15:26 ST
[EVENT] Professor Sprocket's Marvelous Meteorologic Machine
I did something a little bit similiar, where I just forgot how to add numbers together on the last digit and then thought I was on the wrong track for the whole thing -__- I was a bit embarassed when I realised I had just messed up on something so simple!
Posted 04/11/19

Are people actually getting the counts reduced from their timer from receiving gifts? I thought I just wasn’t paying attention but I haven’t gotten the little info box “You can go out X minutes early due to sending/receiving gifts” go up when I get a gift. The two minutes get taken off when I send a gift just fine, but no difference when receiving one. Am I just not paying attention, or has anyone else noticed this too?

I might just not be paying attention, it’s been driving me insane

Thanks all!

Posted 04/11/19
Meesh I’ve noticed that I get a minute knocked off the timer if I refresh the page after receiving a gift. I tend to tab off while the timer’s ticking, so I can’t say this for certain, but I think it’s just a visual thing and we are getting our minute bonuses.
Posted 04/11/19
Hyasynthetic I try to keep one tab open the entire time and I’m not seeing a difference, so maybe the timer goes down but the display (You can go out X minutes early) just doesn’t update?
Posted 04/11/19
Meesh I think that’s what’s happening, yeah.
Posted 04/11/19
Hyasynthetic Meesh Every few seconds, the timer checks to see if you’ve sent/received any modules and adjust the timer accordingly. It looks like the little message “you can collect X minutes early” doesn’t update until you refresh the page, though the timer itself does silently knock the minute off. I’ve adjusted the script so that the message is updated as well :)
Posted 04/11/19
glitch I see, thanks for checking on that! :) okay that’s a relief to hear
Posted 04/11/19

Heyyy Myla and/or glitch! 8) I noticed on the Snowy Summit Background that you can’t toggle off the snowflakes, even though I recall Myla saying you could? And when you try to move the layer around, you can see that it does have a checkmark, but it’s out of clicking range? I’ve included an image to show what I mean.

*edit* Also, I apologize if this has already been brought up! ^^;;

Posted 04/11/19, edited 04/11/19
Tamako You’re the first to mention it! I changed the layer name to “snow” instead; hopefully that fixes the issue. :D Let me know if it doesn’t.
Posted 04/11/19
Yep, it’s working now! Thanks, Myla <3!!
Posted 04/11/19

I like this event! The coats and items are great, and I’m really happy with the price of the mushrooms and coats. The cost of buying them outright is way more manageable than some have been in the past and I’m really happy about that; even with a busy schedule I don’t have to worry about being unable to afford my favorite. The two-minute time reduction feels nice and it feels like I have a bit more engagement/impact with this event because of it.

The Aliza side story was fun! I appreciate the inclusion of additional activities and character background alongside the timer game.

Posted 04/12/19
There’s a small discrepancy between the event page:
Note: any unused parts will crumble into sprockets one day after the event ends. Similarly, when Professor Sprocket’s shop closes, any leftover sprockets will be converted into 100 nuggets apiece.

and this announcement post:

There will be no leftover sprocket raffle this year. Instead, all unused parts will crumble into sprockets, and once the prize shop closes, unused sprockets will first autobuy hat boxes, and any leftover after that will be converted into 100 nuggets apiece.

From the event page, I would assume that if I ended the event with 444 sprockets I would be given 44,400 nuggets, but based on the announcement it seems like I would actually be given two blueberry hatboxes, and amber hatbox, and 1400 nuggets?

Posted 04/13/19
Jacq Thanks for pointing that out—the announcement post has the correct information! We will update the event page’s info.
Posted 04/13/19

Thank you for the clarification! :)

Another question - Is there a Spring 2019 mushroom?

Posted 04/14/19, edited 04/14/19
Jacq There is not! To be honest, the original reason that mushroom wasn’t included this time was because I forgot until glitch mentioned it to me a few days ago. We have been casually tossing around the idea of moving away from the Spring X Mushrooms for a few years because that mushroom is a bit weird in that it’s inconsistent with other events (why don’t we have them for other events.. why did we stop doing that with the other clicky event? etc.) and likely not super necessary since there tends to be enough event mushrooms getting released that it’s a pretty saturated market already & there is another avenue to produce more (changingshrooms). That being said, it was accidental so we’re not exactly sure where we’re going with it yet. :‘D
Posted 04/14/19, edited 04/14/19
We are extending this event for all players by 12 hours

On April 11 at about 23:30 server-time, a faulty DNS update went out, rendering Mycena Cave inaccessible for some players between 23:30 and 00:40 when it was fixed. Furthermore, due to how DNS updates are processed, many of the affected players who tried to visit Mycena Cave during this time were then unable to reach Mycena Cave for six hours after their initial failed attempt. For some of the affected players, this inability to connect extended much longer due to aggressive caching by their ISP.

Most players were unaffected by this issue, and due to the nature of the problem (in a nutshell: an affected player’s ISP “forgot” how to access Mycena Cave, and then chose not to refresh when told it was time to refresh), we can’t tell who was affected for how long. As such, we’re taking the longest down-time that would be “correct” to experience (six hours) and doubling it.

While this extension primarily falls under “sleeping” hours for most of our members, it reflects approximately the same hours for which Mycena Cave was inaccessible to the affected players and closely approximates the lost eventing time: if the outage happened during your sleeping hours, then it makes a certain amount of sense that the extension happen during your sleeping hours too.

Collecting is now set to end on April 22 at noon server time.

Happy eventing!

Posted 04/15/19, edited 04/15/19
Thanks glitch! <3
Posted 04/15/19
As one of the players who was affected by this, (and as one of the players for whom midnight-6AM site time is awake time), I really appreciate the extension. Thank you, glitch!
Posted 04/16/19

Myla It seems there’s a similar bug with the Dreamscape BG like there was with the Sunshower one 8) He needs help.

I would also love to take some time to show off these whales and all that mad air they’re getting.
How graceful

Posted 04/16/19
Kiwi That is a really cool effect with the whales lawlll :‘D Thanks for the heads up re: layering issues. I just pushed the fix but you may need to unequip/reequip for it to update!
Posted 04/16/19

Myla Great!!! Now my whales can freely float through whatever background they please 8)
I really love these backgrounds. I hope we get more like them in the future !

Posted 04/16/19, edited 04/16/19
Kiwi We need a bg that is a giant bowl of noodles so the whales can swim through those.. I bet that is their deepest desire :::D
Posted 04/16/19

As one of the players that was severely affected by the update, Thank You!!!! for the extra time added to the event! It was beyond frustrating to lose almost a day and a half from the event =p

Posted 04/17/19
I have had a lot of fun with this event! Also I’ve just enjoyed that I’ve buried my boy Grant in modules. Just so many modules.
Posted 04/18/19
Is the Sunny Day item togglable at all? I really like the clouds for one of my characters but the sun doesn’t work in his case. I’m trying to decide between Sunny Day and the mountains bc it doesn’t look like I’m going to earn enough sprockets in time.
Posted 04/20/19
Auswren Yes, it is! You can see what the clouds look like on their own on my character Nial.
Posted 04/20/19, edited 04/20/19
Nobo Oh cool, thank you so much!
Posted 04/20/19