23:58 ST
[FORUM ACTIVITY] MycenaDeck Hub (All done!)
  • Raffle information here.
  • Participation prizes handed out!  Echo Myla if you find any errors.
  • View the completed deck here!

What is MycenaDeck?

MycenaDeck is a forum activity inviting players to create playing cards to add to the MycenaDeck!  These cards will give a little insight into both the players that make up our community as well as the characters they’ve created.  By the end of this activity, we hope to have a thick deck representing the rainbow of diversity found throughout the Cave!

When does this activity run?

This activity will run from June 21st (now) through 23:59 July 5th! Submission form will be open until 23:59 July 12th, and the raffles will happen the weekend of July 13th.

Participation Prizes
Character Deck Community Deck

Each participant may earn 1!

Inner Peace Background
Each participant may earn 1!

  • Each player may earn up to 2 tickets
    • 1 ticket for a card entry in the Community Deck
    • 1 ticket for a card entry in the Character Deck
  • Raffle pool starts off with 1 Glowing Changingshroom, 1 Bag of Wonders, 1 Inner Peace Background, and 1 Rainbow.
    More prizes will be added as more participants join the activity:

    • 1 additional GCS added for every 30 unique participants
    • 1 BoW added for every 15 unique participants
    • 1 Inner Peace Background and 1 Rainbow added for every 10 unique participants
Submission form

In order to be eligible for the prizes, you will need to fill out a submission form with your entries.

The submission form is here! Please do not fill it out until you are finished with your submissions.


May I make my own card template or alter the .psd template card provided?

Yes!  If you make your own, there are no size constraints, so feel free to make your card whatever shape and size you want.

When should I fill out the submission form?

When you are finished with both character deck and community deck submissions or whenever you are sure you are finished with the activity. You can fill out the submission form up to a week after the activity ends, so there is no need to fill it out early unless you are sure you are finished.  Do not fill it out with links to entries that have not yet been completed (e.g. placeholder or WIP entries).

May I use the cards I create/card template outside of the event, or make an actual game out of the cards?

You may use your cards and card templates outside of the event!  You may also use your cards to make an actual game.  However, please do not use other player’s cards/submissions without their permission.

May I make more than one card per category?

Sure!  You won’t receive additional participation prizes or raffle tickets, but you’re free to create more for fun.

Post questions or discuss the activity in this thread!
Posted 06/21/18, edited 07/16/18

Fun! Do have a couple questions though:

-Are the cards going to be compiled/used for something later?
-Are we allowed to make multiple submissions? (Largely for fun porpoises.)

Posted 06/21/18, edited 06/21/18

polygone  I want to try to find a fun way to display them just because it’d be fun to be able to see them all together but I’m not exactly sure how yet!

And sure, you can make multiple submissions! Only one from each category will count for the participation prize/raffle ticket though. :D

Posted 06/21/18

SO this is perhaps too ambitious but if we were to do something over-the-top (like say, reskin pairs with site pets and/or our personal customs), would we have permission to actually print a personal deck for ourselves (via a print shop or artscow or similar), granted there was no selling, using others’ pets without permission, or anything exchanging hands and those files weren’t widely/publicly available?

edit: I ended up reskinnig Love Letter but have decided to use other customs and so I won’t print it physically.

Posted 06/22/18, edited 07/05/18

Could we use a photo of our irl pets or memento of some sort to represent ourselves for the community deck as long as it was our own photography? I’m debating just using a pic of myself, but it might be cute to use my birds instead.

Also, I’m really digging this event and the templates are cool! Would it be alright to use them for future personal use as long as it was on mycena only? I kinda want to use them for ID cards in my cavern one day if I’m not too lazy. o:

Posted 06/22/18
i have a question for the art stuff mostly! is there a size/scale constraint for the cards we have to stick to?
Posted 06/22/18

Jacq That sounds awesome! I don’t see why not. :D

Corvani  Yes, using a picture you took of a pet/memento to represent yourself is fine!  You may use the cards outside of this event too—I’ll make sure to put them in misc. images. OuO

Celestine  No size/scale constraints!

Posted 06/22/18
Myla Ahh awesome! Thanks! :)
Posted 06/22/18
Submitted my survey. ^__^ Thanks for such a fun event, MC!! :3 Looking at everyone’s cards is so awesome.
Posted 07/02/18
If i write out a description of a game for a writing centred entry, can we include a board of some sort? or does it have be confined to cards?
Posted 07/03/18
Elfe You may include a board for the writing-centered activity, but you would still need a card as well!
Posted 07/03/18

Turns out its a moot point - sorry to have bothered you, i’m just frantically juggling ideas (I really wanted to do an art segment card but then busted my arm too badly for art by writing an exam T_T its been a week and its still agony), but now i have another question.

I’m struggling to come up with actual… RULES for the game i want to outline. Can I just vague for 200 words about the kind of tone the game has rather than trying to write rules for it, like talk about what sort of game it is, rather than how its played?

Posted 07/03/18
Elfe That sounds fine.  I hope your arm starts feeling better!
Posted 07/03/18
Reminder: this activity ends tonight!

I’m loving all the entries! Remember to fill out a submission form after you’re finished (submission form is open until the end of the 12th)!

Posted 07/05/18
; A ; I forgot to link to Ilya’s profile in my post!!! Am I not gonna receive credit?
Posted 07/06/18
Tamako Anyone with a character submission who doesn’t have a link to their character’s profile I will be checking manually—you’ll receive credit as long as your character is represented by an MC pet!
Posted 07/06/18
Oh thank goodness, thank you, Myla! ; ; I’m so sorry for the trouble! ; o ;
Posted 07/06/18
No problem!  I know you aren’t the only one who forgot; it was an easy thing to miss!
Posted 07/06/18
I forgot to link mine too (and didn’t use her name since I’m still going back and forth on it), but her image is used on the card so is that good enough to show which pet it was?
Posted 07/07/18

Just realized all the “or” s in the rules ^^;

My writing submission for the community deck is the “how does this card represent you” prompt but since I figured just the card name wouldn’t be enough to go off of, I added a short upright and reverse text to explain a bit more how I view the cards use.

The representation text alone is over 200 words but I am a bit worried that having both prompts present in my entry is confusing. Will I still receive credit?

Posted 07/08/18
Is it possible we could see a fullsize of the Inner Peace BG? :D
Posted 07/09/18

Nephele It’d be helpful if you could temporarily name your pet whatever the character name is until the prizes are distributed!

Madara  That’s fine; you’ll still get credit!


Posted 07/11/18
Thank you Myla! I have the pet the same name as the card for now.
Posted 07/11/18

That is just the best background eeee

Myla glitch any chance there could maybe be an ‘in yer face’ banner reminder for the form submission? :)

Posted 07/11/18
Tsaiah  We have a banner that’ll automatically pop up at midnight (for those who posted in the submissions threads)! :D
Posted 07/11/18, edited 07/11/18
=O that background detail is simply amazing!!!!!
Posted 07/13/18
Look, look!!! It’s BEAUUUTYYYY!!!!! <3 <3 <3 (I tried to check things three times to make sure I got everyone, but pleaseeee let me know if I missed getting your card displayed in the deck!! ;O;)

Posted 07/13/18, edited 07/18/18
They look so awesome as sets! :D
Posted 07/14/18
Wow! Looking at these together, it would be so cool to get prints of these on playing-card stock. No idea what one could do with them, but still :D
Posted 07/14/18


Great work everyone 8D

Posted 07/14/18