08:35 ST
[ACTIVITY] Spring Cleaning Profile Drive (Finished!)
Spring Cleaning Profile Drive!
What is a Profile Drive?

A Profile Drive is an activity where we encourage players to create detailed character profiles for their Mycenians! It’s an activity that we occassionally host, and usually inspires the creation of quite a few new profiles.

While we understand that everyone has their own preferred method of creating character profiles, there are certain criteria that must be met for your work to count for this activity. Our aim is to encourage a similar amount of effort among participants. Once the profile drive is complete, you are free to restructure and rewrite your Mycenians’ profiles in any way you see fit!

Be sure to read the rules and guidelines carefully, and if you have any questions, you may either post them in this thread or echo Crow or Dove!

Entry Guidelines:

In order to qualify, profiles must contain at least three of the following sections:

What does your character look like? Give a fairly detailed physical description of your character. This should be at least a paragraph in length - possibly even longer. You may utilize art in this section, but the art must be your own work, and must clearly be marked as such. Art by others, whether commissions or gifts, will not count towards this section’s completion.
Who is your character? Get into their head a little bit; describe who they are and how they think. What do they like? What repulses them? What are they afraid of? Really dig in there and expose some nerves. This section should be at least a couple of paragraphs long. A list of personality traits, likes/dislikes, etc. will not be considered sufficient for this section’s completion.
Share your character’s past, present, and (potentially) future! Detail how your character became the person they are today. This section will likely be the longest of all — there is no reason why a history section should be any less than several paragraphs long. Keep in mind that player knowledge does not equal character knowledge; if your character is not the type to share their history, or otherwise has some valid reason for having little to no history, you may share it as an omniscient narrator or perhaps choose a different character to participate in this activity with.
Who are the important figures in your character’s life? Friends, family, rivals, lovers, even places or objects; this section should describe the people and things close to your character. Each relationship should be described in some amount of detail — ideally, each should be at least a short paragraph in length. A list of links and simple statements of relation won’t cut it here. Your character must have at least three distinct relations in order for this section to count.
  • This activity runs from May 4th through 23:59 ST on May 18th.
  • Characters do not have to adhere to Mycena Cave canon, however, they must have a Mycenian form on site.
  • Each player may create a total of three unique profiles for this activity.
  • All profiles must be entirely new work. You may rehash old characters so long as all pertinent profile information is new. Additionally all writing and any art meant to count towards the ‘appearance’ section must be your own.
  • Geness profiles will not count towards this activity.
  • A simple list of stats or traits is not sufficient for any of the required sections. Profiles must be reasonably in-depth to count for this activity.
  • Any players found to be circumventing the rules for this activity will be disqualified.

Please post all of your completed profiles in a single post in this thread. If you are unsure as to whether one of your profiles meets the criteria, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Participation & Prizes:

Each completed profile (up to 3 maximum per player) will count as one ticket in the Profile Drive raffle. At the end of the activity, we will be raffling off one Glowing Changingshroom per 30 unique participants, and one Bag of Wonders per 15 unique participants.

  • We will be raffling off one of each of these prizes by default, so for example, once 30 players have submitted at least one profile, the prize pool will contain 2 Glowing Changingshrooms and 3 Bags of Wonder.
  • Upon winning a prize, the winning player’s name will be pulled from the raffle list to prevent a single player from winning multiple prizes.

Helpful resources:
  • The Skeleton Closet - A code repository that has several basic profile skeletons for you to choose from. :) You are free to take and edit any code you find here, and do not have to provide any sort of credit to use them!
  • Mycena Cave’s BBCode Guide - A master list of all of Mycena’s BBCode! Super helpful for those who are still learning the ropes and also a great reference for those of us who might just need occasional refreshers.
  • Misc. Images Page - Images are always useful for spicing up layouts, and all of the images on this page are free for you to use however you like!
  • Mycena Cave Items Listing - Item icons can be great for decorating profiles! This page displays all of them!
  • Fontsquirrel - Free downloadable fonts. Great for making banners!
  • Smallcaps Text Tool - Mᴀᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴇxᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪs! Great for headers, accents, and more!
  • Imgur - An easy to use image host for your pictures!
Posted 05/04/18, edited 05/19/18


I’ve been waiting for this!

Posted 05/04/18
oh how delightful! ive been looking for an excuse to touch up some profiles ...
Posted 05/04/18
AHHH me too!! And I just finished my semester so I should have time for this! 8)
Posted 05/04/18

Got permission to advertise this sweet raffle/free design repository I’m hosting, in case anyone wants some free art to pretty up a profile. It’s only at 3 pets right now, but I had some people say they were participating, soooo <u <

I also loudly welcome anyone to contribute, raffle or no! At this month’s end the prize is a fodder pet, and I know we all could use one of those. If you’re going to be drawing one of your pets anyways, why not consider making an entry? Raffle raffle raffle!



Note, luft and pragma have untraditional section designations, but they should hit up the categories…appearance/personality/history for pragma, appearance/relationships/history for luft!

Posted 05/04/18, edited 05/18/18


Probably a weird question, but I’d been planning to make “alternate”, new, secondary bios to add to some of my mains, depicting their characters as they are in a darker, AU-verse timeline. Would it be all right if I set down one of these as the initial test-case for the idea,  and used it for one of my submissions here? (I ask mostly because I wouldn’t be changing the “regular” timeline bio for it, but creating an entirely new-and-different bio to add after the original one. I’m just excited about doing it, and this seems like the perfect motivation to get me started! ^^)

Posted 05/05/18

As long as all of the required sections for the profile drive are there and are new work, that sounds fine to me!

Posted 05/05/18

I’ve been working on getting more profiles done; was taking a break, but this is the perfect time to start up again! ouo

1. Valerian (Complete!)
2. Nihil (Complete!)
3. Abattoir (Complete!)


Edit: Annnd done! Geez I dished those out a lot quicker than anticipated. :x

Posted 05/05/18, edited 05/06/18

Hurrahhh!!! =D I have new pets in need of profiles.  This looks like a perfect time to get ‘er done ^,^

1. Ping!  https://www.mycenacave.com/profile/pet/21244  Done!

2.  MayBlossom https://www.mycenacave.com/profile/pet/21327  Done!
3.  Hazel   https://www.mycenacave.com/profile/pet/8370  Done!


Posted 05/05/18, edited 05/15/18
Crow I’ve participated in these kinds of events before and got credit but I wanna make sure it’s still good enough! So I’m assuming my relationship section isn’t in-depth enough but will the appearance section of my cavern be sufficient?
Posted 05/05/18

I only got one done last year so let’s see what I can do this year.

Edit: Tentative game plan: Briar, Aucos, and Iseult.

Posted 05/05/18, edited 05/06/18

:0 I’m gonna actually give this a shot! It should be fun! I do need to develop my pets more anyways, so this is good!

1. Isamu (complete)
2. Kristoph (complete)
3. Nina (complete)

Posted 05/05/18, edited 05/08/18
  1. Sen
  2. Kengyuu
  3. Rik
  4. Longwei
  5. Lumette
  6. Kiran
  7. Mesmer
  8. Wish
  9. Holly
  10. Sabriel

Whoooo will it beeee going to come add links when I finish threeee!

9 Holly
1 Sen
4 Longwei

Posted 05/05/18, edited 05/05/18

Making a note :P

1. Verses (Appearance, Personality, History) - Done
2. Eden (Appearance, Personality, History) - Done
3. Noah (Appearance, Personality, Relationships) - Done

Edit: Always skidding in at the last second xD

Posted 05/05/18, edited 05/18/18

Profiles to work on (will edit as I finish):

-Nova Tiara

Posted 05/05/18, edited 05/18/18




Posted 05/05/18

Looking forward to this. Profiles are a constant thorn in my side, and it will be nice to knock some out of the way.

- Vexrann [Personality, History, Relationships] (Also putting in a content warning. Vexrann is not a good man.)
- Comet [Appearance, Personality, History]
- Qierus [Appearance, Personality, History]

Posted 05/06/18, edited 05/14/18

Claiming my spot!  I’m on my last overnight tonight but tomorrow there shall be profiles here!

[insert profile one link here]
[insert profile two link here]
insert profile three link here]

Posted 05/06/18



Posted 05/06/18, edited 05/18/18

1. Roslyn
2. Morgana
3. ??

Posted 05/06/18, edited 05/17/18

Profiles to work on!
1. Eirian Penrose
2. Silas
3. Wip

Posted 05/06/18, edited 05/18/18

Rowyn so I don’t lose it :p Suppose I’ll give this a go.

1. Jora
2. Elias
3. Giliane

Posted 05/06/18, edited 05/15/18
Posted 05/06/18, edited 05/18/18
Posted 05/07/18, edited 05/18/18

Overall, the appearance section looks nice! We discussed this a bit and agreed that we would like to see it expanded upon a bit more in order to recieve credit.

Sorry it took so long to get back to you!

Posted 05/07/18
okay, cool! glad I asked then. thank you, crow :> now it’s time to get crackin!
Posted 05/07/18

Grabbing a proper entry post!

1. Mateus
2. Lucina
3. Alouette

Posted 05/08/18, edited 05/10/18

I am going to enter with Jasnah!


Hopefully it’s detailed enough. I’m not a huge writer… even if it doesn’t count though, it was still totally worth doing!

Posted 05/08/18, edited 05/08/18

Welp I guess it’s time to get off my butt and finish my character bios.

1. Gėlių Šešėlis
2. Senovės Griuvėsiai
3. Šviečia Galaktika

Posted 05/08/18, edited 05/18/18

Rip, I just didn’t have enough time to work on these right now

(Kinda hoping there’s another drive during the summer when I tend to be less busy! ^_^)

Fun looking thru everyone else’s, tho :3

Posted 05/08/18, edited 05/19/18