“Welcome to Joquil Cavern!” Professor Sprocket says, extending his arms in a show of hospitality. “I see my fliers piqued some interest, hm? Thank y’all for joinin’ me here today. I knew the friendly Mycenians of this community wouldn’t let me down.”
As the crowd gathers, he paces along before them like he’s upon a stage, absorbing the hushed conversations like applause until things quiet down. “I’m sure y’all are wonderin’ why exactly I requested your help all the way out here. Joquil Cavern, y’see, is where I finally decided t’set up shop permanently. Thanks again for all your helpful suggestions.”
He tops this statement off with an exaggerated bow before straightening up and continuing his spiel. “I called y’all here t’help me build somethin’ amazing. Through much research an’ lots of tests, I’ve finally planned out my masterpiece. I call it the Marvelous Meteorologic Machine, an’ its construction will grant Mycenians unprecedented control of the Cave’s weather.
“Now, now, don’t you worry. I’ve done all the thinkwork. I just need lots o’ helpin’ paws t’work the assembly line, as it were. Part of the reason I chose this particular cavern to host my opus is because, as y’can see, there’s lots of ol’ metal parts t’work with. I’ve provided several blue prints, simplified so even the uneducated masses (that’s you) can follow them. Gather some scavenged parts; build some modules; hand ‘em off to another worker to install. Pretty simple.
“Of course, y’all will be rewarded for your work. I’ve got more prizes than y’ can shake a paw at, from enviable accessories, to mushrooms that only appear t’ grow in this here cavern, to some early weather tests. You’ll earn sprockets for your work contributions, an’ you can trade those to me for your prizes. Pretty standard Mycenian business model.
“If y’all have any questions, feel free t’ask ‘em now. Otherwise, I think it’s best that you get to work. Machines don’t build themselves, after all.”
Event Information
This event runs from April 7th at 00:01ST through April 21st at 23:59 ST.
This event is similar in design to last spring’s event, with some minor adjustments made to the mechanics!
These adjustments help players that collect and send along the away and are neutral for players who send at the end of the event
These adjustments aim to make it less likely to be stuck with a bunch of the same part and unable to make any modules
We’re unsure of the overall effect this will have, so we may need to make further adjustments in the future
You will be collecting individual pieces (called ‘scavenged parts’) at 15 minute intervals and combining them into larger pieces (called ‘modules’). Those modules will then be sent to a Mycenian of your choice to be installed into Sprocket’s machine, which will earn you the prize currency - sprockets.
The number of sprockets you receive depend on part you hand off. Some modules are worth more sprockets than others due to the rarity of their required pieces!
This year, sending a module to a fellow Mycenian will knock 2 minutes off your cooldown timer rather than one. Receiving a module still lowers your cooldown timer by 1 minute.
The prize shop will remain open until the end of the day on April 28th.
There will be no leftover sprocket raffle this year. Instead, all unused parts will crumble into sprockets, and once the prize shop closes, unused sprockets will first autobuy hat boxes, and any leftover after that will be converted into 100 nuggets apiece.
Remember, multi-accounting is never allowed on Mycena Cave. You may not access multiple accounts in order to play this event, nor should you be participating on any account other than your own.
man I’m so excited about this event *0* I’m super hype to see how these little tweaks affect the overall Event Experience, and I love the coats and the backgrounds!!!!!!! thank you guys for all the hard work!!! as usual!!!!!!!! <3
Is anyone else’s bell not working? I’m using Firefox (as I have for similar previous events) but for some reason this time I’m not hearing the notification bell. The volume’s working just fine on my computer so I’m not sure what’s going on. :c
Edit: Okay, it just worked… not sure why it wasn’t before. xD
Edit 2: Sometimes it chimes, but most the time it doesn’t.
I’m glad the event and the items/pets are being enjoyed!! At least by most… I keep seeing some suspicious movement by that foreground arch in the cavern.. 8|
The image display on pet profiles has been fixed, and glitch is currently looking into the bell issue. :D
CollieTamako There’s a few things that could be causing this:
Until a few moments ago, if receiving a module would cause your timer to go to zero due to the minute bonus (as opposed to getting to zero via counting down seconds) then the bell would not ring. This has been fixed, so if that’s what was going on, you should not experience this problem anymore (after a refresh).
Desktop browsers will not play audio on a page that you haven’t interacted with. Firefox in particular will not play audio in a newly opened tab until the tab gains focus. Other browsers may behave somewhat differently. In any case, we can’t control this behavior.
Mobile browsers will often not play audio (or even run scripts at all, e.g. decrementing the timer) while a tab is not focused and being actively viewed. We can’t control this behavior either.
glitch Thanks for the info! I think the second cause was my problem since I haven’t sent/received any modules yet. This last round I made sure to scroll down and up and wave the mouse around a bit before I left the tab and it resulted in a ding!
I need all the items and pets!
Anyway, I got my first Module build. Is there a forum for sending those to one another yet?
The one where you sent to the person who posted before you. Cant seem to find it .
Need random people to swap with xD
Oh my gosh I think this is the first time I’ve loved the Ineki coat the most from an event! The Alley Cat is darling! (And of course, the Clockwork Construct and Simulacrum is amazing! All those intricate details are just beautiful~)
So uh, is there any chance of something like the Alley Cat’s cabbie hat becoming an equippable apparel item in the future…? Especially if they come in multiple colors *coughpinkcough* Haha I may or may not have a character that’s been waiting out for that exact sort of apparel item for a couple years now..
Deliball I don’t think one exists for this event yet! Last year a player created one in the jibber jabber forum and we linked to it—if someone does so again, I’m happy to put the link in this post. :D
Ersatz THE HAT IS SERIOUSLY THE BEST. I’m in love with it too. 8)))) Hats are unfortunately very annoying/tedious to make compatible with everything because ears are going every which-way, head shapes are wonky, and hair is super fluffy (yes I am talking about you, dras) so we don’t have any immediate plans to make a similar hat.. but maybe some day when a hatty mood strikes us, we’ll make an attempt.. :‘D
Ooooh! I met Aliza and now I’m curious about where this event is going.
Edit: I’m tracking down clues. 3/4 found.
...Is the first clue out there? I’m in need of a hint.