08:56 ST
Introducing Meowcena Cafe!

You asked, and we delivered…

Welcome to Meowcena Cafe, now with 401% more cats!

After intensive discussion with staff following several player suggestions, we’ve decided that Mycena Cave would be more beneficial as a cat cafe. Why, you ask? Mycenians were getting tired of eating so many mushrooms, so we thought switching their diet to coffee and pastries would be a welcome change. It is also said that getting a cat is a great way to lower blood pressure and anxiety so we thought that becoming a cat would surely only scale this effect to the maximum.

And thus we’re happy to introduce Meowcena Cafe as one of the first virtual cat cafes around, where visitors can spend the afternoon with cats of all shapes and sizes. Gone are the Mycenians of old. Instead, you’ll start seeing Meowcenians: sweet kitties in uniform, ready to serve up a steaming cup of coffee or bring you your favorite dessert. We hope you’re not allergic to catnip!




Of course we still have some work to do in order to bring this idea to fruition. We’ve done the heavy lifting by casting the spell to turn the Mycenians into Meowcenians, but we’ve found that the only dishes they will create contain fish and mice which don’t appeal to a broad audience. That’s where you come in!

The Finest Fishy Flavors!

Activity: Menu Creation

A good cafe needs an interesting menu. The Meowcenians keep trying to put fish in everything, which is why we’re asking for your help with writing a menu that will appeal to all of the cafe’s customers. Tuna is all well and good, but not everybody wants a slice of sashimi in their cream puffs. If you have a recipe or two to share, we’d love if you’d drop a note here.

This activity runs until 23:59 April 15th

Activity: Food Photography

Are you a budding artist? Do you have an eye for lighting and a deft hand for plating? If so, the Meowcenians could really use your help getting some images of their food out there. They’re collecting images and descriptions here.

This activity runs until 23:59 April 15th

Posted 04/01/19, edited 04/16/19

Psst, if your pets aren’t happy about being turned into cats, you can turn off the effect for your pets by going to the bottom of the Community Settings menu and clicking “Disable”! Note it removes the effect from your pets to all players, not of all pets to just you.

Edit: And you are able to re-enable it again if you just need to turn it off for a bit for a trade!

And a huge thanks to King for making the cat sketches!!

Posted 04/01/19, edited 04/01/19
As also a cat, I find this to be a most pawsitive change. This is my meowment to shine! :D
Posted 04/01/19

B-b-but what do we do if we want to keep them kitties forever?

Love it all, coffee & kitties; my two favorite things! & I can’t wait to do the event.

Posted 04/01/19
So freakin’ adorable!! I wish we could keep them forever!! Especially the Meownager *pets it*
Posted 04/01/19
Meownagers are the best tbh. *Pets all the cats.*
Posted 04/01/19, edited 04/01/19
This is definitely my favorite transformation!! Also I’m really looking forward to snooping through everyone’s recipes :D
Posted 04/01/19

they’re so adorable i love them
but pawtissier is the cutest

it’s just peeking over the top of the box, i just want to boop it

Posted 04/01/19
(๑ↀᆺↀ๑) I, for one, approve of these changes!
Posted 04/01/19


So many good snackums!

Posted 04/01/19

How purrrrfect! Everything looks pawsitively wonderful! I cat wait to see all of the changes!


Posted 04/01/19

I am 401% okay with this change. Cat cafes for all!

Also, please can we get the kitties as equippables because I need about a million.

Posted 04/01/19

The pawtissier is my favorite too, those dilated eyes are the cutest.. all of my kitties are them (yay). Though based off the images, you’d think the pawtissier would be the purrista, since it looks more like a barista with the drink on hand & the other looks more like a pâtissier to me ;3.

Edit: yes please on these as equipables, I need them all.

Posted 04/01/19, edited 04/01/19
Haha this is so cute!
Posted 04/01/19


Seconding the ‘kitties as equips’ plea because I love them dearly oAo

Posted 04/01/19
Ally Oops.. that was a meowstake and has been corrected.. :D;;;
Posted 04/01/19
Very cute event, I preferred the selection of activities last year (the reviews were so funny) but this one was still very thought out. <3
Posted 04/01/19
Seeing these kitties made me so happy ;__; <3
Posted 04/01/19
OMG! The rainbow color changing background to the pages on the site are great. :D
Posted 04/01/19

Ahaha wow, this is such a cute theme XD Love it!
Wish there was an option for writing-only entries with the activities, I feel like it would be nice for all the writers out there! I really like the items but I’m very unsure if I’ll be able to get doubles, which I really want, haha

Regardless I love all the art for this, the foods are drawn so adorably! :D

Posted 04/01/19

Ohhhhh my gosh I love it.

I seem to have gotten an army of purristas, with 8 out of 14 total, 5 meownagers, and a single pawtissier

Posted 04/01/19

I LOVE it!!!! =^,^=  MC never fails to disappoint for a delightful change.  Mmmm…. I can feel my blood pressure lowering already with all these adorable kitties and pastries about =D I rather wish they could stay forever, the artwork is adorable!

...bwhahahahah…. my pony as a cat peeking over the frame xD gosh this is cute!

Posted 04/01/19, edited 04/01/19

You’ve cat to be kitten me right meow, these are pawsitively adorable! I’m feline very good about this event! :D

I was kinda hoping the cats would be the prizes though. XD

Posted 04/01/19
My DUDE <3
Posted 04/01/19
GOOD STUFF also i love the background!!! pls keep?? yes?? :D
Posted 04/01/19
Posted 04/01/19

So, um… what do we do if we have almost no food to take pictures of? :( Cuz my recipe’s gonna be something along the lines of “open can, plop food into bowl, microwave, enjoy maybe” lmaosob. I’m not exaggerating, I wish I was. :(

*edit* I don’t mean to be a downer, this April Fools is really cute. I love the kitties so much! ;u; <3

Posted 04/01/19, edited 04/01/19
oh my gosh this is DELIGHTFUL!!!
Posted 04/01/19

this is so cute!!!!!!

i also kinda like the new bg….. the colors are nice..

Posted 04/01/19
I can’t decide if this tops the squid head April Fools or not, but I’m really loving all the cats!
Posted 04/01/19