22:02 ST
[ACTIVITY] Tricker-Tree-ting Stage One (through Oct. 27th)
Posted 10/27/19
Posted 10/27/19
Posted 10/27/19

Bouns photobombed picture, by my cat Bug.

Posted 10/27/19

Note: Epi and I live together, pumpkins were carved on the same porch <3

Posted 10/27/19, edited 10/27/19
Posted 10/27/19

Hope I did this allright and acceptable. First I did it by hand but seeing as everyone has been coloring theirs I thought that that was a demand to have it colored. So I started over.. using only my mouse and sai… as my tablet cannot connect to this laptop.. And my other art-laptop still is missing its charger.OTL

So here goes..

I’m sorry.. *goes to take care of myself and my poor wrist *

Posted 10/27/19
Posted 10/27/19
Posted 10/27/19

Posted 10/27/19

SenovÄ—s gleefully looks up at the kelph beside her, spinning her pumpkin around in her paws as she holds it up. “Look Howl, I did it!” He inspects it closely, looking over the cuts intensely as if he were a judge at a contest. He smiles, taking the pumpkin from her with one hand. “Very good job. Are you sure you haven’t done this before?” She shakes her head, giggling. “Nope! Got it first try!”

Suddenly, a nearby pumpkin explodes, coating a young drasilis and kelph in orange guts. The little kelph shrieks. “Hoooowwwlll! Tropieeeee! Tyf ruined my pumpkin!” The drasilis immediately looks indignant. “Did not! It’s not my fault you were carving too close to mine!” “Yes it is! Howl said not to use our magic for carving!” Howl sighs, shaking his head as he puts the pumpkin back down. Before he can say anything, Tropie walks in from the other room with two new pumpkins, setting them down in front of the squabbling kids. She winks at Howl. “No problem you two, just try again. We have plenty to work on, just in case.” The children answer in unison before getting back to work. “Thanks Tropie.”

Later, a series of crudely-cut jack-o-lanterns sit outside the property, each one signed by their very proud carvers.

Posted 10/27/19, edited 10/27/19

Judgy pumpkin judges your choice of fun-sized candy offerings.  Full-size candy bars or bust!

Posted 10/27/19

Purr i see ur owo and raise u a nya

Posted 10/27/19
Posted 10/27/19

Posted 10/27/19

p-pump… kin…

Posted 10/27/19
Posted 10/27/19
Posted 10/27/19