14:53 ST
[UPDATE] Introducing Mycenail Salon!

The drifty polish doesn’t seem to be working with all of the drifters. I’ve equipped it to a couple of my drifters and it just stays blue:
But on others, it does drift:

Could this a be a result of the recent issues with skewed drift colors? :o I know the ones haven’t drifted ended up with a skewed color and the one that has drifted looked just fine before the fix.

Posted 04/10/18
Rowyn:  They are all coded to drift, though I had to fix it yesterday shortly after they were handed out.  My guess is you equipped before it was fixed, and if you unequip and re-equip, it’ll fix itself!
Posted 04/10/18
Myla I actually did try it after the fix and it didn’t fix itself ^^; But it did this time! Thanks!
Posted 04/10/18, edited 04/10/18
Oh heck wow! I didn’t even realize I’d won! Figures this would be the time when I try to art without Photoshop… :P Thanks for running this lovely event!
Posted 04/10/18

Myla Heyy I noticed something odd with the lucky rabbit with the nail polish. I figured the polish wasn’t showing up on the one paw because that foot is toggleable, but if you toggle the foot off the polish shows up? lol. So it shows up when there’s no foot, but it’s missing when you have the foot turned on (which is usually how I have her).

Posted 04/10/18, edited 04/10/18
Corvani  The nail polish is always on, but I think it must be layered under the foot edit when the foot edit is turned on.  You should be able to put the nail polish above the foot in the manage pet interface! :)
Posted 04/10/18
Myla oH lmao I didn’t even think about layering it.. duh! Haha thanks! ;;
Posted 04/10/18