18:22 ST
Recent updates!


Okay, so if you’ve been looking closely, you’ll have noticed a few updates here and there :) For those of you who may not have noticed all of them:

Forum history

At the bottom of the forums page, you’ll see a little link that says “Recent posts”. Click it to see the 30 most recent posts in all forums.

New forums

On the topic of forums, we’ve added a few new ones, including “Musings” for any storywriting you may like to do that isn’t collaborative, and the Art Gallery for when you want to show off something cool but aren’t necessarily selling it

Gem shop

The gem shop has officially opened! You can find it under “Shop”, or by clicking the gems entry in the page header.

High scores

Check out our snazzy high scores page! Prizes are as-of-yet undecided (and probably won’t begin until the end of July) but for now you can use it to see how you rank against other Cave In! players :)

Posted 06/28/13, edited 06/28/13


Ah! Thank you glitch!
Also myly those gem pictures are SUPER cute.

sad I’m not on it but -shakes fist- One daaay. >8D

And recent posts: whelp there goes what was left of my life.

Posted 06/28/13

Hooray! glitchyface, you’re the bestest. <33 Recent posts are a life saver for an oblivious fool like myself. XD

And I now have 2 gems. I could get a third, but I don’t want to be nugget-less. ; 7 ; I’ll have another fuzzy baby in no time. <3

XD Not surprised that my name isn’t on the high-score list. I usually get booted before I can even cap out. XDD;;

Posted 06/28/13

OMG I’m #2 on the high scores! And here I doubted I’d be on it xD

And yay gem shop!

Posted 06/28/13
Yay for updates. Thank you for letting us know whats happening. I can’t wait to see more =)
Posted 06/28/13

Yeah, gems! I’m excited to be able to adopt more pets!

now to see how long I can play Cave In before my eyes start burning from staring at my monitor….

Posted 06/28/13

Woah, now those gems are a ton more expensive than i expected o_o

*dashes over to play Cave in*

Posted 06/28/13
Also I don’t know if this is happening with anyonelse, but the alert for the new announcement didn’t go away after I clicked on it. Its been 20 mintues since i first clicked on the announcement and it still hasn’t gone away.
Posted 06/28/13
Did you click the little x to the side? It doesn’t actually go away until you tell it to.
Posted 06/28/13
O.o I am so blind. I did not see that there. Thank you.
Posted 06/28/13
at some point I’ll make it so that looking at the forum post makes it go away, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet ^^
Posted 06/28/13

Oooh, updates. :3

I must say, the gems are a lot more expensive than I was expecting.

However, because I don’t really understand just by looking at it: how are the high scores calculated?  ._.;  And along with that, I guess, would be: why are the higher scores on the bottom?

Posted 06/28/13

Actually I don’t think the gems are too bad. I mean they don’t want to make them impossibly expensive, but at the same time they don’t want a pet population explosion when the game is only a week old. Especially with only one game so far to make money off of xD

Posted 06/28/13

Eleven: right now the high scores are calculated by how many frames/rounds it takes you to max out. So less frames —> faster —> higher efficiency/average.

Edit: That being said, my earlier score of 100 frames was hilarious because that was yesterday and I literally got exactly 2k in 100 frames. Pfffft.

Posted 06/28/13, edited 06/28/13


-high fives Hina and Ama- We’re good, we’re good, we know it, aww yeah! /cough ..At least my 12 years of Destruct-O-Match experience are good for something now xD
(ps. if anyone wants tips on how to improve, send me an Echo :3)

Uhm, yay, updates! Recent posts = win! Gem shop = WIN! Highscores = EVEN MORE WIN!

Thank you for all of the updates :*!

Edit: Beat my highscore of 61 frames with 1 frame, now it’s 60 frames xD Better, though: I had a 10 frame 40 nugget streak! (Tops my previous 7 frame 40 streak.)

Posted 06/28/13, edited 06/28/13
Yay for updates! I have got to check out the gem shop and everything! =D
Posted 06/28/13

Ohh, that’s a lot of nuggets for gems! *looks at the measly 1641 nuggets she owns* Well, I guess that’s what I get for slacking off, haha!

Thank you very much for all your hard work~

Posted 06/28/13
Ama: Oooooh, that makes sense. xDD Thanks!
Posted 06/28/13
Edit: Because glitch is superman and doesn’t need sleep apparently, it’s fixed already!

Oh boy, it seems the Echo system is having hiccups! Amaterasu and I have contacted glitch about it already, the details we’ve found so far:

- You can Echo yourself, which leads to an error and a message in your own inbox.
- You can Echo someone else, which leads to an error, a copy of the message to yourself in your own inbox and a copy of the message to the person you were sending it to in their inbox.
- If you respond to an Echo someone sent you, you will also see an error, receive a copy of the message to yourself in your own inbox and a copy of the message in a new Echo to the person you were sending it to in their inbox.

If you have further details, by all means, do add them — if not, we probably shouldn’t spam glitch with the same message multiple times e.e Or fill the system with bogus messages, either.

The errors look something along the lines of:

object(stdClass)#23 (4) { [“id”]=> string(1) “4” [“username”]=> string(6) “glitch” [“created”]=> string(19) “2013-06-21 12:14:22” [“last_login”]=> string(19) “2013-06-28 04:56:16” } object(stdClass)#25 (4) { [“id”]=> string(2) “82” [“username”]=> string(5) “Juney” [“created”]=> string(19) “2013-06-21 20:32:31” [“last_login”]=> string(19) “2013-06-28 07:51:08” }

Which are black text on a white background, the page after you click “Send” (or “Reply”).

Posted 06/28/13, edited 06/28/13

Thanks sapphy. :)

Superglitch is being awesome, like usual! <3

Posted 06/28/13

...-laughs- Myly, I think you’re tired.

Edit: Let me explain, Myly posting that after Juney made me think she was talking to Juney. :P

Posted 06/28/13, edited 06/28/13

Awesome updates!

I wasn’t expecting the gems to cost so much either.
Not that the gem to nugget ratio is bad, but how many gems the pets cost (considering they will be “basics”).
I’m hoping it might be a bit easier as time progresses with more things available to us, but I don’t think I’ll be getting a pet anytime soon xD

Posted 06/28/13
Wee, thank you for keeping us updated!  Excited most of all for the gem shop of course.  I thought I was doing all right in terms of nugget collecting…  LOLNOPE got lots more Cave In to play mehehe~  Excitement all around!!
Posted 06/28/13
I love you, glitch. Great work as always. I guess I need to get my butt in gear and get out some more stuff to play with…
Posted 06/28/13

There is now a “fullscreen” button in Cave In. It still needs a little work and some polish, so please hold off on reporting any problems with it or suggesting any changes about it for now. That said, I figure it makes the game way better on phones / tablets already, so why not let you use it while I continue to improve it :)

Posted 06/28/13, edited 06/28/13

Ooo fullscreen! I’ll have to try that out sometime. Thanks glitch! I haven’t maxed out at all so far, not enough time |OTL

The nugget-gem ratio is higher than I expected as well but it doesn’t really bother me since I’ve never been much of a collector. Out of the available pets I chose my favorite and probably won’t buy anymore for awhile since I’d like to save up for whenever the other species are released. I kinda hope gems won’t be highly involved with items though, at that price I’d have trouble keeping up ^^;

Posted 06/28/13
Thank Glitch! I’m really enjoying the ability to fullscreen (even with the minor issue) since my eyes are becoming worse, full screen allows me to see the darker stones easier and I love it!!!!! Thank you so much ^^.
Posted 06/29/13
At the moment, I don’t think we’ll be charging gems for all items. We might have some more exclusive ones that need gems, but currently I think nuggets will be used to buy most things. This may be subject to change, but it’s the way things are looking at the moment.
Posted 06/29/13
Super happy about the full screen mode for Cave In! makes it so much easier for me to play on my phone :3 Thanks admins for your awesome work!
Posted 06/29/13

I haven’t tried the fullscreen on phonething. But I’m gathering that it is very useful! Going to have to try that..

and kinda glad to hear that Gems are essentially going to be pet currency and nuggets is going to essentially be everything else.

Posted 06/29/13, edited 06/29/13