14:58 ST
[UPDATE] Introducing Mycenail Salon!
Oh I was afraid to disable because I didn’t know they could be reenabled! Thanks glitch!
Posted 04/01/18
Ooh, I thought disabling it might be un-disableable too. Thinking about it I’m not sure why. Thanks!
Posted 04/01/18

Poor Beauty, just one bottle of nail polish isn’t enough to paint her claws :(

Posted 04/01/18

Can I just say I’m SUPER thankful about the functionality to disable the effects? I’m not that bothered by them, personally, but I just REALLY appreciate the sentiment.

I’m autistic and struggle with unreality problems, so April Fools day is always one HELL of a day to be online, and is easily one of my least favourite days of the year as a result.

It’s very rare that places let you DISABLE the jokes, even when they’re grating and unpleasant. So even tho this aint too bad, I’m just SUPER thankful for the consideration of people who might not enjoy it as much?

Thank you so much!

Posted 04/01/18

Ooh I LOVE the nail polishes. :D

Also this is making me wanna get pampered along with all my ineki! I might just break out some products. ;D

Posted 04/01/18

oh my goodness I love it

they look amazing

Also, the nail polish names are hilarious!
Dahlia is wearing Aggressive Caterwauling
Kendra is wearing Glamorous Crime Scene
Circe is wearing Toothpaste Terror II: The Terroring

I think this is my favorite online April Fool’s day event so far!

Posted 04/01/18
I hate April fools so I really appreciate the disable option! Although, this year is pretty cute and makes me want to paint my nails lol. Several of mine got colors that match pretty well actually. I’m glad there’s a drifty one we can earn! :)
Posted 04/01/18

Oh wow, Bastet is rocking that gold towel! I dunno about the mud mask, but dang, I think she might walk out of the salon with a few of the towels. ^^

Posted 04/01/18

Bast looks so comfy in that yellow towel, and being a Goddess, she probably wouldn’t understand the fuss if she walked out with a few xD

“The nail polish will wear off after week.”  =(  awwhhhh I admit, I’m actually loving this year’s April Fool’s prank.  I wish we could keep the nail polish as wearables, but that’s probably a nightmare for staff. 

I want to thank all the team behind this, it must’ve taken a lot of planning and the artwork is fabulous. It’s been a surprising ton of fun, and I appreciate all the hardwork and effort behind the scenes <3

Posted 04/01/18
Ahhh nooo I forgot to save an image of Bacchus and his new look that he loathed. XD Ahh what a fun prank this year!
Posted 04/02/18
Any chance some of the nail polishes will join the user created one in the shops? :D I’m LOVING the effect on some of my myceneans!
Posted 04/02/18
The activities close tonight!

Get those last minute entries in, and double check that you’ve met the participation requirements!! :D

Posted 04/07/18, edited 04/07/18
Iiiiiis it a big deal if I forgot to name my polishes? XD;;
Posted 04/08/18
Whoops, I forgot to name mine too… >_>
Posted 04/08/18
GabrielDiglett  If you didn’t provide a name, you’ll still get the participation prize, but they will be disqualified from the raffle!
Posted 04/08/18
Live raffle for Carol’s pick will be in 1 hour and 25 minutes!

Edit:  Congratulations Avis Promise MafiaVamp FlyingSquirrely Malis!  Your nail polish creation will become a site item, and you will receive a copy of it. :) I’ll be making the one you indicated as your raffle choice.  If you didn’t indicate a preference, then I will pick (shown below):

Winey Glitter by Avis | Delinquent by Promise | Pink Lollipop by MafiaVamp

Molten Gold by FlyingSquirrely | Come get t’ Voodoo by Malis

Posted 04/08/18, edited 04/08/18
Ohh, I won with ticket #42. Looks like that is indeed is the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. :P Looking forward to your work, Myla!
Posted 04/08/18
Oh wow,  was not expecting to win… like at all. Congratulations to everyone else that won!
Posted 04/08/18
Eeeee!!! What a fantastic birthday gift!!
Posted 04/08/18

=( awwwhhhh it happened again! I saved all my entries so I could link to them but I didn’t get the alert for the feedback, entry linking thing.  So I guess I don’t get a participation prize either? =(  *sad panda…

Big Congrats to the winners, though.  The nail polishes look fab!!!  I can’t wait to see them stocking in the shops.

Posted 04/09/18
OregonCoast  There was no submission form—the lists are being compiled manually, and participation prizes have not yet been handed out!
Posted 04/09/18, edited 04/09/18
Myla  Thank you for letting me know!!! I was sad at the idea of missing out. 
Posted 04/09/18
Participation prizes have gone out!

If you think an error was made, please send me an echo and I will investigate!

Edit:  Only one of the activitys’ participation prizes went out by accident.  We are fixing this now!

They should be handed out for real!

Posted 04/09/18, edited 04/09/18

Eee, I had no idea i needed all these really affordable nail polishes

Especially this one:

(He’s even a deliquent, too xD)

Posted 04/09/18, edited 04/09/18

Winey Glitter my be more accurate, but this is much more extra.

(I love this aesthetic trashfire drama baby so much)

Posted 04/09/18


It looks like the contest nail polishes don’t affect the active Dras’ dewclaw. (The drifty one does! Possibly the delinquent one does, since it’s white anyways, but I didn’t check with layering - maybe someone else can confirm?)

Posted 04/10/18

Jacq is correct (nice spotting!)...you can see it better here with Pink Lollipop:

Posted 04/10/18
I noticed this as well. Myla, would it be possible to fix this and make it toogleable?
Posted 04/10/18
Fixed the nail templates—it’s not toggleable though!
Posted 04/10/18
It’s fine Myla. Thank you for fixing them
Posted 04/10/18