Event Information
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Event Activities
Posted 10/27/18, edited 10/27/18
Eeeeaaaaooooeeeee! Lookit all the pretty items! *oggles* I wonder if there will be a temporary shop this year? Aaaaaa, so excite, I slept ALL day so I’ll be up ALL night, lmao. Also Myla and/or glitch, looks like the end date was accidentally missed on the Enchanting Expressions thread in the FAQ section. c8 *EDIT* Now that the event has started, I noticed that the letters on my board don’t stay where I put them after I refresh, and it’s a little bothersome because I like to save certain letters on one side of my board for the event word list so I don’t use them. Anyone else experiencing this issue?
Posted 10/27/18, edited 10/28/18
Tamako EDIT: My board seems to refresh after I receive some new letters though
Posted 10/28/18, edited 10/28/18
Purr Are you perhaps thinking of the recipe-crafting events, where your first collection of the day awards you a bonus of five tokens? Word-smithing events have never had such a bonus, though this mix-up is pretty common due to how both events have a very similar “collection” process. Tamako Could you try again after a refresh please? Hopefully it’ll start remembering your letter placement now :)
Posted 10/28/18, edited 10/28/18
i don’t know about anyone else, but i’m pretty frustrated that we got… what, 18 hours of warning before the event started? i like to prepare myself for these things (mostly by grinding nuggets before they start so i can buy spares of items i like) so having it tossed at me so suddenly is pretty off-putting… especially because the coats are really nice this time around and i want both of them :<
Posted 10/28/18
doragon That’s a fair point! While we did indicate the fall event would go up at the end of the month in the news discussion thread, we do also normally like to give a heads up about the specific date at least a few days in advance so players can be sure to be around the moment the event goes live. In this case, we didn’t didn’t commit to a date early because we had to work down to the wire to get the event up by the end of the month due to outside factors affecting many of the staff involved (including glitch and myself). Since we weren’t 100% certain of when everything would be wrapped up, we didn’t announce until we had all the components necessary to launch the event. I apologize for the inconvenience this caused; I hope you’re still able to get everything you want!
Posted 10/28/18
Myla, thank you for the response. i know outside factors can sometimes put a wrench in things, i just wanted to state my opinion in case this was a new, intentional direction. it’s good to know hopefully i’ll get a heads up next time!
Posted 10/28/18
Fusida Collection-style events like these have a dedicated gathering page! If you click “Sorcery Spelltacular” on the event banner, it should take you to this page. Click the button that says “Collect,” and then click the shapes you see in the water on the collection image. If it’s still unclear, feel free to echo me or ask again in this thread! :)
Posted 10/29/18
There is a link in the banner that you have to click (it’s the name of the event), you then have to join into the event on that page that it leads you to (assuming you haven’t) - after which you should see a collect button, which is where you can collect letters every 15 minutes! I hope that clears it up for you, but feel free to ping me again if you need any more help! c:
Posted 10/29/18
Eluii Oooh, okay I get it. I clicked everything except that one, good old me… Thank you !!
Posted 10/29/18
Hopefully for Jessamyn’s Spellweaving minivent, the colors don’t have to match the site items that they’re connected to? I didn’t even realize until after my drawing was done that all of the ingredients are actual site items. >>;; I completely forgot that there was a heart blossom and a crystal of veracity OTL lol.
Posted 10/29/18
Shit, I totally forgot this was most likely going to happen. But without a concrete date, I totally blanked out to check more often knowing it *might* show up eventually. Man, I never start these events later than midnight of release… Hope I can still get everything. I guess that’s what happens when you are too busy for your own good… Both pets look really sleek and are nice colors for customization, tho.
Posted 10/29/18, edited 10/29/18
Posted 10/29/18
Is it possible we could have an option to toggle/hide banner notifications about receiving words? I have a saved notification and I always have mini heart attacks during these events, worrying that I’ll accidentally click too many times and erase my saved ones. ;; (I have no idea why it didn’t occur to me to ask about this before lol)
Posted 10/29/18, edited 10/29/18
glitch I wasn’t sure but after checking, it doesn’t look like we are getting 1 min knocked off for -sending- words, just receiving them. I sent two words right after each other and I didn’t get the flavor text and my timer didn’t drop down.
Posted 10/30/18
Malis How long were your words? It doesn’t seem to tick down if they’re three letters or less, but I’ve had no problems with four letters and above
Posted 10/30/18
Hyasynthetic Ahh, that might have been it. I think I got caught by that last event too. You’d think I would remember…
Posted 10/30/18