15:11 ST
August news discussion
Hello there, August!

Don’t be aghast that it is already August

Much fun was had in July

I love it when our months are filled with activity, and July was busybusy! We had our first-ever summer event which should have left our ineki and drasillis very well endowed in the arm department from all the mining of letters. Many words were spelled, and I think everybody learned the meaning of “qi,” the most commonly sent word (you did look it up, right?).

Our shops also got some attention this month as they were looking quite boring and oddly organized: 
-Many were renamed, stocked with some new items, and all got new shopkeepers! 
-A new shop, Darcy’s Confection Perfection, appeared, and is run by a Blooberry Skunk.
-Fungimental magic is still oddly bare, but hm.. there is something strange about it.  I guess I’ll have to keep an eye out.
-the cave exchange and gem shop were consolidated, and you can now buy arbitrary numbers of gems.
-Ineki/Dras symbols now appear by equippables to designate the equippable’s compatibility

Also, you can now sell any number of a given item at once, instead of just one or all. No longer do you have to click a beeellion times to sell those fish!

Lastly, the games help page was updated to include all of the games.

What’s happening in August?

First, we’ll be getting ready to launch Markdown as an alternative to BBCode. This will be available as an option for forum posts and echos. I’ve seen glitch using it around the site, and I’m excited to try it out, too!

Our artist, Eluii, has finished creating the human bases and getting them clothed. It’s our hope to launch them at some point this month so that everyone can customize their human avatar a bit more than what we currently have. The art for the human avatars will be completely new (and it’s so adorable/amazing)!

There has also been stirring among a couple of our moderators, artists, and analyst. They’re planning something pretty big, and there will even be new items and a coat color released with their plans! This should happen near the end of August or the beginning of September! Stay tuned for more details on that. :)

Thanks for such a great month, everyone! <3

Posted 08/01/14, edited 08/01/14
wahh, i’m so excited! exciting new updates for fungimental magic and human avatars, yes!!! I am super duper excited for that!
Posted 08/01/14

Oh~ Revamping the human avvies? So… Does this mean we can finally have a more… gender neutral option? *Would love an androgynous human avatar* eue

Also, very excite for Fungimental Magic. Highly curious about that one. :3

Posted 08/01/14
Unless the human avatars will come with a moustache I am UNINTERESTED D8<
Posted 08/01/14

Oh! All that sounds lovely, I can’t wait to see what’s done with the human avatars. It would be nice if we didn’t all have to look exactly alike (apart from some gender differences, but there isn’t really a lot of difference between the genders either).

Also, more updates to Fungimental Magic? Sounds awesome! That pondshroom looks so lonely in there so I hope it’s more items. XD

Posted 08/01/14

Everything sounds so exciting!
I can’t wait to see what goodies will be available to us.
For now, I’m content with the pretty pink OotS c:

Posted 08/01/14
Eeeeee More event thingies! C: The shop keepers are beautiful, and FINALLY AHAHA GOOD BYE HOARD OF FEESH >U> That’s probably the best part!  But- new avatars? O: I wonder if their items will be more/less expensive than the normal pet items. o-o
Posted 08/01/14
Yay! Sounds incredible! I can’t wait ^u^
Posted 08/01/14

I’m quite excited to hear about the human bases! I always thought they were a little sad with just the set male or female! :D
Also very glad that whatever’s planned is for near the end of August, when I won’t be too busy! *rubs hands together and cackles*

Posted 08/01/14

Loved the opening one-liner! xD

The announcement that got my attention the most has got to be human avatar customization. I absolutely can’t wait to see what Eluii‘s got in store for us. I will probably be stuck with the default, however it will look like, until I can load up on nuggets/gems and convince myself to START ROLEPLAYING FOR GOODNESS’ SAKE but, nevertheless, I can’t wait! And the new monthly is simply to die for! <3 After seeing it, I immediately scrambled over to the Echolocation game, which I am slowly but surely getting the hang of, and have started earning myself some nuggets. So let’s see if I can get enough gems before the end of the month, shall we? I think I’m rambling now so I’ll make a stop here and turn left…

Posted 08/01/14, edited 08/01/14

Ooh. :o Lots of exciting news coming up! Are we going to have skin tone options for the human avatars? :3

Quick question for @Glitch: This was mentioned way back in May, but I don’t think it ever got done. Will the forum avatars display drifted pets as they are when drifted or has that been put off for now?

Posted 08/01/14, edited 08/01/14

Ahh. uvu

Lovely news. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date.

Posted 08/01/14

Ersatz: The new human avatars definitely try to be more friendly to gender identities :)

Chimerical: Yes, different skin tones will be an option!

Posted 08/01/14

*squints at the fungimental magic shop* Secrets…!! ! ! !

But ahh, this is all so exciting! And new human avatars? I was expecting them to get some customization at some point, but I didn’t expect them to be completely remade. That’s so cool! I can’t wait to see them, I’m sure they look great.

Posted 08/01/14
i’m so excited about the late-month event and the human avatars getting an update… :D hooboy
Posted 08/01/14
Loving all these updates!  I’ll be interested to see what the new human avatars are like.
Posted 08/01/14
Ahh all these updates are so exciting! ^u^ I can’t wait!
Posted 08/01/14
Yayyy updates!
Posted 08/01/14

Can’t wait for a human avatar to be clothed *3*
*loves everything that’s adoreable!*

Posted 08/01/14

I can’t wait to check out the new things going on <3
Hopefully it’ll be something to look forward to when it’s implicated.

Posted 08/01/14
Yay so many updates! I love the shop owner at Leeetle Companions. Also geckos. Gotta get me a few of those.
Posted 08/02/14

# Wheeeeee

Okay so, a whole bunch of updates!

**Human characters are a thing!** we tried to be inclusive, representing both the male/female and the non-binary crowd with the inclusion of the “other” gender, designed to basically be ambiguous. All of the human character art was done by Eluii.

**Avatar images got a makeover!** Ohboi did they improve. First, the image quality is noticeably higher (see [this](http://i.imgur.com/cTZNOG5.png) vs [this](http://i.imgur.com/fy87zNM.png)). The “box” around them has a lower visual weight, is actually properly centered, and some minor calculation errors in the algorithm have been fixed (hence why the body in that preview shifts a pixel or two). They’ve been fixed so that pondshroomed pets dont have that weird floaty-paw thing on them. Driftshrooms now also affect the avatar :)

\*sleeps forever now\*  - u -

Posted 08/03/14, edited 08/03/14


Now to go play with it. *u*

Posted 08/03/14
Yay drift!
Posted 08/03/14

I’m loving the updates!

The human avatar is great — I feel like everyone can express themselves a little bit more now ^^

Posted 08/03/14

Oh no, my floating paw. D:

I love the human avatars, they’re so cute! ^^

Posted 08/03/14

This is the first site I’ve ever seen to include an actual ‘other’ category.

Thank you.



No. Really.

I’m serious.


Y’all are amazing. We all appreciate the updates (frequent!) and the consistent contact with the members. Thank you. ;v;

Posted 08/03/14
Ahhh!!! :D I’m in love with the new avatars! Admittedly, a little sad that there aren’t more crazy hair colors, but it’s still fabulous! <3 Thank you Eluii!!!
Posted 08/03/14
Can I just say that I really appreciate the consideration for non-binary people here? I was happy just to see a different option in the site survey a while back, but this is downright awesome.
Posted 08/03/14

:D Driftshrooms in the avatars and Eee the human avatars can finally be edited~ <3
Thanks a bunch!

Posted 08/04/14