17:57 ST
August news discussion

We’re so glad to see people enjoying the new updates! :)

Regarding our new human avatars, we’ve received questions about whether or not there will be additional customization options, and the answer is: Possibly! The focus on Mycena Cave is ultimately the pets, so we are still deciding how big of a feature we want our human avatars to be. Therefore, while not completely ruled out, there are no current plans to expand on options such as wardrobe or accessories.

Posted 08/04/14

We’re trying out dropdowns opening on hover instead of just on click. If you’re on a mobile device, clicking will continue to work. Let us know what you think!

**Edit:** Elsa: ....in a good way?

Posted 08/05/14, edited 08/05/14
*screams and flails at dropdown menus*
Posted 08/05/14

*whispers* They get stuck for me on occasion. If I scroll over one quick it sometimes opens and then doesn’t close. Maybe it’s just my internet connection though?

//Edit: Okay, they don’t appear to be getting stuck today, so maybe it was just my connection. :o
They keep dropping down and startling me, though. I go to click on a notification and it’s like HELLO COME THE SHOPS. >.> Gonna have to get used to that.

Posted 08/05/14, edited 08/06/14

^ that’s one reason I flail at them x3;

There’s lots o’ reasons I flail at them. Me n’ dropdown menus never got along to begin with ;3;

Posted 08/05/14

Your order (your position in the queue: within 5)

HOLY JESSABELLE THERE IS A SAVIOR. Thank you so much glitch I didn’t think I could get this excited about something but orz *excited spazzing*

Posted 08/08/14

I rather like not having to click dropdowns, it’s another way I can be lazy :D


Posted 08/08/14


(No, seriously. Thanks. 8’D )

Posted 08/08/14


Posted 08/12/14

Quick Fix Notice:

A cosmetics glitch was found and fixed in the custom pet listing - images of the customs now appear larger as well.

Posted 08/14/14

Cosmetics glitches are the loveliest glitches.

Posted 08/14/14
Oh my goodness. xD So fab!
Posted 08/14/14


I take this to mean that Human avatars will have makeup soon. :P

Posted 08/14/14

Just so everyone knows (aside from users flailing upon their discovery in here already :D), as I had completely missed it and thus I’m assuming multiple people have ;D (and also so it’s ready to be copied over to the September recap 8D)...

Changes/Updates in August

- The Human avatars have received a massive overhaul thanks to Eluii!* (including the addition of an ‘other’ gender base)
- Driftshroom changes are now visible in avatars, floaty pondshroom paws in avatars were fixed and the pet avatars are generally much more crisp in their display
- Quite a few of the information pages (Games, Economy, etc.) have been updated to reflect recent changes
- A few capitalisation issues in Item descriptions have been fixed (e.g. consistency in the capitalisation of “Ineki”)
- Dropdown menus now open upon hovering, instead of opening on click; Click functionality remains in place for mobile users
- Additional Echo sorting functionalities have been made available
- The Glowing Changingshroom was added to the site, a transformative random coat mushroom that turns your pet into one of a hidden list of (new??) coats of which the Prismatic Tiger was the first obtained
- A custom queue indicator has been added to the Custom Pets page**
- Live chat has been removed from the site after various headache moments and the discussion is open for anyone wishing to contribute their thoughts/opinion on reopening or keeping it closed
- Custom Credit is/will be (temporarily) closed due to the large amount ($2000 worth) currently floating around the site & the trading forums being dominated by traders looking for CC; the discussion to improve this situation is still on-going, so feel free to add your thoughts & opinion on the matter
- Customs have been added to the Magic Puddle and can now be previewed with item dress-ups
- The custom credit shop will be closing temporarily, until a solution for the large amount of custom credit currently floating around the site has been found
- “Forever” Ineki (or, as lovingly called by you people, ‘mushroom fodder’ >>) have been lowered in price, from 10 to 7 gems

* It is currently undecided whether, small updates (e.g. recolours) aside, these will receive further customisation options. We do not want the human avatars to be a massive feature on the site (e.g. keep the pet-focus).
** Of course, you may be in different positions in the queue based on different artists, but I’m not completely sure which one it currently selects (e.g. most or least in your favour, chances are it shows your position in the “Green Artist” queue, so your position on Myla‘s list, being the least favourable, but glitch would have to confirm that :3)

ps. If I’ve missed anything feel free to give me a nudge 8D! (e.g. if you feel you know information/news from August that is relevant to all users that is absent from this post because I forgot about it ^^)
pps. If you find other small updates (e.g. capitalisation things, typo’s, etc.), do let us know! Those can be fixed without pestering glitch during his sneezysnotty cold :3
ppps. Thanks Blemy for pointing out a couple thigns I missed whee :D

Posted 08/16/14, edited 08/16/14

Hey everyone,

Pardon the radio silence I’ve had for a bit, I’ve been fairly sick and am finally getting over it :) Anyway, we have a few updates, some of which have already been mentioned… especially in Juney’s post XD but I’ll try to provide a little more detail where I can:

- Customs, adult offspring and secret coats *that you own* now appear in the [Magic Puddle](https://www.mycenacave.com/places/magic_puddle).
- Echos can be archived when you’re done with them. Think of archiving as your Recycle Bin — delete the message but you can still get it back if necessary. If you *really* want to permanently remove yourself from an echo, you can also do that too, but I recommend that you only do that as a last resort because you permanently lose access to the information in that echo. There’s no space limit to your archives.
- The [human character form](https://www.mycenacave.com/settings/human) has been changed somewhat to remove gender, and replace it with a body type. You can select between “Masculine”, “Feminine” and “Neither”. This is purely a labeling change (there is no change to the underlying human generation), it just seemed silly to make you say your human is male just to get a boyish body.
- Forever ineki are now three gems cheaper, huzzah!
- You can now see your (rough) position in the custom queue. The number it uses is the most pessimistic, i.e. the number of orders ahead of yours that have not yet been claimed. The granularity you get is “3 or less”, “within X” where X is between 4 and 10, and “more than 10”. The “within” is there because the number shown is the most pessimistic, and depending on what artists you and the people ahead of you chose, you may well get picked earlier.
- Oh yeah and someone needs to get another glowing changingshroom because while secrety things are fun gdi these coats are pretty >>

Posted 08/16/14, edited 08/16/14

## In other news, we are moving to a bigger, better server!

Much like when we did this about a year ago, **I expect there to be about five-to-ten minutes of downtime tonight** while we move the database over (although we’re announcing a **conservative 30 minutes** just in case) and re-point the domain.

Your ISP may take one or two days to propagate the address change, so we’ll make sure that the current server will forward your requests to the new one to get you back up and running right away. While that’s happening, Mycena Cave will be a little slower for you than usual (since it will have to communicate with another server every time it wants to get data), but once your ISP gets things sorted out it should be faster than ever!

Like last time, we’ll have a little notice at the top of the page letting you know if you’re on the old server, so that when it disappears you know you’re on the new one :)

**EDIT:** aaand we’re done!!

Posted 08/16/14, edited 08/17/14
Oh! Plop, and I’m on the new server :D -page shortens, notice disappears- Woop!
Posted 08/17/14, edited 08/17/14

I’m not >:[

**Edit:** Still not. \*shakes is fist\* COMMMMMCAAAAAAAST!!!!!!!!

Posted 08/17/14, edited 08/17/14

My pets are not loading up on their profiles, is this due to the move?
Edit: Eep ignore me c:

Posted 08/17/14, edited 08/17/14
Did the stone ineki’s image get changed again? :O It looks different to me… hmm…
Posted 08/17/14
I guess it did. Initially thought it was just me when it looked like an uncarved Fairy Dust’s color was darker.
Posted 08/17/14, edited 08/17/14
Hm, not intentionally… we’re still dealing with small things that have cropped up due to the move but they’re getting sorted out as we go ^^
Posted 08/17/14
I’ll be posting a little forum game tomorrow at around 1 pm server time.  One of the games is a race to get an answer which is why I’m giving you a little heads up (it’ll be challenging though so even if you aren’t able to be there right at the start, it’ll be fine). :)
Posted 08/23/14
wahh! exciting o3o i’lll probs be on a train around that time so here’s to hoping I get internet service haha!
Posted 08/24/14

Well, I guess I’ll have to go to bed at a decent time, aha.
Fair enough, though. I start school Monday and I have yet to reset my schedule.
(I’m still going to bed at 10am >>)

Posted 08/24/14