We’ve entered Week 2!
All submissions from the 6th through the 12th should go here.
Posted 10/06/19
OnyxMalvolio Sorry to bother you, but you seemed to have put your entry in the wrong forum.. Thought you might want a heads-up. :)
Posted 10/06/19
TeaTales Lol that’s a very American thing, Sunday is the first day in the week on a calendar. IDK why, when I found out that the weekend actually ends the week in European calendars I was like…of course that makes so much more sense. The song where you learn the days of the week in the US also starts with Sunday xD
Posted 10/06/19, edited 10/06/19
Posted 10/07/19
Crow So it just occurred to me that I accidentally posted Facet in last week’s thread instead of this week’s. I’ll go post it in the right forum now, but can I trouble you to delete the one from there? I don’t wanna make things harder when it comes time to tally up and everything. Here is the permalink so you don’t have to hunt for it. Sorry!
Posted 10/07/19
Week One’s submission thread is now closed! And because I’m apparently a crazy person (and it’s a super slow night at work), I’ve gone through and tallied everything up to the end of that thread! The tallies up through October 5th can be seen here! Please let me know if yours doesn’t look right! Twenty-two pages was a lot to go through, and I tried to be as accurate as possible. I’m still rolling through and checking a couple little things, and will probably update as we go along as time allows. I’ll also leave this link in the first post here so everyone can eyeball my progress!
Posted 10/07/19
hey, something neat for the spreadsheet would be linking the posts themselves to those little ‘x’s this would make it easier for everyone to find their previous posts, if you’re an idiot like me who can’t find their posts but would like to see them all in one place which would take time and effort, but otherwise i don’t mind procrastinating by doing other work if needed
Posted 10/07/19, edited 10/07/19
Tsuzemi If you’d like your posts all in one place, a user actually made a little thread with a handy little template for keeping track of your posts :D
Posted 10/07/19
JustTopaz Malis
Posted 10/13/19
Two weeks down and I’m honestly feeling like a badass because I’ve never been able to commit to a project like this before? But now I have a huge stack of drawings, I’m gonna need a new notebook, and I’m getting very comfortable with the pen I’m using. So I guess what I’m saying is thanks for hosting this and providing hella motivation for people to see it through. :D I love seeing everyone else’s work as well! We have such a creative community. :D
Posted 10/13/19