19:11 ST
May News Discussion
Foxxy omfg I’m dead. You killed me. Congratulations.
Posted 05/12/14
Posted 05/12/14

When I found out the site was down, I was all:

I seriously spend too much time here. >w>;;


Posted 05/12/14


^Me at work for hours without MC to keep me sane.

Posted 05/12/14
The site went down just as I was on a plane for 14 hours…clearly I am crucial to Mycena’s function! :|
Posted 05/12/14

The site wasn’t indisposed for 14 hours like you were, though.


Posted 05/12/14, edited 05/12/14


So me = Mycena?

Posted 05/12/14
No, I did my stupid thing where I forget to add the not. I was saying that the site got back way before you did. My sick burn failed. D:
Posted 05/12/14
Posted 05/16/14
I’ve just realised why the layout seems so odd to me since yesterday. So, uh, is it just me or is the header gone? @_@
Posted 05/17/14
Hmm, Morgan, I still have the header :o!
Posted 05/17/14

So it’s gone only for me then? ): Perhaps this is why nobody has mentioned it yet…

But yeah, the header disappeared for me, around the same time the message about Mycena downtime did I think. I was wondering why I kept instinctively trying to scroll up and thought at first that was the message gone that was throwing me off…

Posted 05/17/14

summer event????

I can’t wait :‘D

Posted 05/17/14

Do you have Adblock installed? According to a thread in the help forums, adblock was blocking the header for somebody… try disabling Adblock on Mycena Cave and see if that helps ^^

As for why Adblock shouold block our banner, or why it should do so all of a sudden when it didn’t before, or why it doesn’t seem to be doing it for everyone, I have no idea :<

Posted 05/18/14

Yeah, I saw that thread! I just disabled adblock for mycena, and would you know it, the header came right back up. I’m glad because it’s very pretty :D

But yeah, it’s quite weird that adblock would start seeing it as something to block all of a sudden…

Posted 05/19/14
I would like to propose moving the monthly news discussion into the MC Discussion forum and the monthly previews into the Announcements because it just makes more sense.
Posted 06/12/14