16:40 ST
Introducing Meowcena Cafe!

SO cute!

Ooh, I really hope those food trays end up in the shops as equippables for our pets. <.< The kitties too.~

Also being able to choose a site background the way we choose banners would be amazing. >v>

Posted 04/01/19, edited 04/01/19
Tamako The food photography doesn’t need to be of anything fancy, expensive, or complicated (e.g. peanut butter & jelly sandwich and plain coffee are some simple examples that would count).. microwavable food is fine so long as it falls in the category of drink/pastry/sandwich! The one I made for the example was just a bit of tea and milk. <3
Posted 04/01/19
Love this mini event, totally brightened up a pretty stale Monday. Can’t wait to get home to do one of the events! Much love to the artists for these cute cat designs and foods. Would love to see them as equips!
Posted 04/01/19
I’m enamored with these cats! Always thrilled to see the Mycena April Fools events, and this one brought such joy to my day. I look forward to the activities!
Posted 04/01/19
Okay, phew! Thanks, Myla. ;u; <3
Posted 04/01/19
Adorable kitties! This seems like a really fun event! Hopefully I can figure out something to draw or photograph to join the fun. ^_^
Posted 04/01/19

Did some photos, now just need to email it to myelf so I can resize them and post them.
But might be delayed as I currently have 3 hours to write a character for an upcoming LARP.

Also.. Kitties! <3

Edit: welp as it is now 4.35 am in my country and I should have Been asleep 3 hours ago I decided to not do it simply because im pretty sure i cant figure out how to resume or find anywhere to upload the photos to and how to copy their url on my phone ( my laptop Got shut down hours ago and it would be a Hasle to sneak past my sleeping dad to get to the computer and make one more hour go when i should close it down Will see if it is still going when i get up at 10 am but I highly doubt it ) ... enhoy my tiny old stupid phones autocorrect xD

Posted 04/01/19, edited 04/01/19
Would oatmeal count in the food photography event? I don’t drink coffee/any fancy drinks at home nor do I currently have ingredients for a pastry/sandwich but I do make a delicious bowl of chocolate oatmeal. C: Almost all of our coffee shops/cafes sell oatmeal.
Posted 04/01/19
Very pleased to be a patron of a cat cafe that is run exclusively by purristas ;o;
Posted 04/01/19
I hope it’s okay that I made my food photography post a little humorous! >>
Posted 04/01/19
This is easily my favorite fake-cenas (;
Posted 04/01/19
I love the kitties and the color changing backgrounds. These things get more and more clever each year
Posted 04/01/19
TeaTales I do believe you have until the 15th ^-^~
Posted 04/02/19


I just want to remind everyone that this is a Cafe, not a five star restaurant! Please make sure that your entries fall into the categories specified in the instructions — we’ve expanded them to not only be limited to coffee, pastries, and sandwiches, but include anything you could reasonably find at a small cafe. If you can’t buy it at Starbucks or that trendy little hole-in-the-wall coffee shop downtown, we don’t have the ingredients to make it here!

If you have any questions about whether or not your recipe falls under our umbrella, you can ask one of our regional meownagers, Myla or Crow and they’ll let you know!Senior Head Pawtissier

Collie Oatmeal is purrfect!
Tamako We think humor is very ameowsing!

Posted 04/02/19
I already miss my army of kitties lol. This might be my favorite April fool’s event yet. Really helped my midterm anxiety. :’)
Posted 04/02/19
Aw, I’m glad they helped! I’ll try to get them up in Leetle Companions as soon as I can. <3
Posted 04/02/19
Ahhh really? Exciting; thank you!! I’m gonna need so many. o:
Posted 04/02/19, edited 04/02/19

Crow (or Myla)
Does my nasty soup count as café fare? It’s essentially oatmeal except… cat food OTL

Posted 04/03/19
Out of curiosity, will the cat banner be added to the list of selectable custom banners in our community settings? ‘Twas rather cute.
Posted 04/03/19

Jacq That looks pawsitively delightful. I can definitely see demand for kitty oatmeal!

polygone Sure, we can add it! :D

Posted 04/03/19
Huzzah! Kitty banner best banner. :D
Posted 04/03/19
Deadline Approaching

A reminder that tomorrow (Monday) is the last day to participate in the Meowcena Cafe activities! I’ve really been enjoying reading through them!!

Posted 04/14/19
Items Added to Shop!

The Meowcena Cafe cats can now be equipped to your pets! You can find them over at the Leetle Companions shop. :D

Purrista | Pawtissier | Meownager

Also, I’m just about finished compiling the submissions and will hopefully get prizes handed out tonight!

Posted 04/16/19


Hello, I participated in the menu creation event, but unfortunately, I was not able to add my artwork to my post because of circumstances. Instead, I wrote the only text portion of the post, with the intent of editing the post and adding my artwork when I could. I attempted to do exactly this today, but found that the thread was locked and I was unable to edit my post. Would you possibly consider unlocking the thread for a brief period of time, even just a few minutes? I know I’m late, and if that disqualifies me from getting a prize, then so be it. But I would still like the opportunity to add my art, regardless. It’s not the best, but I put time into it and it turned out much better than most of my art does, and it’s something I’m maybe even a little bit proud of. Um, sorry for the text wall.

Posted 04/16/19
Calibris I just sent you an echo! <3
Posted 04/16/19
Prizes have been delivered!

I compiled the prize list manually, so please echo me if there were any errors. Enjoy your coffee and donuts!

Posted 04/16/19

YEEESSSSS! Mulligan needed those donuts 8D

Posted 04/16/19