16:26 ST
[EVENT] Bruc & Jessamyn's Sorcery Spelltacular (Oct 28th - Nov 11th)
I’m so confused about how to “collect” the letters…I got to the place where you click the collect button. But that takes you to a picture. I tried clicking all over the picture and nothing seemed to happen. What am I supposed to do on that screen?
Posted 10/30/18


There are rocks in the water pools that are kind of hard to see - sometimes they sort of look like shadows? If you need any more help I can wait for my image to be up and I’ll highlight an example for you!

Posted 10/30/18, edited 10/30/18
Ah, I found them! Thank you!
Posted 10/30/18
Jacq it sounds to me like what you are actually wanting is a way to “protect” particular notifications. Since this has been something of a recurring theme with a number of people who have notifications they want to keep, I’ll take some time off of adventure stuff and see what I can put together :)
Posted 10/31/18, edited 10/31/18

Yes please!!


Posted 10/31/18

Who do I talk to about a Health and Safety issue? Does the cave have a ministry of Well-being? I’m not sure the natural aquifers can handle all these extra bodies wading around the rock pools.


Posted 11/01/18, edited 11/01/18
Jacq Oh my god. I am cackling. Someone plz help our cave. ;P
Posted 11/01/18
Spooky…my first spelled MIA. Maybe there is something going on! ;D
Posted 11/01/18

I didn’t get the chance to read the forum games until today and I’d love to participate in Bruc’s activity.  Am I too late to participate in the first round?  =(  or is there some way I can catch up to the Growing and Testing phase?


Posted 11/02/18

Unfortunately, the phases that have passed are no longer playable. You may still participate in the current testing phase if you wish, though! You don’t need to have participated in previous phases to join in! Each pair of growing and testing phases completed will earn you a choice of one of the prizes - so while you won’t be able to earn them both at this point, participating in the current testing phase would certainly be helpful in case you miss the next one!

Posted 11/02/18
Crow  Thank you very much for the extra info!!!  I’m sad I missed the *thing* but will certainly try to achieve the 2nd round.
Posted 11/02/18

I like this event so far! Good items, and I always like a good collecting event. Coats aren’t to my taste, but everything else absolutely is. Gorgeous artwork! I don’t have time for the additional activities but they do look fun!

I also would like more heads up and hope heads up remains a standard… I know I logged in a day or two prior to the event, but I completely missed the announcement and start of event because I don’t have time for MC each day, so I missed out on a couple of days of the event I would rather not have missed out on. (And I don’t have the time for the forum activities since I didn’t see anything about the event until my weekend was already planned out.)

I appreciate the relatively easy to read font on the stones, but for me it’s difficult to tell the difference between the Q and O stones sometimes. I keep looking at my current board and thinking “oh, I have four O’s” when two of those are Q’s instead. I’m not expecting a change during this event at all, but with all the breaks in the letters and cracks in the stones, the small line on the Q doesn’t stand out unless I look at it closely, so it’s a bit awkward to work with.

Posted 11/03/18
Vely  Thank you for the feedback! I updated the Q art so hopefully it’ll be easier to distinguish from the O now. :D We do usually give more heads up for events, and you can read the explanation as to why we weren’t able to for this event here!
Posted 11/04/18

I just wanted to pop in and say thanks a ton for the update, Myla — I’d been having the exact same issue, especially on mobile, and the new Q is way easier to read!

Posted 11/04/18


Oh goodness, that was fast! Thank you! It’s much clearer now.

Posted 11/04/18
Since I missed Bruc’s Testing Phase of the first planting, does that mean I need to do both phases in the second planting for one credit? One part the rules say you only get participation credit for paired entries, but the other part says you only need to complete one each of both phases.
Posted 11/04/18
Jacq The growing phase entry and the testing phase entry do not need to be from the same round, so you will only need to participate in the testing phase in the second planting assuming you participated in the growing phase of the first planting. Pair refers to needing a growing and testing phase from any round (rather than meaning e.g. two growing phases or needing to be from the same round). :D
Posted 11/04/18, edited 11/04/18

I would like to put in a formal request for a rainbow recolor of those panther spots please and thank you. >>

p.s. Kippie suggested it first

Posted 11/05/18

Does the photo need to be new for this growing phase? Or could I post an old photo of an old item off my imgur to fill the prompt? I’m kind of stuck in a hospital so finding an old item to take a picture of is rather difficult… And any old item I might find has a strong likelihood of qualifying as a horror movie prop. I can try, I might be able to get over to my window and snag a shot of something. But I’m on the 8th floor so any quality would be a fluke.

Edit to ping:

Posted 11/05/18, edited 11/05/18
Nephele An old picture is fine!
Posted 11/05/18

I second Kippie’s and Purr’s suggestion about the panther spots, haha. 8O

Posted 11/06/18
I can’t believe vape isn’t a valid word.
Posted 11/06/18

I’m not sure if it’s just because I’ve been so busy I didn’t fully ready the guidelines…

But how many recolors are there total for the forum events?
Like are the Cedar Root Staff and Salt-Kissed Arcane Assortment the only two you can get from the forum events? Or are there new recolors for every round?

I’m pretty sure I screwed up and misunderstood how these cycles worked… fffff

Posted 11/09/18, edited 11/09/18

There are two recolors for each of those two activities - one for each round. So, two different arcane assortments (one has not been revealed yet), and two different staffs (staves?) (one of these also has not been revealed yet).

Posted 11/09/18

Can I just say publicly that the forum events for this round had an incredible concept? Because they did. The deadlines were a little short and the forum was a little tucked away but they were SO COOL. Making your own spells? Growing your own mushrooms??? Awesome.

I really hope we see more stuff along the lines of Bruc’s Mushroom Rottery in the future >o>

Posted 11/11/18

Thanks! :) I’m glad you enjoyed them! I really wanted to try doing something a little more interactive, and while I think in the future we may need to rework/figure out a better way of doing some things, I’m happy that so many people participated!

(It was also fun to just draw all the little habitats and their mushrooms, too! Even though most of them never got to see the light of day, haha)

Posted 11/11/18
>:O Crow Any chance you can share the other habitats (eta: and their shrooms) with us, or is that classified information?
Posted 11/11/18, edited 11/11/18
(I will second having curiosity about other habitats and shroomies and if they can be shared, I’d been wondering if they existed or the like already… :o)
Posted 11/11/18

I absolutely agree with Purr on this one, the forum games were a lot of fun, and thought provoking/interactive.  It was my own fault (lack of time) that I missed the beginning of Bruc’s activity.  I was short of time and couldn’t read/catch up until it was too late.  That’s an entirely ‘me’ thing and had nothing to do with your end.  About the only thing I’d suggest is maybe announcing it in the news, but that might have happened and I just didn’t see it?

Overall, loads of fun =D

Posted 11/11/18

Why were 2/3 the activities ended early? It says
“This event runs from October 28th at 00:01 ST through 23:59 ST on November 11th.”

I thought I still had half a day to finish… :(

I want to put this here because I might be away and not be able to fill in the feedback form, but I really wish there was some central listing (either in the event announcement - that is, the OP of this post - or when you click the banner) showing when everything starts and ends. It was SO hard to keep track of, even though I did receive incremental pings and had friends remind me.

(I like the idea of staggered events, and liked the themes and the items. I’m undecided but leaning positive towards the item costs. I’m just really missing a lack of a central collection of information, or schedule or something).

Posted 11/11/18, edited 11/11/18