15:54 ST
[ACTIVITY] Spring Cleaning Profile Drive (Finished!)

My goodness, this has gotten out of hand. :‘D

1. Ragnelle - done!
2. Ankou - done!
3. Yuzuha - unfinished

Posted 05/18/18, edited 05/18/18

1. Muerte Done!


Posted 05/18/18
someone has been procrastinating, but will have to crash on this one sobs✘
Posted 05/18/18, edited 05/18/18

I barely managed jshdfb


Posted 05/18/18
Posted 05/18/18

mmm couldn’t get three done :/ oh wells


Posted 05/18/18

1. Selvi Done!
2. Faline Done!

Posted 05/18/18, edited 05/18/18
Submissions for this activity are now closed!

Please do not edit any of your posts from this point on. Entries will be compiled shortly.

Posted 05/19/18
Phew, that was a lot of profiles!

This time around, we had 97 profiles that were completed to the activity standards, belonging to a total of 50 individuals. Great job, everyone! With 50 participants, our final prize pool ended up containing 2 Glowing Changingshrooms and 4 Bags of Wonder!

And our raffle winners are…

Congratulations everyone, and great job getting some character work done! :D

Posted 05/19/18
Grats everyone!
Posted 05/19/18
.........AH! 8D;;;;
Posted 05/19/18
Congratulations to all the winners! Love these profile drives. Helps me get one step closer to filling out my pet’s pages; look forward to more in the future. x)
Posted 05/19/18
Congrats to the winners! Thank you staff for holding the drive, it’s probably one of my favorite “mini-events” because of how productive it makes me be 8) can’t wait for the next one.
Posted 05/19/18
Congrats!! :) Same here, haha, it’s definitely one of my favorite events. I feel like I got a lot done this time around too (even dreaded history sections for once…).
Posted 05/19/18

(☉o☉) I can’t believe I won something! Thank you for always holding this drive. It is probably one of my favorites as it ummm actually makes me be productive for once. ;;

Congratulations to all the winners!!

Posted 05/19/18

Congratulations to the winners!!! ^,^ 

*pats my shiny new profiles… I’m glad I did them, since it helps my characters grow each time. Thank you for the fun mini event =)

Posted 05/19/18
Prizes have been handed out!
Posted 05/21/18, edited 05/21/18