And now Im extra mad that my art-laptops charger have goe missing at a haunted house this weekend ( appropriate location, but still.. Lol) First get a chance to look for it on friday..Maybe. if they get me in as an actor again. * is volunteer actor at said haunted house * And will be busy at a horror LARP on saturday ^^; guess I’ll have yet another stressfull sunday if I find the charger that is..( and nope.. no stores here have pumpkins for sale as it is right now )
But I like seeing the creative laterns here that you guys create :)
My lil pumpkin was quite shocked to learn she might be endangered =O not at all sure why my image is so fuzzy, it’s not out of focus on Photobucket’s page >:( rude
I decided to draw the whole thing from scratch, I had some colored inkpens lying around that I figured I could play with and stuff. It’s a thing, anyway?
As each newly carved jack-o-lantern is placed near the Tricker-Tree, a root slithers free from the ground and coils around its face, crushing it as it’s dragged close enough for the plant’s small mouth to chomp away at the pumpkin’s flesh. The whole thing is a messy affair, with pumpkin chunks and guts strewn about the immediate area, and despite the numerous offerings already made to it, the Tricker-Tree’s hunger does not seem the least bit sated.
Would have loved to have carved a real pumpkin (and baked the seeds, so yummy) but I’m still on infection watch from my latest hospitalization so… No messing around with raw pumpkin innards for me. :(