that’s my fault). It should be sorted out now though.

Posted 12/09/17
Thank you for clearing that up. Will I be able to sign up again next year?
Posted 12/09/17

No — being removed from Secret Santa for missing deadlines means that you won’t be eligible to participate in future Secret Santas on Mycena Cave.

Contacting your Santaees is not an onerous requirement, in that it only takes a minute or so over the course of a week to reach out to your Santaee and let them know you’re there for them. Not doing so results in two problems:

First, it negatively affects other participants, in that any reassignment between people often breaks preferences such as physical / digital gifting and willingness to engage in international shipping, etc.

Second, working around removing people is a very time-consuming task. It is not as simple as just reassigning a person’s Santaee to their Santa. In this instance, doing so would resulted in a couple people being reassigned to other Santas who also flaked, as well as a one or two people who would have been their own Santas. Accounting for these edge-cases means even more shuffling and affecting people who are not even directly connected to the flaking Santa, often breaking those people’s preference choices as well. Determining the least-damaging reassignment in this instance occupied the majority of the day yesterday (which is why the reassignment didn’t go out until the evening).

Posted 12/10/17, edited 12/10/17
Is there a deadline for the new Santa? I sent one message to the old Santa and one message to the new Santa but still no reply yet…
Posted 12/12/17
Madara it may take a couple days — remember, they only just got assigned to you and may not have logged in for a couple days — but generally speaking I expect they should get a message to you soon. If you haven’t heard anything by Friday, please reach out to Myla or myself by echo.
Posted 12/12/17

oMG my Santa is the BEST 8D
Thank you!!! I am a happy Lycan ♥

Posted 12/19/17, edited 12/19/17
Aah those slippers are so cute
Posted 12/19/17
My Secret Santa hadn’t responded to me since the 12th, and they did not get in contact with me about any delays. I marked them as a flake, and since my Santa-ee marked my gift as received my Secret Santa bar went away. I received 10 gems from someone randomly, so I was unsure if it was my Santa. Would they still be considered a flake? Also, will there be a feedback survey at all for this event?
Posted 12/25/17


All reports will be thoroughly investigated. It is impossible for us to determine if they would count as a flake or not without looking a little deeper. Someone should be in contact with you about the situation soon!

Someone else will have to answer the feedback survey question, though, I’m afraid. I don’t remember there ever being one in the past for this event since I’ve been on Mycena Cave, so I do find it unlikely, but it is possible I simply forgot or the organizers are trying something new this year. Someone should be along to answer soon!

Posted 12/25/17
Dash Thanks so much! :D I’m in no rush, I mainly just want to make sure I did everything correctly.
Posted 12/25/17
Miku  There will be no feedback form for this activity, but you are welcome to post feedback here or echo it to me! :)
Posted 12/26/17

Miku: the gems you got were indeed from your santa, though it’s a shame they weren’t more communicative :\
Also, thanks for pointing out the issue with the secret santa button going away — that wasn’t supposed to happen yet and has been fixed!

Posted 12/26/17, edited 12/26/17

Myla glitch
Thank you both so much, I fixed it and marked my Santa as received.

Posted 12/26/17

Not just secret, but also surprise Santa! :O!!

I wasn’t able to participate in MC’s Secret Santa event due to work shenanigans (peak time ..all year except the last week of the year :P), which I sorely regret as I love giving gifts ♡

...and then the doorbell rings, and I think it’s the HDMI cable my partner’s ordered, and he thinks it’s a relationship gift for him from one of his work relations, and… it’s for me??

Three lovely bars of soap & a candle from London, and homemade cookies & caramels that went on quite a trip around the world from the US through several places in Europe, and then to me in the Netherlands!

I couldn’t be more surprised, and I’m so, so thankful for having been thought of — let alone so thoughtfully & honestly quite lavishly!

Thank you, from my heart ❤ You know who you are!

Posted 01/03/18
Reminder that today is the hard deadline for Secret Santa

From the Secret Santa rules:

Your gift should arrive on or before December 24th. If your gift will arrive a few days late, let your Santa-ee know via Santa-mail, but do your best not to be in this situation at all. In order to be counted, your gift must arrive before end of January 7th. No exceptions.Secret Santa rules

If you have received your Santa’s gift but have not yet marked it as such, please do so before 00:00 ST so as not to have your Santa marked as a flake. If your Santa flaked on you, hang tight! Super Santas will be assigned tomorrow.

Posted 01/07/18, edited 01/07/18

When does the Santamail interface go away?

Also, this is a bit of an incidental question, but I was also wondering if previous Santamails were stored, and if there was any way to access them? I was thinking about the fun I have in previous years with my santas and santees, and was kind of hoping to read through them again (since I forgot to save them BOTH YEARS in a row before the interface disappeared haha).

On one hand, I hope no one needs a super santa, but on the other….. super santa super santa super santa!!! OwO


Posted 01/07/18, edited 01/07/18
If I didn’t sign up to be a Super Santa on my application form, is it possible that I can sign up to be one now? If that’s needed, of course. I’d really hate to see anyone miss out on the ~*festivities*~
Posted 01/07/18, edited 01/07/18

Jacq The Santamail interface goes away after the hard deadline, to make space for the Super Santa stuff as necessary. I’m sorry to hear you didn’t save the info you wanted from previous years :( previous years’ Santamail are indeed tucked away in our daily database backups, but are not easily accessible.

Reggi That’s kind of you! We had more people volunteer to be Super Santas than we had Flakey Santas this year, but I appreciate your offer :)

Posted 01/08/18, edited 01/08/18
Super Santas have been assigned!

To everyone who registered as a Super Santa, regardless of whether you were selected to cover for a Flaky Santa, thank you for being amazing <3. If you registered as a Super Santa but have not heard from me about it, then your assistance was not needed to cover for the Flaky Santas this year :)

Posted 01/08/18